Radio Booth needs a fresh start

Even if a DFW local, how does one put themselves in a position to have to listen to the Cowboys on the radio?

I’d figure you’re either busy elsewhere or in front of a TV.

You’re right about that, getting the radio feed drives you straight back to the TV booth .
And without a doubt Troy Aikman is the Best analyst in football too bad he’s stuck with Joe Buck .
And Kyle Youmans who sat in for Sham one game has a bright future calling Stephen F Austin games .
I'd love to hear Broaddus do play-by-play.
"Zeke hits. Zeke, Zeke hits the hole. He hit the hole and and and and and and he gained two yards."
I agree that we need a new broadcast team. I’m old enough to remember listening to Verne Lundquist doing the Cowboys play by play and Brad Sham was the analyst….in the 70s! It was good team for several years. But Sham is tiresome now IMO.

Here are several things Sham does that are irritating:
  • If you ever turn on the game after it’s started, you may have to wait 5-10 minutes (if you’re lucky) to ever hear the score announced.
  • Sham has a bad habit of not describing the action accurately. He often says things that are misleading. For example: “Dak drops back, going deep down the left side, and it’s caught by Cedee Lamb for a 5 yard gain.”
  • He calls too many players by their first names too often. Like “Dak”, “Zeke”, “Deron”, “Micah”, etc. So if someone who doesn’t know the team very well is listening with me (like my wife) I have to explain who he’s talking about.
  • Sham has become somewhat of a super-homer like Mickey Spagnola. He works for the Cowboys and never forgets who’s in charge and never forgets to bow the knee. I guess honest broadcasters like Dale Hansen who aren’t afraid to tell the truth get fired.
Which is actually pretty funny, because Sham was let go after the 1994 season (and served his exile in the Rangers radio booth) for saying during the preseason game after the Hansen-Switzer food fight interview at training camp that you couldn't trust any information coming from Jerry Jones or Barry Switzer. He actually did this on-air.

Where did that guy go?
I know that . But it seems like it comes off as a cover up for more failure . Dale Hansen was critical of Jethro yrs ago as Shams sidekick and for his honesty he got canned . Give me less “ it’s only a game “ aspirin and more shortcomings honesty comments .
So you prefer the negativity. Got it
Have any of you watched a TV broadcast in the last 10 years? I'll take Brad any day of the week...
Be nice if he got the right player who intercepted the pass or actually called out the team when they forgot to show up against GB .

But when the owner has a show on the station the game rights are sold to its a little Mickey Spags and co house organ being piped into the casa on Sundays . Luckily I avoid it most of the time and get the TV feed.
Sham is the voice of the Dallas Cowboys!!! DO NOT mess with that. I want him to broadcast Cowboy games for as long as he is capable. His time is coming to an end soon enough. The heir apparent is Kyle Yomans who was called upon to fill Sham's shoes for one game last year when Sham could not answer the bell. KY did an admirable job on short notice.
The thing about going from Sham to Youmans is you lose a ton of history and knowledge that is valuable as the voice of the team. They would have to beg Babe L. to hang around to help bridge that gap.
I watch the games on TV but occasionally I’ll catch Sham & Laughing gas on radio and Sham in particular has been too long in the saddle .

Tell you what if I owned a team I would let a radio duo do my games 8 yrs max then it’s time for a fresh perspective. Shams folksy it’s “ only a game “ mantra after another bitter loss in particular is worn out.

Joe Trahan locally on ch 8 seems like an ideal radio play by play dude with maybe Broadus analyzing the mistakes .

Oh heck no to Broaddus.
I agree that we need a new broadcast team. I’m old enough to remember listening to Verne Lundquist doing the Cowboys play by play and Brad Sham was the analyst….in the 70s! It was good team for several years. But Sham is tiresome now IMO.

Here are several things Sham does that are irritating:
  • If you ever turn on the game after it’s started, you may have to wait 5-10 minutes (if you’re lucky) to ever hear the score announced.
  • Sham has a bad habit of not describing the action accurately. He often says things that are misleading. For example: “Dak drops back, going deep down the left side, and it’s caught by Cedee Lamb for a 5 yard gain.”
  • He calls too many players by their first names too often. Like “Dak”, “Zeke”, “Deron”, “Micah”, etc. So if someone who doesn’t know the team very well is listening with me (like my wife) I have to explain who he’s talking about.
  • Sham has become somewhat of a super-homer like Mickey Spagnola. He works for the Cowboys and never forgets who’s in charge and never forgets to bow the knee. I guess honest broadcasters like Dale Hansen who aren’t afraid to tell the truth get fired.
Another thing I noticed on TD's. He got to saying ... walk the dog .. what seemed like every TD.
Sorry I will not hear any of this slander of Brad Sham. Think and say what you will about Babe but as one who has traveled all over the country and heard the radio voices of just about every other team Brad still ranks right at the top for me. I can appreciate Babe because he is the rare ex-QB who doesn't come off sounding like he threw 400 TDs and 5 interceptions in their careers. I hate listening to guys who basically sucked being hypercritical of guys who would have kept them on the bench for left had they been teammates. Babe is sufficiently self-deprecating that I don't mind that his delivery sometimes sounds like a guy at the bar watching the game on TV and calling it between sips on a brewski.
The thing about going from Sham to Youmans is you lose a ton of history and knowledge that is valuable as the voice of the team. They would have to beg Babe L. to hang around to help bridge that gap.

I think the paycheck Babe is making is all the begging needed . But the Cowboys franchise could do better play by play when the torch is passed then Kyle Y

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