It's really too bad that this thread has devolved into a weed legalization issue. It's much bigger than that in a very personal sense for Randy Gregory. No matter what anyone's thoughts are on weed (and mine mirror yours), there's a real issue here when someone can't lay off the drug for a month before the combine or during your first NFL season when you know for a 100% certainty that you're going to be tested as part of the NFL's drug program.
This whole thing of weed vs alcohol is nothing more than a canned sales pitch and deflection of the issue by those who are pro-legalization. This whole argument of ....."Hey, Randy Gregory has a problem but if we legalize weed, his problem will go away,"....that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Some employers, like mine, test for drugs. The tests are random and if you fail, you're fired. Period, no questions asked. The NFL is very forgiving in the sense that you can fail multiple tests before you get suspended. After a while, it becomes an issue in judgement.