News: Randy Gregory Suspended Four Games

Doing what? How did you get your job? Did you go to school? I cannot imagine you did, based on your grasp (or lack thereof) of typing in English.

None of your points are cohesive or particularly coherent.

Lol wow. Who cares what he does? This is about Randy Gregory not doomsday.. I'm sure you can make out what he's saying.
yeah this coming from a dope smoking moron. lol Have fun in the real world Jr. Please continue on with the BS I'm a CPA crap.

Seriously, you are not even intelligent.
I'm quite confident you weren't in as good a position at 25 as I'm in right now - based solely on your terribly poor ability to speak in cohesive, well-thought out sentences.
I'm a weed smoking, wine drinking, hip-hop listening CPA - welcome to a new reality that you're simply not aware of. We're everywhere, and we're smarter than people like you.
Seriously, you are not even intelligent.
I'm quite confident you weren't in as good a position at 25 as I'm in right now - based solely on your terribly poor ability to speak in cohesive, well-thought out sentences.
I'm a weed smoking, wine drinking, hip-hop listening CPA - welcome to a new reality that you're simply not aware of. We're everywhere, and we're smarter than people like you.

yeah keep telling yourself that sport. Top of the world and know it all, reality when it hits you in the face will come as a shock. Little boys like you make me laugh.
I agree making it legal does not change the fact that business can still test and fire employees when they test positive. The good thing for Gregory and many in sports is they will be given many chances where avg working class people will not be given many chances.

I deal with reality and the reality is if you smoke weed and test positive you will be suspended in the NFL pure and simple fact! another reality as a worker I too can be tested and if I fail can be fired the employer has rights as well. What is silly is knowing the facts and the reality yet still doing it. Really come on if weed is no big deal then why would you sacrifice your livelihood over something that was no big deal?

It's really too bad that this thread has devolved into a weed legalization issue. It's much bigger than that in a very personal sense for Randy Gregory. No matter what anyone's thoughts are on weed (and mine mirror yours), there's a real issue here when someone can't lay off the drug for a month before the combine or during your first NFL season when you know for a 100% certainty that you're going to be tested as part of the NFL's drug program.

This whole thing of weed vs alcohol is nothing more than a canned sales pitch and deflection of the issue by those who are pro-legalization. This whole argument of ....."Hey, Randy Gregory has a problem but if we legalize weed, his problem will go away,"....that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Some employers, like mine, test for drugs. The tests are random and if you fail, you're fired. Period, no questions asked. The NFL is very forgiving in the sense that you can fail multiple tests before you get suspended. After a while, it becomes an issue in judgement.
It's really too bad that this thread has devolved into a weed legalization issue. It's much bigger than that in a very personal sense for Randy Gregory. No matter what anyone's thoughts are on weed (and mine mirror yours), there's a real issue here when someone can't lay off the drug for a month before the combine or during your first NFL season when you know for a 100% certainty that you're going to be tested as part of the NFL's drug program.

This whole thing of weed vs alcohol is nothing more than a canned sales pitch and deflection of the issue by those who are pro-legalization. This whole argument of ....."Hey, Randy Gregory has a problem but if we legalize weed, his problem will go away,"....that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Some employers, like mine, test for drugs. The tests are random and if you fail, you're fired. Period, no questions asked. The NFL is very forgiving in the sense that you can fail multiple tests before you get suspended. After a while, it becomes an issue in judgement.

I agree, funny thing is when I was younger I used the same logic that is now being used today, weed is no worse than alcohol. Fact is any substance that can control your life to the point you are willing to throw everything away for it indicates that you have a real problem. My employers like yours told us we would be subjected to random testing and if you failed you would be fired, so the question became what is more important weed or my job and all that job would give me such as retirement, medical coverage and good livelihood? The answer was very simple, I stopped smoking weed.
Seriously, you are not even intelligent.
I'm quite confident you weren't in as good a position at 25 as I'm in right now - based solely on your terribly poor ability to speak in cohesive, well-thought out sentences.

This isn't the right barometer to gauge how successful you are. The real question is when you are 50 and as old as myself and Doomsday, will you be as successful as we are? You're really not all that much different minus the recreational drug use (which I'm not judging, by the way) than most of us.

I'm a weed smoking, wine drinking, hip-hop listening CPA - welcome to a new reality that you're simply not aware of. We're everywhere, and we're smarter than people like you.

Well, I'm not so sure you're smarter but whatever makes you feel better.
This isn't the right barometer to gauge how successful you are. The real question is when you are 50 and as old as myself and Doomsday, will you be as successful as we are? You're really not all that much different minus the recreational drug use (which I'm not judging, by the way) than most of us.

Well, I'm not so sure you're smarter but whatever makes you feel better.

Yep, this march I will have 30 years of service with Harris County and can walk anytime I choose with a great retirement. meantime, about to get married and having new home built that me and my soon to be wife can move into. I may never be the smartest guy in the world but I can tell you I made a lot of wise choices and investments over the years to be sitting where I am today.
this is all hot BS.
I smoked weed every day for years, and still do on weekends, and I'm a CPA.
My sister has her master's from an Ivy League school - smoked all the way through it.
There is nothing to suggest weed causes these problems, or that "the brain stops developing." I'd LOVE to see that source.

I know doctors who smoke weed - so LOL to your crappy anecdote.

When I graduated college in the 90's I moved to Boston with college friends. Several of them got high every day and they were all intelligent, hard working, upper middle class kids. The most harm would come from late night runs to Riley's Roast Beef after an intense game of Scrabble.

I actually would laugh at them for spending so much time and money on weed when it seemed to have very little effect on them. I caught several second hand highs and it didn't do anything that six beers wouldn't do.
He will be gone for a year soon.

Its beyond a simple addiction. He medicates with pot. Its not going to be as simple as " stop smoking pot or you will lose your job"
If the market value is not a lot Hardy may end up staying in Dallas. I would extend him for a 1 or 2 year deal before I would let the situation with Gregory cause panic.
If the market value is not a lot Hardy may end up staying in Dallas. I would extend him for a 1 or 2 year deal before I would let the situation with Gregory cause panic.

I'm thinking that top end value currently is about $5,000,000.
The panic probably begun after the decision was made to draft him. Now it's just been kicked up a few levels.

The Combine kicks off Friday, and Free Agency in less than two weeks now. Shooting from the hip, what free agency moves do you see that could be coming?
I'm thinking that top end value currently is about $5,000,000.

I think you may be right. Question for the Cowboys can they deal with him or get through to him? If so do a 1 or 2 year deal

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