You really should move......God forbid you eat a muffin with poppy seeds.
Sounds like they'd lock u up for life. Without parole.
Your response with name calling tells me everything I need to know. Grade school tactics when called out.
Sorry for calling you an idiot, but I don't liked being called basically a liar for no reason. Do you not know ANYONE that has ever had to take a drug screen.
You see a probation officer once a month, empty your pockets (inside out) and take a cup and do your business. They take the cup and test it right on the spot (no need to send it to a lab). The test strip tests for everything.
If you ride with somebody and they have a roach or open container YOU will go to jail with them. Lee County, Florida, 2015.
If you are on probation and take a drug screen and have ALCOHOL in your test, you FAIL (although alcohol has no part of probation).
And if you had poppy seeds in your drug screen ( positive test) you would FAIL, and have to retake the test.
Is this really that hard? Call any courthouse and ask how drug screens are performed and if you can go to jail for the above reasons. I went through it and do NOT do any drugs of any kind.
You don't have to believe me and that's okay, I promise you this happened and it could happen to anybody. God bless.
CJ Henderson, Lamb or Kinlaw in first round. Take care