Randy Orton

windward;3619285 said:
Kurt Angle is the best performer of this past decade IMO.

I love Angle's work, but I'll still take a broken backed HBK over him.
DallasGirl50;3617752 said:
There use to be a channel I got on my Direct Tv..one of the ESPN channels..and they showed very old wrestling programming (mostly from the Memphis area I think) and they showed a ton of Shawn Michaels when he was starting up. With the Rockers or whatever they called themselves.

In the 80's and 90's Memphis was a feeder for the WWF(E). Pretty much every wrestler came through Memphis to learn the ropes....so to speak. The first matches Sting and The Warrior ever had was as Power Team USA.
Randys awesome. i know its all staged up, but i do recall a match involving Cena and Orton. Boy did Cena show respect for him and orton as well...

is it just me or does Cena remind me of a lame Rock? with his you cant see meee and five knuckle shuffle thing, kinda like the peoples elbow..but THE ROCk was GREAT!
kev8822;3620755 said:
I love Angle's work, but I'll still take a broken backed HBK over him.

It's not even close.

I like Angle as much as anyone else but he's not even in the same company (career wise) as Shawn Michaels.
Hostile;3620208 said:
I didn't call it a sport.

Soccer sucks. Have at it.

You started the thread in the sports zone. Same difference. WWE belongs in the off topic zone along with threads about your favorite soap operas, movies, and music.
Hostile;3620519 said:
Oh, and soccer is a sport. It's just a really boring one. <<< That was for Pep. Ammo for him to use against me.
I heard it was a racist sport too. Soccer is in your head.
peplaw06;3622101 said:
You started the thread in the sports zone. Same difference. WWE belongs in the off topic zone along with threads about your favorite soap operas, movies, and music.
Because every thread on this subject have been in this Zone. I could care less if it is or isn't in some people's minds. It doesn't matter to me one iota.
Yeagermeister;3614217 said:
If he was that good he'd be in the WWE.

A lot of wrestlers have avoided going to the WWE because they have such a demanding schedule.

It is kind of like being the President of a company or a big wig and having to work all the time but making a lot of money. OR, being a teacher, only working half the year, and just getting bye.

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