The guaranteed money is probably a little low. That being said I'd love to be inuslted with 20 million dollars, where can I sign up. 11.4 is reasonable for a AAV of Dez. I suspect that, if true, is something that just needs to be tweaked to come to an agreement. My guess is its set up similar to Tyron Smith. That deal will actually see most of that money, barring career threatening injury.
I think the problem we have with Dez and a contract is to some extent the Megatron deal, who is a better player then Dez. Fitzgerald got 7/113 a few years ago, with 27 guaranteed, but he will not see the back 45, and might not end up seeing the bonuses allotted this year (11 million). But I think the bigger issues are the stupid deals people have given to good but no where near great WRs like Mike Wallace, Dwayne Bowe, and Percy Harvin. Dez is better then those last guys, but they got paid higher then they are worth and its throwing things off.