Rate the last movie you saw


The Proletariat
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Watership Down.
Interesting flick, I might have seen a very long time ago but forgot about, until my wife brought it up.



"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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MarionBarberThe4th;3107675 said:
The Wrestler- 10/10

Marisa Tomei naked - 9/10

OK, now I'm interested.

Oh, so is George Costanza.


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Ninja Assassin - 4/10

This movie bored me a great deal.

That's pretty disappointing, especially after I keep hearing about how cool it was. The story was pretty non-existant, and what was there was awful. The entire police/researcher aspect of the movie was horrible and just completely uninteresting. The acting was pretty atrocious as well, from pretty much everyone.

The action was ok at times, but fairly repetetive, and the last battle was extremely stupid. There's only so many times you can see a bunch of throwing stars fly by and a bunch of blood in bad CGI before it gets really old. There's lots of blood, but it's totally fake, either by being poorly done CGI or having the consistancy of water.

This really is a movie that should have been straight to DVD. That's the level of filmmaking involved here.


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The Wrestler

Outstanding movie. I did find some of Miss. Tomei's nudity distracting...Thank God.
10/10 :)


Regular Joe....
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Saw Blind Side this weekend. It was OK. Not as realistic as the real story I suspect but good. My wife liked it and all the kids liked it as well.


Reaction score
ChldsPlay;3108726 said:
Ninja Assassin - 4/10

This movie bored me a great deal.

That's pretty disappointing, especially after I keep hearing about how cool it was. The story was pretty non-existant, and what was there was awful. The entire police/researcher aspect of the movie was horrible and just completely uninteresting. The acting was pretty atrocious as well, from pretty much everyone.

The action was ok at times, but fairly repetetive, and the last battle was extremely stupid. There's only so many times you can see a bunch of throwing stars fly by and a bunch of blood in bad CGI before it gets really old. There's lots of blood, but it's totally fake, either by being poorly done CGI or having the consistancy of water.

This really is a movie that should have been straight to DVD. That's the level of filmmaking involved here.
This makes me want to see it even more. Instant classic.


Pixel Pusher
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theogt;3108833 said:
This makes me want to see it even more. Instant classic.


It's definitely worth checking out in my opinion.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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The Blind Side 8/10.

Read the book a couple of years ago and was interested to see the movie. Very good. Sandra Bullock was great as usual. The kid who played Oher did a nice job ... especially with the facial expressions, which mostly was what he did. Tim McGraw was solid.

It was funny and good to watch all the SEC coaches plays themselves in cameo roles.

Some may think it's too nice, sappy, and sweet, but a film like this is a welcome change amongst all the crapola Hollywood produces.


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Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 1.5 out of 10

One of the least funny, and stupid, comedy movies I've seen in recent years. I was greatly disappointed by this movie cause I happen to like a few of the comedy people in it and it just turned out to be terrible. I'm sure there are quite a few out there who thought it was hilarious but to me it was just junk. Right up there with Observe and Report for complete crap.

Funny People - 3 out of 10

Big disappointment as well but only because I figured for more out of Adam. I'd said after seeing Observe and Report that I'd never watch another movie where Seth Rogan was one of the main actors but I stupidly let myself be talked into watching this. I know, for sure, now that I'm really not interested in watching any movies where Seth Rogan is one of the main people in it. His movies are just awful.

Old Dogs - 6 out of 10

It wasn't bad but it wasn't really as good as I thought it would be. A bit of a disappointment after seeing the advertisements. It still had some funny moments and the family enjoyed it so it wasn't a total bust or anything. I wasn't upset that I bothered to watch it so that's a good thing.


Pixel Pusher
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BraveHeartFan;3109725 said:
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 1.5 out of 10

One of the least funny, and stupid, comedy movies I've seen in recent years. I was greatly disappointed by this movie cause I happen to like a few of the comedy people in it and it just turned out to be terrible. I'm sure there are quite a few out there who thought it was hilarious but to me it was just junk. Right up there with Observe and Report for complete crap.

Funny People - 3 out of 10

Big disappointment as well but only because I figured for more out of Adam. I'd said after seeing Observe and Report that I'd never watch another movie where Seth Rogan was one of the main actors but I stupidly let myself be talked into watching this. I know, for sure, now that I'm really not interested in watching any movies where Seth Rogan is one of the main people in it. His movies are just awful.

Old Dogs - 6 out of 10

It wasn't bad but it wasn't really as good as I thought it would be. A bit of a disappointment after seeing the advertisements. It still had some funny moments and the family enjoyed it so it wasn't a total bust or anything. I wasn't upset that I bothered to watch it so that's a good thing.

You were DISAPPOINTED by Old Dogs based on the advertisements? Oh boy. :D


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
xWraithx;3107310 said:
In Bruges: 8/10


great movie and I recommend it

That movie cracks me up. The scene with the midget fight had me rolling.

The Wrestler...good but not as great IMO as the others make it out to be.

Transformers 2...way...WAAAAY overrated IMO.

JJ's Star Trek...I liked it but I think it could be better.


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TheCount;3109797 said:
You were DISAPPOINTED by Old Dogs based on the advertisements? Oh boy. :D

That's what I was thinking. I can't imagine how people would want to see that.

Plus, Forgetting Sarah Marshall gets at least a 4/10 just for having Mila Kunis in a bikini (at least I think I remember her in a bikini).


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CliffnMesquite;3075492 said:
The Spirit

The Spirit moved me. Moved me in to the bathroom to throw up.

2/10 and then only because it had a cat in it.

i thought the cat was the best part about the movie(this coming from me, a cat person)