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Kong skull island: 8.5/10

Surprised by this movie for sure.
Is Samuel L. Jackson acting as Samuel L. Jackson in this movie again? When I found out he was in this movie I passed. Whatever movie he is in I am always reminded Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie because he always plays the part of Samuel L. Jackson.
Is Samuel L. Jackson acting as Samuel L. Jackson in this movie again? When I found out he was in this movie I passed. Whatever movie he is in I am always reminded Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie because he always plays the part of Samuel L. Jackson.
He was not a bright spot for sure but didn't ruin the movie. He was average imo.

Solid movie with Good build up and solid ending.

I really liked it too, yet I felt like they could have taken it in a more interesting direction and ending. Felt like the clock shot was about to expire and the movie just wrapped up suddenly and I was left wanting more
Lucy 3/10

I probably should have destroyed it and not return it to redbox. That way some poor soul would be spared.
I dragged the wife to see Kong as well. Pretty much the same thing.......KK fights creatures, adventurers meet the locals, Kong loves a girl and Kong kills the mean monster at the end.

It wasn't bad but I think the last one was a bit better. I would give it a 7/10 and if they make another one, please develop a new story :cool:

Oh, this movie isn't a must-see in the theater, wait for on-demand IMO.
Arrival - Best I have seen in a long time.
Really? I've not seen it yet but have passed on it at Redbox due to a bad review (from this very forum:lmao:) I'll definitely check it out,,,Capt.
Really? I've not seen it yet but have passed on it at Redbox due to a bad review (from this very forum:lmao:) I'll definitely check it out,,,Capt.

Visceral and Intellectual all at once. I'd tell you more about it, but I think knowing as little about it as possible is the best way to see it. Just don't expect to kick back and let the movie do the thinking for you.
John Wick 2.

What was the body count?
How many head shots?
You groan you get extras to the head.
Beauty and the Beast.


I was a little unsure because I don't like movie musicals, but it felt childhood "magical" and the acting was good, so I enjoyed it.


Excellent re-telling of the original cartoon classic. Emma Watson doesn't have the strongest singing voice but I cannot think of any other actress who could've been a better Belle.
The Thinning.

8/10 very good.

Sounds like a program the last president would have....
Oh. Wait then that would have......

Sorry this in not the correct forum ...
Sorry for all the replies. But with the cut the cable and Amazon Fire Box I can get just about any movie.

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