Rate the last movie you saw

Thor: Ragnarok

I did not like this movie. I didn't like the pacing. I didn't like that every other line was a forced joke. I thought the cgi was poor. Thor is not an easy character to work with in my opinion. I think all three of his movies were weak, but I also was never a fan of the comic version, either. It didn't work for me. Maybe others will enjoy.
Thor: Ragnarok

I did not like this movie. I didn't like the pacing. I didn't like that every other line was a forced joke. I thought the cgi was poor. Thor is not an easy character to work with in my opinion. I think all three of his movies were weak, but I also was never a fan of the comic version, either. It didn't work for me. Maybe others will enjoy.

Seeing it today with a little help from my green herb friend. Wanna see the Hulk mainly. Thought the villian looked lame in the trailers. Oh well. Stilll will have fun.
Thor: Ragnarok - 9/10

A great time at the movies, truly a fun ride. If you're a fan of the superhero genre, you'll have a great time with this one. From top to bottom, it felt like everyone who worked on this film had fun making it. From the director, to all of the actors. Great effects, a quality story, with several unexpected turns, and far from formulaic. The world of Thor is forever changed by the film's end.

Highly recommended.

5.5 of 10.0

My wife and I caught the movie Friday afternoon. I decided to wait awhile and reflect on what I saw. Like @joseephuss, I thought the pacing was off and many punchlines were strained in delivery. Ironically, I found myself thinking Kat Dennings could have delivered a good number of the jokes really well but her character was not meant for this storyline. It also seemed to me that Benedict Cumberbatch and Idris Elba were slightly disinterested in their Doctor Strange and Heimdall portrayals. I have zero to say about Jeff Goldblum and his Grandmaster. Grandmaster's henchwoman was... words fail me. Karl Urban's Skurge was wasted in my opinion. Urban was an good choice but his range seemed intentionally limited. CGI Hulk had a number of good moments. I just was not feeling Mark Ruffalo's initial neuroticism, perhaps because it was little seen during his Dr. Banner appearances in other movies. Sad swan song cameos for Anthony Hopkins.

All that aside, I did think the CGI was very good. Chris Hemsworth is perfect as Thor and I blame anything I did not like him performing (for which is very little) on directing and not acting. Same goes for Tom Hiddleton and his Loki. Surtur scenes were great. Cate Blanchett hit a grand slam with Hela. Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie was a really REALLY nice addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Maybe it was just how I viewed it but the film appeared greatly influenced by the formula used in Guardians of the Galaxy movies. For example, the Korg character would be perfect (and well may one day be perfect) in the GOTG franchise. His soft sweet guy gladiator role did not mesh well to me. There was a tangible departure from the presentation used in the first two Thor films and this third installment. Anyway, I do believe the movie sets up the future Avengers: Infinity War quite well.

Final note: Do not waste your time as I did waiting for the final ending credits cut scene (at the very end of the credits just before the 'Thor will return in Avengers: Infinity War' stamp) involving Grandmaster. Pathetic. And when I say pathetic, I mean well-beneath the level of The Collector/Howard the Duck cut scene from GOTG.
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Atomic Blonde

I am not even sure how to rate this movie, it barely peaked my interest. I almost stopped it mid-way through until Theron started gracing me with her Bi-interest :lmao:

If it weren't for that, there is no way I finish this movie. If you have not seen it........wait for HBO :cool:

It was one of the weirdest movies that I have seen in some time..........still not sure what I just watched :D
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Funny thing about the Thor Movies.

When they originally brought out the Captain America Movies and Thor movies...I was wanting to see the Thor ones and really was not all that interested in seeing the Capt movies.

I liked the Thor comics and even in the avengers comics I like Thor better than Capt.

Well it turned out that the Capt movies were far superior to the Thor Movies IMO...Which I thought would be the other way around. I did not like either of the first two Thor Movies.
However I have to say this new one with the Hulk being a major part looks to be good...sounds like it is a toss up with some liking it and others not.

With that said...

Watched two movies last night.

Get out - A friend kept telling me to watch this and I guess it was a popular movie but for some reason I don't remember hearing about it other than from my friend, nor do I recall seeing an ad or trailer for it.
So basically other than my friend telling me to watch it...I knew nothing of what it was about or what to expect.

With that in mind I was pleasantly surprised. I think I caught the general gist of it early on but did not know the specifics of it until it unfolded. Pretty good suspense/horror story with some comic relief from the one character.

If nobody has heard of this, they might want to check it out...not too bad.

Second movie

Split - James McAvoy (sp?)

I think he did a good job of playing the different characters even though some of them were basically the same. They story was a tad slow but still kept interest.
I kept waiting for the twist and early on I thought I had the twist figured out because one girl was different than the other two in how they handled their backgrounds. But in the end there really was not a twist as you would
normally expect from M Night Shamalamadingdong movie. So all along you are looking for potential twists and there really is not one.
However I did like the little surprise at the very end where it tied the movie into M Nights universe from a previous movie.
Thor: R - 7/10.

It was funny, but it was also very uneven and the parts that were serious really lacked gravitas because these moments were almost always interrupted by comedy. I hate overly serious movies (Looking at you DC - serious does not require a complete lack of levity), but sometimes the serious moments need room to breathe as well. I was disappointed in the Hela story. The character seemed very one-dimensional, and it was really difficult to get into it since the antagonist and protagonist were completely separate for nearly the entirety of the movie.
Thor: R - 7/10.

It was funny, but it was also very uneven and the parts that were serious really lacked gravitas because these moments were almost always interrupted by comedy. I hate overly serious movies (Looking at you DC - serious does not require a complete lack of levity), but sometimes the serious moments need room to breathe as well. I was disappointed in the Hela story. The character seemed very one-dimensional, and it was really difficult to get into it since the antagonist and protagonist were completely separate for nearly the entirety of the movie.
Some of the audience will see it that way but the plot (somewhat) mirrors past renditions of the Ragnarok tale in the Thor/Marvel comic book titles.
47 Meters Down

I am going to grade this one based on me being a PADI instructor with lots of experience in the ocean.

Ready for it? I give it a......

:laugh: :lmao: :lmao2: :muttley::banghead: :huh:-------------------:thumbdown:
To me, Blanchett was having a real ball. She projected the sheer power and utter malevolence of the character from page to screen. Blanchett was awesome.

Blanchett was really great.
I really hope her character isn't actually dead.

Side note: She looks really good for pushing 50.

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