5.0 of 10.0
oh no. The Earth is doomed. Wait. It is not caused by alien invasions, mother nature, human neglect. oh no. Who or what could be the cause THIS time?
Geostorm has a nice premise backed by fair directing and acting. Gerald Butler does a fine job but does not get much support. Please answer this question if anyone has seen the movie:
Did Jim Sturgess, Butler's brother in the movie, look like he was on drugs? Serious question.
Ed Harris was okay. Wished Zazie Beetz had a bigger role.
Nerd moment. I have read and seen the sci-fi idea of weather controlling networks before. Satellites are usually the mechanism used to make the system work. This may be the first time I have seen a weather net that had ALL the satellites PHYSICALLY connected to each other. Not just connected in parallel to each satellite, which strains my brain enough, but also connected perpendicular and diagonally too just like... well... A NET! All created within the Butler character's adulthood. wow.
Lastly, be sure to check out Andy Garcia giving martial advice towards the end of the movie. It is like he telephoned in that particular line of dialogue.