Rate the last movie you saw

Denim Chicken;5041843 said:
Anyone think this new Evil Dead remake will be any good?

i think it will be, i read somewhere it's made by the same people who made the original

but i don't think bruce campbell will be in it :(
Supercowboy1986;5041887 said:
i think it will be, i read somewhere it's made by the same people who made the original

but i don't think bruce campbell will be in it :(

I bet he has a cameo.


great movie based on a true story.

excellent acting ...especially by Jack Black.
The Croods


Perfect kid movie...but enough action to where adults can like it, too. Plus, it was short. 1:30
GI-Joe Retaliation was awful. If I was 12, I'd probably think it was the greatest move of all time.
Olympus Has Fallen 5/10

Part Under Siege, part Die Hard, part Independence Day, part Air Force One.
Saw two movies last night.

Jackie Robinson movie- 9/10. Great debate for what could be the greatest sports movie of all time.

Scary Movie 5- 6/10. Luckily this was a free movie. Good rental I guess, but just not as funny as the other Scary Movies.
blindzebra;5047539 said:
Olympus Has Fallen 5/10

Part Under Siege, part Die Hard, part Independence Day, part Air Force One.

Whats not to like about that? Some classic action flicks, but I like those sort of movies. I go in not expecting an Oscar performance, just some good action and technology.
dexternjack;5047548 said:
Whats not to like about that? Some classic action flicks, but I like those sort of movies. I go in not expecting an Oscar performance, just some good action and technology.

It paled in comparison.

I love action movies but when you watch it and say, "That's ripping off Die Hard etc." Not so much.

And I left out In the Line Of Fire from the list.
"Man with the Iron Fists"...

Thought it was good up until the iron fists actually came into play. Then I felt like they rushed the story.
Anyone into the Korean suspense/revenge movies I recommend checking out No Mercy, The Yellow Sea, and Bedevilled.

I watched them on all Netflix over the week. Bedevilled was the best out of the three. I'd give it a 8/10 and the others 7/10.
42 - 7/10. Overall it was pretty decent, but it was a very sanitized and by the numbers movie. A lot of it didn't come across as being very realistic, or natural in the way people talked, and some of the scenes (particularly those with kids) were especially cringe worthy. I also thought they could have done a lot better job portraying what Robinson had to go through (all they had was a bunch of cliche scenes we've all seen many times before), and about what he meant to his team, and the game. Harrison Ford was the highlight of the movie I thought.
Pointless complaint but I was bothered that they used a hip-hop song in the trailer for that movie. If they wanted to use a new song they could used one that fits that period of times music.
ChldsPlay;5048013 said:
42 - 7/10. Overall it was pretty decent, but it was a very sanitized and by the numbers movie. A lot of it didn't come across as being very realistic, or natural in the way people talked, and some of the scenes (particularly those with kids) were especially cringe worthy. I also thought they could have done a lot better job portraying what Robinson had to go through (all they had was a bunch of cliche scenes we've all seen many times before), and about what he meant to his team, and the game. Harrison Ford was the highlight of the movie I thought.
I understand what you mean. The Phillies manager scene was a little too far.
The Devil's Double

9/10 - Highly recommend this movie.

It is about a man who is forced to be Uday Hussein's body double. The movie has a very good story behind it, and is completely different from what you would expect.



Sneaky good movie that I feel flew under the radar. It is on Netflix if you have that.
Hey I finally saw "No Country for Old Men".

Loved the whole film right up until the end. Talk about being left underwhelmed at an ending! Blech!

Up until then, it was a really good movie...awesome casting!!

7.5 out of 10. (-1.5 dock for that incredibly putrid ending)
Oblivion-hard to rate this one, it is different. Probably go with a 7. It is cool for the sci-fi effect but the story was so-so, it wasn't explained enough on what happened previous.

Take out Cruise and Freeman, the rating drops to a 5.
pain and gain

1 / 10

the movie is based off a true story of 3 body builders stealing from a wealthy self made millionaire to live the american dream that they believed should be theirs because of the hard work they put into working out. it was very disapointing considering that Mark Whalburg and The Rock was in it (2 actors i like.) the movie tries really hard to force comic relief and funny moments but it just falls flat. simply terrible.

it gets a 1 because it is a true story and you couldn't make it up.

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