Rate the last movie you saw

Two movies.

I enjoyed this but it could have been done much better IMO. It has a cheese factor to it but if you have low expectations going into it, it can be an enjoyable watch. As I said, it could have been done much better.

Now I just seen the trailer a day or so prior to seeing this movie.
I really liked this one. It is nothing ground breaking but it just works. Good acting. That little girl did a killer job.
I liked how they did her teeth and her eyes. Also gets bonus points for having a scene with her dancing along with a danzig song lol. I think I would like seeing another one of these ones either as a prequel or sequel.

The first movie is currently on Prime...so if you have that service you can catch it.
The second one is by far the superior movie IMO. Good horror/action/heist and tad bit of comedy mixed in.

I thought Abigail was terrible. The girl was a good actor, but the rest of the cast was horrible. The plot and writing were pretty tired, too. The vamp makeup was pretty cool, though.
Roadhouse (2024) - I finally watched this last night. I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty entertaining. There were definitely some cheesy parts (what movie isn't cheesy these days?), but overall it was a fun ride. I think a lot of people that hated it try to compare it to the original, which is a classic. Is it as good as the 1989 version? Definitely not, but it was made in the same spirit. I thought McGregor was kind of funny in the movie and I'm sure was just playing himself.

So, yeah.......I went in prepared to dislike this movie, and when it ended, I was pleasantly surprised.
Roadhouse (2024) - I finally watched this last night. I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty entertaining. There were definitely some cheesy parts (what movie isn't cheesy these days?), but overall it was a fun ride. I think a lot of people that hated it try to compare it to the original, which is a classic. Is it as good as the 1989 version? Definitely not, but it was made in the same spirit. I thought McGregor was kind of funny in the movie and I'm sure was just playing himself.

So, yeah.......I went in prepared to dislike this movie, and when it ended, I was pleasantly surprised.
What is funny. Most really liked the original back in the day but if you go back and watch it now...it really is cheesy and kind of bad in many ways. Even though it is still a fun watch.

This new one...something about it just grated on my nerves. However one bonus part of it for me was the location. Hard to not like the back drop of the florida keys.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)

8.75 of 10.00

Eagles can be donkey butts but sometimes they can be awesome.

The first three movies relied less and less on actors playing human roles in progression, but they still grabbed notable screen time. I wondered if this would be the first film in the series that was almost entirely ape-centric. It was. And I think they did a great job.

Caeser is long gone, which should not be a spoiler for anyone who saw the last movie. The audience gets any infusion of new characters and see through their eyes a truly ape dominant world. Once again, moviegoers see how fallacies are not just a human failing.

New avatar time.
What is funny. Most really liked the original back in the day but if you go back and watch it now...it really is cheesy and kind of bad in many ways. Even though it is still a fun watch.

This new one...something about it just grated on my nerves. However one bonus part of it for me was the location. Hard to not like the back drop of the florida keys.
The original one is among the worst movies of all times. At least it has a few of the cheesiest one liners of all time. And PS was just a bad actor.

But, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Watched it many times and every time it's on tv I just stick with it lol :facepalm:

The new one was ok but nothing special.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)

8.75 of 10.00

Eagles can be donkey butts but sometimes they can be awesome.

The first three movies relied less and less on actors playing human roles in progression, but they still grabbed notable screen time. I wondered if this would be the first film in the series that was almost entirely ape-centric. It was. And I think they did a great job.

Caeser is long gone, which should not be a spoiler for anyone who saw the last movie. The audience gets any infusion of new characters and see through their eyes a truly ape dominant world. Once again, moviegoers see how fallacies are not just a human failing.

New avatar time.
I think I'd give this one a 7/10. There's a lot to like about it, but I just didn't find it as engaging as I hoped. The first half is a bit long and dragged out I think. And, it doesn't really build up the antagonist of the 2nd half enough. I also didn't care much for Mae. She wasn't terrible, and she's pretty, but she wasn't really compelling.

Moving on to what I saw prior to that, I think I'd give Fall Guy a 6.5/10. The action was solid, the chemistry is good, and some of the humor is solid. However, while the film was clearly tongue in cheek at times and meant to be playful and light, it didn't seem to embrace it as much as it could have. The humor was more sparse than you would expect for this kind of movie, and some parts dragged a little because of it. Again, there was still a lot to like with this one, just not enough for me to recommend it too highly.
Donnie Brasco. 7/10

This is a more grounded gangster film than most, and can be a little boring at times. It was cool seeing Al Pacino playing a more subdued character. This was also peak Johnny Depp, before he became Jack Sparrow full time. The way it was filmed gave it a gritty look, so it felt like it really was the 70s. Nothing spectacular, but a good watch.
Donnie Brasco. 7/10

This is a more grounded gangster film than most, and can be a little boring at times. It was cool seeing Al Pacino playing a more subdued character. This was also peak Johnny Depp, before he became Jack Sparrow full time. The way it was filmed gave it a gritty look, so it felt like it really was the 70s. Nothing spectacular, but a good watch.
Read the book a long time before the movie and always enjoyed it. Surprised they made such a good movie out of his autobiography. Usually one is better than the other but thought both were good.

If you liked the other Godzilla and/or Kong movies you will like this one.
Some good fight scenes. The movie story line and non fight scenes are not all that great.
But the action scenes are pretty fun to watch.

Hard to go wrong with a Guy Ritchie action film. Based on actual characters and declassified Winston Churchill files.
Seems like this is basically the English version of Inglorious Basterds. Although not as good overall.
Fun for an action movie but do not look for it to be an oscar nominated type of movie.
Strangers: Chapter 1 - Well, I had thought this was going to be a prequel to the original with Liv Tyler. Turns out it's actually more of a remake (for a planned trilogy). A really really BAD remake. It's like they took the original, changed a few surface level things about the couple, and cranked up the stupidity way past 11. Most of the beats were identical to the original just so much more dumb. Just an absolute piece of crap.

If - I missed a little bit early on in this movie because I fell asleep, so I was a little unsure of how the plot started to play out. However, I think I got the gist of it, and just was not impressed. It wasn't very funny or clever, and none of the actors really had much to work with. Even Ryan Reynolds was just kind of there. I guess it was going for more of a sappy "hold onto your childhood" type of energy, but I was pretty bored. Do not recommend. Much better than the turd above, however.
Strangers: Chapter 1 - Well, I had thought this was going to be a prequel to the original with Liv Tyler. Turns out it's actually more of a remake (for a planned trilogy). A really really BAD remake. It's like they took the original, changed a few surface level things about the couple, and cranked up the stupidity way past 11. Most of the beats were identical to the original just so much more dumb. Just an absolute piece of crap.

If - I missed a little bit early on in this movie because I fell asleep, so I was a little unsure of how the plot started to play out. However, I think I got the gist of it, and just was not impressed. It wasn't very funny or clever, and none of the actors really had much to work with. Even Ryan Reynolds was just kind of there. I guess it was going for more of a sappy "hold onto your childhood" type of energy, but I was pretty bored. Do not recommend. Much better than the turd above, however.
Some people hated the second one but I liked it better than the first.

I am hoping the trilogy turns out ok even though I figured that the first one was just a remake due to the description of it.

I do think a prequel would have been interesting to see if the male recruited the two females or if they were all one family and so on.
Strangers: Chapter 1 - Well, I had thought this was going to be a prequel to the original with Liv Tyler. Turns out it's actually more of a remake (for a planned trilogy). A really really BAD remake. It's like they took the original, changed a few surface level things about the couple, and cranked up the stupidity way past 11. Most of the beats were identical to the original just so much more dumb. Just an absolute piece of crap.
That's a bummer. Was looking forward to it as the original is an excellent horror movie. Tons of suspense and just pure dread.
What is funny. Most really liked the original back in the day but if you go back and watch it now...it really is cheesy and kind of bad in many ways. Even though it is still a fun watch.

This new one...something about it just grated on my nerves. However one bonus part of it for me was the location. Hard to not like the back drop of the florida keys.
I was literally about to write this, after I watched the new one I watched the old one and it was really bad, so much over the top acting, even Sam Elliott got kind of got cringy.
I was literally about to write this, after I watched the new one I watched the old one and it was really bad, so much over the top acting, even Sam Elliott got kind of got cringy.
For the era in which it was made, it was dang good...but it doesn't hold up. Then again, how many action flicks do, really?

Creature feature with a creepy spider. Some blurb about outer space on a radio or newscast
towards the beginning of the movie to apparently explain why this spider is different.
Nothing special but still entertaining for what it is..
Go in with low expectations for a creature feature and you should enjoy it.