Rate the last movie you saw

Snowpiercer - 7/10

Korean made movie with a bunch of English speaking actors.
I sat and watched a movie from a category that's not my cup of tea (romance) but the theme song has been woven so tightly in pop culture that I wanted to see the flick...

And the movie I'm talking about?

"A Summer Place" which was released in the fall of 1959.

On one hand it's your typical romance flick... boy and girl fall in love... blah, blah, blah.

On the other I'm kind of stunned at how risqué the movie was for the time period. The film has both adultery and teen pregnancy, which of course now a days is nothing, but for the 1950's... It had to create a social wave.

The movie is a bit too long and some of the acting is over the top, but a young Sandra Dee was something. I can see why she was in such demand during the early and mid 60's.

I rate the movie 7/10.

The theme? 10/10. It still has the distinction of being the longest running #1 song (as an instrumental) on the Billboard Top 100, topping the charts for 9 weeks.
Muppets Most Wanted - 7/5/10

The movie was good but I didn't like it as much as the previous Muppet Movie. Bret McKenzie does do a great job with the songs though. I'll Get You What You Want is very catchy:

Hunger Games: Catching Fire-8.5/10
Liked it better than the first one. Got the feeling that the first one was watered down a bit to get the younger audience. This one had a bit more of an edge to it. Plus Jennifer Lawrence is a hottie. I feel like a dirty old man saying that.;)
Saw Non-Stop. Keep you hooked for a while but fell apart. Then the ending was an ending reveal, well, we have seen it before.

Cha ching for Liam though lol
I am sure many have seen the Philadelphia Experiment and I would imagine any liked it. However they actually made a second movie the Philadelphia Experiment 2. Never heard of it so I figured I would give it a go. I watched about 45 minutes before I had to quit and that was 44 more minutes than I should have. Ugh.

Young Sherlock Holmes. Did not care that much for it when I seen it years ago but figured maybe I would like it if I gave it another chance years later. Nah... Still did not care for it much. Not a terrible movie but just not good either.
The Legend of Hercules - 2/10 and that is being generous. Not sure why I watched the entire movie.
Hunger Games: Catching Fire-8.5/10
Liked it better than the first one. Got the feeling that the first one was watered down a bit to get the younger audience. This one had a bit more of an edge to it. Plus Jennifer Lawrence is a hottie. I feel like a dirty old man saying that.;)

This is a judge free zone

Still haven't seen the 2nd, but read all the books. The first book described a bit more gritty situations. They didn't go into a lot of detail though, but the things that happened in the 1st book would've gotten it an R rating had they been fleshed out. I thought they did a tasteful job of covering some of the things without being gruesome. The 2nd book was more of an adventure than anything-- less gritty since the arena is more of a character and poses the largest threat.

Is the 2nd movie a little more grisly?
Mr. Untouchable


great documentary on the life of Nicky Barnes
just watched in on netflix
the godfather of the heroin empire in 1970's Harlem.
Mr. Untouchable


great documentary on the life of Nicky Barnes
just watched in on netflix
the godfather of the heroin empire in 1970's Harlem.

American Gangster (Denzel Washington) is an ok movie about the Harlem heroine boom during the 60's and 70's. Denzel plays Frankie Lucas and Russell Crowe does his usual "over acting" job as a narc detective. Denzel was a baaaaaddd man :D 6/10

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check that out!
American Gangster (Denzel Washington) is an ok movie about the Harlem heroine boom during the 60's and 70's. Denzel plays Frankie Lucas and Russell Crowe does his usual "over acting" job as a narc detective. Denzel was a baaaaaddd man :D 6/10

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check that out!

I loved American Gangster...

Nicky Barnes is a real piece of trash...but this documentary is very well made.
I loved American Gangster...

Nicky Barnes is a real piece of trash...but this documentary is very well made.

I loved Denzel and his family's portion but Crowe just rubbed me the wrong way as the detective. Thought Cuba kind've was miscast as Barnes (kept thinking snow dogs :D). There was a good scene where he (Crowe) was bailing out his corrupt junkie partner at a botched robbery that was good scene from him but outside of that he just tends to overact (in my opinion of course).
since we're naming old movies, "my favorite year" with peter otoole was simply amazing.

This is a judge free zone

Still haven't seen the 2nd, but read all the books. The first book described a bit more gritty situations. They didn't go into a lot of detail though, but the things that happened in the 1st book would've gotten it an R rating had they been fleshed out. I thought they did a tasteful job of covering some of the things without being gruesome. The 2nd book was more of an adventure than anything-- less gritty since the arena is more of a character and poses the largest threat.

Is the 2nd movie a little more grisly?

I thought so.
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Don't remember seeing this advertised but I would imagine it came from books sold to teens. Had that vibe to it and it just was not that good...found it pretty bad actually.

Elysium...thought it was going to be much better than it turned out being. However to be fair I was tired and on some allergy medication so maybe I should give it another chance.

Found a channel on Youtube that has mostly cheesy 80's comedies (a few good ones like the porky's movies). So I have been watching some that I had seen years ago and there are some on there that I don't even remember seeing or even hearing about.

One was Screwballs...word it it was to be a rip off of Porkys but it was in no way shape or form in the league of Porkys. It really was pretty bad.