Rate the last movie you saw

Divergent - 1/10

Honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Wife dragged me out to see it.
Divergent - 1/10

Honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Wife dragged me out to see it.

Really? I thought it was much better than I expected and would give it a 7/10. It was certainly competently made, so even if the story was the worst ever, I still wouldn't list it as one of the worst I've ever seen.
The last movie I saw was the new Hunger Games : Catching Fire. I would give it a solid 8 of 10 and would not argue with anyone who wanted to give it a 9 of 10.
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Don't remember seeing this advertised but I would imagine it came from books sold to teens. Had that vibe to it and it just was not that good...found it pretty bad actually.

Elysium...thought it was going to be much better than it turned out being. However to be fair I was tired and on some allergy medication so maybe I should give it another chance.

Found a channel on Youtube that has mostly cheesy 80's comedies (a few good ones like the porky's movies). So I have been watching some that I had seen years ago and there are some on there that I don't even remember seeing or even hearing about.

One was Screwballs...word it it was to be a rip off of Porkys but it was in no way shape or form in the league of Porkys. It really was pretty bad.

the worm goes in the worm goes out, the worm plays pinochle on your snout...
Mr. Untouchable: 9/10 Good flick about kingpin Nicky Barnes of Harlem. Good pacing, entertaining, and informative for the era. Good recommendation Lane!

The Cherokee Kid: 9/10 An older comedy western flick (90s) with Sinbad (yes, I know) but was actually pretty good for a light comedy. Found myslef laughing throughout the whole film. Burt Reynolds plays his mentor "Mountain Man." Surprisingly well done and very funny (light humor but not childish). Great cast as well.

John Mulaney: New in Town (7/10) Stand-up comedian whose a cast character on the "Kroll Show." Witty observational humor. It was pretty good but prefer him when he is acting on the sketch show.
Captain America 2 - 8/10. Much better than the first one. I wish the winter soldier had played a bigger role.
captain america: the winter solider


husband dragged me to see it, & it was great. :D
Captain America - The Winter Soldier


A spectacular action/ superhero film. Disney and Marvel are doing an unbelievable job of crafting an incredible universe and each of these films is getting better and better!
Well, it seems the general consensus of the people on this board is the newest Captain America is very good. I will have to see it then. The first Captain America was a bore to me.
Well, it seems the general consensus of the people on this board is the newest Captain America is very good. I will have to see it then. The first Captain America was a bore to me.

The first was a bore to me as well. It was easily my least favorite of the Marvel films.
The Thor movies are my least fav. Boring.

Agree with both of you that the original Captain America/Thor movies were pretty stale and cheesy (esp Thor). Thor 2 was a slight improvement in my opinion bc they at least went with a darker tone and improved the special effects/costume/setting. That "Broke Girls" actress really was irritating throughout the whole flick but agree they are the two weaklings of the genre @ the moment. Seeing Captain America next weekend but the board consensus makes me confident I will enjoy it!
Just watched Wolf of Wall Street. Good movie, but long, and at times, I felt I was watching a porn movie.

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