Read Teammates' letters to Goodell advocating for Gregory

Risen Star

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I've never done drugs or smoked pot or tobacco in my life and I failed a drug test last month because it was "dilute". I drank a normal amount of water as I always do that day, which is about a gallon a day or more because I had severe kidney stones in 2016.

Seriously, f*** anyone who is so quick to judge. I don't want another 7 day ban, but... you know what I'm talking about... party of a grumpy orange man whose last name rhymes with Grump. that's all

LOL. So quick to judge.

Don't jump to conclusions about Gregory people. It's only been years of failed drug tests. Wait for a larger sample size.

Don't MAGA excuses for Gregory. He doesn't have kidney issues. He's not doing water bongs. He's a drug addict. He's a victim of nothing but himself. He deserves no sympathy whatsoever nor has earned any trust.


Junior College Transfer
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A planet where people are still compassionate towards each other.
I am all for giving him a fourth chance, mate! And you give him a fifth.
Meanwhile I will worry about the ones wanting the first chance, prairie flower


Maple Leaf
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I'm loling a little bit at the "Cover Letter" template they got to write these letters. Including the "please reach out", "feel free to contact me" concluding sentences. Classic.

Uuhmm...if you are in business that final line is called an accountability invite. It offers you the reader an open invitation to discuss. This shows, in advance, the writer is serious about the contents of the letter.

There is nothing funny about the contents of the letter nor the format. I for one would not laugh at any of these three players.


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Commissioner Goodell:

I believe Randy should have been playing football the past 3 seasons. He did not kill, rape, hit, hurt or even offend one person. He just smoked weed which about half the country now does. Time to loosen up on something so ******* stupid you ******* moron.

Sincerely, Most Fans
My sentiments exactly. Less than .5 of the country think they can tell the majority what they can and can't put in their own body . Stay the heck out of my business and start looking in the mirror more often before passing judgements.

I got turned down for life insurance due to a high level of THC in my blood test. Are you kidding me??

I live in a medical marijuana state and have a card... Prudential if anyone wants to avoid such companies.