Real story behind Washington and Snyder selling team

I consider this Cowboys because it’s our rival and some Jerry Jones stuff in the article but if mods feel it’s NFL zone, feel free….

Great article on ESPN about the Gruden dismissal which led to the Snyder team sale.

3 suspects on Gruden email to Washington GM Bruce Allen leak:
  • The Commish, Gruden felt there was a vendetta against him. Reinforced by his relationship with Al Davis who also was suspicious of NFL Commishes, and thought that Rozelle was the one who rejected his trade for Jon Elway. Gruden once reprimanded for a comment about refs being unfair and had to meet with Madden and Fisher at NFL Office but didn’t show. Apparently, Sean Payton told him he was only coach who was stupid enough to pay his fine for pandmc days.
  • Snyder, probably most likely person and what led to his dismissal. He thought he could divert attention away from his own investigation. Leaked it same time as his final hearing was coming. Was close to Jay-Z’s PR Firm which had done same thing with leaks on MLB execs during A-Rod’s lawsuit and Gruden’s lawyers found that the reporters who published the leaks all had history of good PR article for the firm.. Had a conversation with NFL where his lawyers showed unsavory communications and other NFL owners referred to it as blackmail. Snyder also knew that Gruden had disrespected the Commish many times and Goodell wasn’t happy with Gruden and thought it might get him back in good graces and help NFL appear like they were solving social issues brought up by Kaepernick. Snyder also hated Bruce Allen and thought it would tarnish him since he received the email.
  • NFL Players Union Chief, Smith. He was facing a vote on his leadership the exact same day of the leak and apparently also had a good relationship with Jay-Z’s PR Firm that many suspected of giving the leak to the press.
Have to read the article, there is a lot more! But general consensus seems to be Snyder did it and that if he hadn’t, he would still have a team. Apparently the NFL investigation into Washington was originally done with collaboration between Snyder and Goodell for least impact possible. But Snyder started pushing buttons even threatening to attend an owners meeting he was banned from. Jerry Jones was the only owner who had any sway with Snyder, and the other owners had him convince Snyder not to attend. Then DC started getting involved with hearings. These events and the bad publicity with the Gruden leak, and the blackmail meeting from Snyder lawyers to NFL lawyers pushed the owners over the edge and they decided to kick him out, Gruden is convinced that Goodell did it and suing, and there is some suspicious stuff pointing his way, but end rational argument is why would he even consider publishing it knowing it would smear the NFL’s reputation no matter what. Snyder is the one most guilty of being a hothead with a Napoleon complex.

Quick note, Commanders are definitely going to be competitive again. Story mentions that Gruden would talk with his brother about his time in Washington and apparently on NFL Draft Day, Snyder would walk in off his yacht and tell them who to draft, overriding all coaches and GMs. Snyder is the wanna-be Jerry Jones, Jerry Jones is the wanna-be Al Davis. They’re all connected. ~cue Xfiles music
Snyder ruined the culture, he was forced out because he was an idiot.
Oh, you want to make me change the name of my team, lets go with Washington Football Team.
Next mistake when league revolted,,, ok,,, the Commanders...
Danny Boy could have reunited a Commanders culture if he would have just been smart enough to name his team the "HOGS".
The entire Commanders Nation would have embraced that move, so Glad Snyder was a total tool.
According to the article, the biggest puppet is the NFL players union chief Smith. The owners thought he was super easy to negotiate with every time a new contract was up and wanted him to keep his job. Which is also why the players, or at least a lot of them, wanted to vote him out.
This would seem to be true. I always wondered why the NFLPA was not more militant when it came to protecting players from Goodell's office.
Snyder should just take his winnings and shut his pie hole and go away. He bought the team for $800m and sold it for $6billion.....mighty nice take. Go enjoy your life...SMDH...

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