Recap icon is missing

  1. Login to forums/admincp/
  2. Expand 'Post Icons' in the left side navigation menu
  3. Select subgroup Post Icon Manager
  4. Click the Title hyperlink of the group where Recap is located. (mine is General Icons)
  5. Click [Edit] for Recap
  6. Change the Post Icon File Path (url)
    it is currently http://img182.*************/img182/7338/recapgp4.gif it needs to be changed to a better host then imageshack - just switch it to your photobucket location :p
Hypnotoad;3105123 said:
  1. Login to forums/admincp/
  2. Expand 'Post Icons' in the left side navigation menu
  3. Select subgroup Post Icon Manager
  4. Click the Title hyperlink of the group where Recap is located. (mine is General Icons)
  5. Click [Edit] for Recap
  6. Change the Post Icon File Path (url)
    it is currently http://img182.*************/img182/7338/recapgp4.gif it needs to be changed to a better host then imageshack - just switch it to your photobucket location :p
It isn't my file. That's the problem. I am trying to find out whose account that is so I can fix it.
I have an unlimited bandwidth photobucket... If you wan't a temporary fix.

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