RECAP: T.O. sitting down with Screamin' A. Smith *Merge*

Double Trouble;2501540 said:
He's wrecked two teams, so at the first sign of trouble, he doesn't get the benefit of a doubt, not from me anyway. Not to mention that if you believe TO is being truthful about all of this, then you think Werder, Mortenson, Cowherd, Peter King, Calvin Watkins, Matt Mosely, and several others aren't. Not to mention that Stephen Smith is cleary with TO 100% on all of this, and yet he confirmed much of what others had reported.

TO's not a team player. We've seen that from him repeatedly in his career. When he was an elite player, as long as he wasn't totally out of control, he was worth the trouble. Now that he's clearly no longer an elite player (though still a good one), it's not so obvious that his childish behavior should be tolerated.

So basically.. No matter what he does he will never get the benefit of the doubt from fans like you... Lovely...

Keep on harping on that history as TO continues to make history with our beloved team. Make sure you don't celebrate when he is raising the Lombardi along with his teammates... His family...
Bleu Star;2501564 said:
So basically.. No matter what he does he will never get the benefit of the doubt from fans like you... Lovely...

Keep on harping on that history as TO continues to make history with our beloved team. Make sure you don't celebrate when he is raising the Lombardi along with his teammates... His family...

I love me some TO....
tyke1doe;2501472 said:
First, I have not reached and reached and reached. The points on which I hang my arguments are solid. And the main point is this ... anonymous sources are necessary in journalism, and there are guidelines that regulate the use of anonymous sources.

That is NOT a reach. That is fact. Now, you may not be involved in journalism so you may not be aware of these guidelines. But these guidelines exist.

Second, I merely offered a theory. I'm not going to argue it or swear by it because it is simply a theory based on my understanding of sports, my awareness of racial dynamics on a team and comments I hear all the time from blacks to blacks, black players to black players (I'm black by the way), stuff you wouldn't print because the assumption is that it shouldn't be in the newspaper.

(Remember how much flak Michael Irvin got when he said Tony Romo had some "brother" in him? Players talk like that all the time. But when someone takes that stuff public, the portion of the public sensitive to race dynamics gets bent out of shape about that stuff. But the black players understood what Michael was talking about and understood it in its proper "cultural" context.)

All I can say is there's a reality that you probably aren't aware of when it comes to race and sports. Either that, or you just don't want to acknowledge it.

I can't prove it to you. And I won't argue it. But I'm sure the dynamic exists.

I can argue that race exists everywhere all the time. But I believe race doesn't lurk behind every corner. I know that what went on between Witten and TO was not race related. It was TO being TO and telling Witten to leave him alone right then. it's obvious there wasn't anything much else to it.

The whole story was blown so far out of proportion that it didn't resemble the facts at all. Mere wisps of fact turned into a tempest in a teapot for the benefit of Ed Werder and ESPN. There's nothing there my friend. Nothing.

I don't care about anonymous sources either. Sure there are uses for them and they will always be needed. That's not the point. I'm not saying anything about them other than Ed Werder took a couple of facts and twisted them into a sensationalized story that did not represent the truth at all. Can you spell agenda and capitalization and opportunity?

You can bury your agenda inside journalistic facts and rhetoric but you are as transparent as glass.

People were offended by Ed Werder and what he tried to do. I don't know what others will do but I won't forget it.

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