RECAP: T.O. sitting down with Screamin' A. Smith *Merge*

Bleu Star;2501123 said:
He takes pride in doing that and often celebrates with the RBs when they score. What's that all about?

bbgun;2501140 said:
Must be an imposter out there, 'cause I don't see it. Teammates rush to congratulate him, not the other way around. Got a pic of him hugging Choice or Cricket the other night?

Well... As a matter of fact I do. TO celebrated with Cricket on his first TD of the year.


What next?
theogt;2501161 said:
You're misquoting Michael. He said that "I guess because he saw the outburst..." He didn't say TO said it was because of the outburst or that TO even said anything about an outburst.

The meeting happened for whatever reason. I don't care that it happened, but I do wish T.O. would have taken the approach of Crayton and Roy and not divulged any info about what topics were addressed in the meeting. Now the entire world knows T.O. thinks Romo looks for Witten more than te WR's. That's not helping any one that we all know it.

Right. I don't doubt that someone said it to Werder. But for Werder to take it at face value is just stupid. The quote is bizarre. It's tinfoil hat stuff. You have to go back that up before you report it. If you're just willing to run anything, it shows you're just trying to stir the pot.

Werder was waiting for something and he got it. Simple.

He 100% totally mischaracterized Bradie's quotes. Here's his quote: "Whenever the fire gets blazing, I know,'' James said. "Sometimes, I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but we all talk."

Is he saying a fire was blazing? No. He's just talking in general terms.

About Bradie. Listen. Werder makes sense.

Werder on Irvin Show

Again, you're misquoting. He said, "I'm done with it, let's forget it."

You see, you can change quotes around just ever so slightly to make things more inflammatory than they really are.

Who cares what the exact quote is in that scenario. He's admittedly 'peeved' and said something to Witten as Witten was trying to talk to him about the issue. That's the 'something' that Archer reported. It's not the 'nothing' that people were saying didn't happen and that Archer was now a liar like Werder.

As far as quotes go. You know me Theo. I post any video/audio I can get my hands on and I do it because I hate reading some quotes and not knowing the person's intent or their demeanor when they were saying it. People are going to go with their own impression or interpretation when it's just quotes in print.
Bleu Star;2501274 said:
Well... As a matter of fact I do. TO celebrated with Cricket on his first TD of the year.


What next?

He's not going over to celebrate with him. It is OBVIOUS that he is trying to take the football so that he can get credit for the touchdown.
I will admit. Initially I thought that was TO but it could be Bennett. That doesn't change my belief that TO isn't the self centered ******* that some try to make him out to be. A truly self centered individual would not put the effort he puts in to block downfield for his RBs. We can say that all WRs are supposed to block downfield but we all know that only the really good ones actually follow through with that.

I'm just owning up to the possibility that it might not be TO in that pic. I'm not sure. Someone go watch the TD and let us ;)

I feel like Ed Werder!
Bleu Star;2501274 said:
Well... As a matter of fact I do. TO celebrated with Cricket on his first TD of the year.


What next?

Well done.

That's twice in this thread bbgun. Those assumptions just aren't working out for you lately.
tomson75;2501375 said:
Well done.

That's twice in this thread bbgun. Those assumptions just aren't working out for you lately.

I still think bbgun jumps to too many conclusions but I am not 100% confident that my anonymouse sources are correct in telling me that's TO in that pic I posted. :D
The Panch;2501383 said:
Not like it matters, but that could easily be Bennett. Same gloves.

Yeah...after going back to look at it, it looks like the number on the helmet is 80. Too bad if it is...would've been sweet, albeit small, victory.
tomson75;2501385 said:
Yeah...after going back to look at it, it looks like the number on the helmet is 80. Too bad if it is...would've been sweet, albeit small, victory.
What number on the helmet? I see the black GU sticker for Gen Upshaw, but not a number.

I think that's Bennett though.
theogt;2501006 said:
4. The supposed altercation in practice. Everyone denies this.
Stephen A. Smith - who's completely on TO's side in all of this - said he confirmed that this did happen.
Double Trouble;2501399 said:
Stephen A. Smith - who's completely on TO's side in all of this - said he confirmed that this did happen.

How? Anonymous sources?
tomson75;2501385 said:
Yeah...after going back to look at it, it looks like the number on the helmet is 80. Too bad if it is...would've been sweet, albeit small, victory.

I think there is a victory over small-minded posters like bbgun every time TO takes the field and he has to watch him play...
jobberone;2501046 said:
You have reached and reached and reached with this. You're obessed with it and you've gone to extremes to defend Werder. You are obviously educated and able to express yourself. But you're filling an empty balloon now.

It's clear to most of us that this was manufactured. It's naive to actually think that TO would believe then say Romo and Witten are conspiring to keep the ball away from him.

His buddies and Werder himself can preach until the cows come home that this was just a straight up story. I and most of us will never believe it even for a second. At least not the mature and reasonable people on the board. Too many errors in the reporting. It's dead. And I'm not even going into the spin ESPN has now put on it to get more and more mileage out of it.

Ole Ed had some fun with this one but for a lot of people here he got dusted and diminished some. Surely it likely won't hurt him. He's too established. But if he continues this stuff it eventually will and I think quickly. So if he's smart then something good will come of this.

I really wish this would just go away. And soon. The best think we could do is to bury it by ignoring it.

First, I have not reached and reached and reached. The points on which I hang my arguments are solid. And the main point is this ... anonymous sources are necessary in journalism, and there are guidelines that regulate the use of anonymous sources.

That is NOT a reach. That is fact. Now, you may not be involved in journalism so you may not be aware of these guidelines. But these guidelines exist.

Second, I merely offered a theory. I'm not going to argue it or swear by it because it is simply a theory based on my understanding of sports, my awareness of racial dynamics on a team and comments I hear all the time from blacks to blacks, black players to black players (I'm black by the way), stuff you wouldn't print because the assumption is that it shouldn't be in the newspaper.

(Remember how much flak Michael Irvin got when he said Tony Romo had some "brother" in him? Players talk like that all the time. But when someone takes that stuff public, the portion of the public sensitive to race dynamics gets bent out of shape about that stuff. But the black players understood what Michael was talking about and understood it in its proper "cultural" context.)

All I can say is there's a reality that you probably aren't aware of when it comes to race and sports. Either that, or you just don't want to acknowledge it.

I can't prove it to you. And I won't argue it. But I'm sure the dynamic exists.
TheCount;2501406 said:
How? Anonymous sources?
He said something to the effect that he spent a few days down there. He didn't say who told him what, beyond referring to some of TO's comments.

How many people do we have to call liars to continue to hold to the illusion that TO is not a cancer? We're up to like 30 now.
Its amazing how Owens is under such a microscope here with some fans...

Does he smile....?
Does he cheer ?
Who he embraces after scores....who he doesnt?
Is he yelling ? or is he pumping up the players?

So the WR's went for a meeting.....and after this circus...there may be some discussion.....big deal....53 players wil have conflicts.

I dont see TC fights been blown up but if a player doesnt want to talk to another at that moment.....its a damn cirucs here.

Should we go back and pull a Irvin....just cut the player with scissors....mark them up? do it the right way?

Its amazing how those mediots have this soap opera going on...and its like the Seinfeld show...."its about nothing"

So much good about this game...the NFL sells itself...

Yet its agenda driven mediots that ruin it .....its a shame....and I cant still understand how fans are still buying that crap they report.
Double Trouble;2501478 said:
He said something to the effect that he spent a few days down there. He didn't say who told him what, beyond referring to some of TO's comments.

How many people do we have to call liars to continue to hold to the illusion that TO is not a cancer? We're up to like 30 now.
SAS in Dallas: So, was there some sort of confrontation?
JJT: Yeah, that's what I heard.


SAS on ESPN: I have confirmation that there was indeed a confontation!
dcfanatic;2501279 said:
theogt;2501161 said:
You're misquoting Michael. He said that "I guess because he saw the outburst..." He didn't say TO said it was because of the outburst or that TO even said anything about an outburst.

The meeting happened for whatever reason. I don't care that it happened, but I do wish T.O. would have taken the approach of Crayton and Roy and not divulged any info about what topics were addressed in the meeting. Now the entire world knows T.O. thinks Romo looks for Witten more than te WR's. That's not helping any one that we all know it.
Again, you're misquoting the guy. What is it with you and misquoting people?

Right. I don't doubt that someone said it to Werder. But for Werder to take it at face value is just stupid. The quote is bizarre. It's tinfoil hat stuff. You have to go back that up before you report it. If you're just willing to run anything, it shows you're just trying to stir the pot.

Werder was waiting for something and he got it. Simple.
You're right, he was willing to bite on any bit of negative news he got, and he did whether there was truth to it or not.

He 100% totally mischaracterized Bradie's quotes. Here's his quote: "Whenever the fire gets blazing, I know,'' James said. "Sometimes, I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but we all talk."

Is he saying a fire was blazing? No. He's just talking in general terms.

About Bradie. Listen. Werder makes sense.

Werder on Irvin Show
That's the very interview I was talking about where he mischaracterizes Bradie's quote. He said that Bradie backs him up that there was something going on and he doesn't.

Again, you're misquoting. He said, "I'm done with it, let's forget it."

You see, you can change quotes around just ever so slightly to make things more inflammatory than they really are.

Who cares what the exact quote is in that scenario. He's admittedly 'peeved' and said something to Witten as Witten was trying to talk to him about the issue. That's the 'something' that Archer reported. It's not the 'nothing' that people were saying didn't happen and that Archer was now a liar like Werder.

As far as quotes go. You know me Theo. I post any video/audio I can get my hands on and I do it because I hate reading some quotes and not knowing the person's intent or their demeanor when they were saying it. People are going to go with their own impression or interpretation when it's just quotes in print.
LOL. What does it matter what is said? What does it matter? HAHA. Of course it doesn't matter if all you're going to do is twist what is said to fit your agenda. He said he didn't want to talk about the story because he wanted to move on.

If you want people to take you seriously, stop mischaracterizing quotes and altogether misquoting people.
Mash;2501479 said:
Its amazing how Owens is under such a microscope here with some fans...

Does he smile....?
Does he cheer ?
Who he embraces after scores....who he doesnt?
Is he yelling ? or is he pumping up the players?

So the WR's went for a meeting.....and after this circus...there may be some discussion.....big deal....53 players wil have conflicts.

I dont see TC fights been blown up but if a player doesnt want to talk to another at that moment.....its a damn cirucs here.

Should we go back and pull a Irvin....just cut the player with scissors....mark them up? do it the right way?

Its amazing how those mediots have this soap opera going on...and its like the Seinfeld show...."its about nothing"

So much good about this game...the NFL sells itself...

Yet its agenda driven mediots that ruin it .....its a shame....and I cant still understand how fans are still buying that crap they report.
Owens puts himself under a microscope. He begs for every ounce of attention he can get. I don't recall anyone else on the roster screaming and gesturing like a maniac on the sidelines the way he does. I don't recall anyone else giving Deion Sanders an interview where he complains about his coaches and fellow players.

No one else on the roster - except Pacman and Tank Johnson - has set themself up for scrutiny like this. Maybe Keith Davis. If Brady James get caught for some sort of misdemeanor, most of us would give him the benefit of the doubt. Pacman, not so much. If Marc Columbo gets busted for an unlicensed weapon, most of us would give him a pass. Were it Tank, we probably wouldn't be so forgiving.

Same with TO. He's wrecked two teams, so at the first sign of trouble, he doesn't get the benefit of a doubt, not from me anyway. Not to mention that if you believe TO is being truthful about all of this, then you think Werder, Mortenson, Cowherd, Peter King, Calvin Watkins, Matt Mosely, and several others aren't. Not to mention that Stephen Smith is cleary with TO 100% on all of this, and yet he confirmed much of what others had reported.

TO's not a team player. We've seen that from him repeatedly in his career. When he was an elite player, as long as he wasn't totally out of control, he was worth the trouble. Now that he's clearly no longer an elite player (though still a good one), it's not so obvious that his childish behavior should be tolerated.

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