Recent picture of Tony Romo

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He's looked out of shape the last 2 years, I guess when you have a hot wife and a packed bank account, who cares about anything else? It was obvious he couldn't scramble, which was the biggest part of his game. His arm strength was not good, probably back. But his over all agility, etc, was just off. This training staff has got to be the worst in Dallas Cowboys history.

Other than that he was playing at a very high level. His game did look off a touch and as I've said all along, he must have tweeked something early that never completely healed. Hopefully he will be more lke his old self this year.
The bad snap during the Rams game was one of the most impressive individual efforts I've ever seen.

I agree, but overall through out his career he has shown a knack of escaping when he looks like it is a sure sack but he finds a way. Man can't run worth a damn but he know how to dodge people and spin out of trouble and refocus down field to find a target.

Romo is good at escaping the rush, but ask him to run up the field for 1 or two yards and he looks like a whale about to die.
Apparently, he doesn't look very good in the shower.

Yep, he'll never be Troy

"All I can say right now is that he looks good in the shower," referring to Aikman's slow progression during training camp. Thank you for your insightful analysis, Mr. Jones. We're all officially disturbed.
Only in the zone can we get 16 pages from discussing a mans figure

Or the topic evolves? :confused: That doesn't happen when you click the first and last pages...;)
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Isn't the idea that it's a good idea to rest your body for a bit after the season? Isn't the offseason conditioning program just now beginning? Isn't it obvious that he is just leaving a workout in the photo?

If you have children, teaching them strong critical thinking skills is important.
Listen Romo fanboy, I'm a stakeholder at a high school athlete performance center in Houston. I've worked out regularly since I was 15. You're little rant is not impressing anyone over here brother. If he can reach, extend, bend for shots/rebounds in basketball then he can also do some weightlifting. Second, Ben and Skin are two of Romo's best friends in the DFW media. They even hang out outside of work. They confirmed through a sources close to Romo (possibly even him) that there was nothing physically wrong with Romo when he went through that tough stretch in the middle of the season. I know you Romo fanboys have been trying like hell to attach this imaginary injury to him but nobody is buying it. CONFIRMED via Romo's good friends Ben/Skin, nothing was wrong with him. Lastly, if you don't think weightlifting is incorporated into a quarterback's regimen for arm strength purposes, then you have no clue about high-performance strength training. There are always exceptions to the rule (even though Brady is much more developed than his Combine pic), but for the most part a quarterback can improve their arm strength by undertaking a regimen that works on building strength in the core, legs, and upper body. Romo's done it in the past, every top QB in the country is has done it.

I could care less about hearsay. Athletes especially foot ball athletes lie about injuries all the time and there is a tremendous amount of pressure to not use them as an excuse. I saw Romo gimping out there. Nullius in verba
You "could care less" or you couldn't care less? There is a big difference between the 2. lol
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