Recent picture of Tony Romo

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Is that Jason Garrett this off season? my God, he is not in shape either....time to get to the gym Red?!?!
Ha glad to see the "Tony Romo is fat" thread is now an annual event.

Physiques can be deceiving. Anyone here a fight fan? Ever see Fedor Emelienenko?
Oh no! Golf is one thing, but please, please, please don't let him be "hoopin'". He might get hurt.
I gather nobody on here ever saw Tom Brady at the combine with his shirt off? Very scary.

Also, how many pitchers in MLB look in shape? Most of them have a gut, but they have cannons for arms.
He looks thrilled,,, I think I'd be embarrassed to post a picture of my favorite QB giving me the "you're an arse-wipe" look.
Incredible. Just freakin' incredible. The guy finished (and won) a game with a herniated disk that occurred in the damn game. If any one of you has dealt with that before, you know what that must have felt like. I'd take this guy every Sunday for the rest of time as the Cowboys' QB if I could. Change the FO and structure of this organization, fill the rest of the roster with guys like him and put the coach in a position to succeed or fail on his own and no one would give two rat's ***es what he looked like.
So our QB doesn't look like Laron Landry? Outrageous!

More buff = more wins. It's science, right?
Tony Romo + 6 pack abs = 13-3 season.
Tony Romo + beer belly = 2-14 season.

Got it!
Tony has never been in top shape. I would love it if he would tone up and play at 225.

If he is good enough to be in a summer league he should be good enough to lift or throw the fball already.

A guy Tony was playing against last week said Tony looked out of shape but was going hard. Witten also plays in Romos league and He said Witten sucks at hoops. Lol.
You need to realize, MOST QB's aren't cut and defined. You expect every QB to look like Tebow. Just another let's say something not nice about Romo thread?
Well let's go ahead and get this outta the way...
Can someone please post a pic of fat ******* of Austin Powers fame.
How do we know Tony isn't throwing the football? He could be throwing passes at home in private for all we know.
I never thought i'd miss the days of "Romo will never win a superbowl because he wears his hat backwards". This is the standard of gossip magazines.
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