Recent picture of Tony Romo

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Looks a little pudgy here to me.
This is the yearly "Romo looks out of shape" pic we get every year. To be honest, he looked worse last year.
Yeah I know right. Why would he be doing something to get in shape after back surgery... :rolleyes:

If he not able to pick up a football and throw it then I don't see how he can play bball. I'm sure you've played bball before and its more physical than throwing a football on your back. Unless there is a rule in the game you can't touch romo and romo can't jump for rebounds and romo has no one to cover then sure I guess its ok. Again not accusing of it in a pic just saying I hope he isn't. There's a chance he's been cleared to do it and throw. I don't know. I know just a week ago though he hadn't picked up a footabll and thrown it because he couldn't. Maybe something has changed
The QB these people want.


Or this one...




Ha glad to see the "Tony Romo is fat" thread is now an annual event.

Physiques can be deceiving. Anyone here a fight fan? Ever see Fedor Emelienenko?

There is nothing deceiving about that picture. Every time a picture of him is posted looking chubby you guys always claim the picture is lying to us lol. The guy looks terrible in that pic.

I swear to God, Zordon posted this exact thread last offseason. He's oddly obsessed with Romo's physique.
Not true.

After the season ended Broaddus and the guys even said Romo could benefit from staying in better shape in the offseason. With multiple injuries to his core and an arm that looks like it's weakening, is that too much to ask from the 100 million dollar quarterback? You don't get the way he looks by just having surgery. You get that way by having surgery and maintaining a bad diet.

Tony looks 'normal' to me. What's the big deal?
Oh man you're lying to yourself. No way does he look like an athlete in that picture. If this was a rival qb we'd be laughing our arses off.
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There is nothing deceiving about that picture. Every time a picture of him is posted looking chubby you guys always claim the picture is lying to us lol. The guy looks terrible in that pic.

Not true.

After the season ended Broaddus and the guys even said Romo could benefit from staying in better shape in the offseason. With multiple injuries to his core and an arm that looks like it's weakening, is that too much to ask from the 100 million dollar quarterback? You don't get the way he looks by just having surgery. You get that way by having surgery and maintaining a bad diet.

Oh man you're lying to yourself. No way does he look like an athlete in that picture. If this was a rival qb we'd be laughing our arses off.

talk about a really lame thread. Like it means squat here in early April. I would rather he take it easy and fully heal and slowly work into better shape then like some gomers here want him working hard NOW. Just plain STUPID.
Or this one...

There is nothing deceiving about that picture. Every time a picture of him is posted looking chubby you guys always claim the picture is lying to us lol. The guy looks terrible in that pic.

Not true.

After the season ended Broaddus and the guys even said Romo could benefit from staying in better shape in the offseason. With multiple injuries to his core and an arm that looks like it's weakening, is that too much to ask from the 100 million dollar quarterback? You don't get the way he looks by just having surgery. You get that way by having surgery and maintaining a bad diet.

Oh man you're lying to yourself. No way does he look like an athlete in that picture. If this was a rival qb we'd be laughing our arses off.

It was the mullet, not the abs, which made him a success.
I saw Tony and "Big Country" walking into this place, but I'm not reading anything into it like some might....

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