Recent picture of Tony Romo

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As far as Romo's weight, I can say that I am into weight training and some boxing.

Romo looks like a football player. That's what he looks like. He looks like an NFL QB. And I'm not talking about those half-WRs like Cam Newton and Kaepernick.

Oh, and CBS scouts said Tony benched 385 lbs at the 2003 combine if you guys were wondering.
and you are going overboard acting as if you know what Romo work out schedule is. How long have you been playing QB in the NFL? Are you coming off a back surgery? Romo is working David Cutcliffe who worked with Peyton Manning after coming off neck surgery and doing what he is supposed to be doing

I understand he's working with Cutcliffe, that's good. That being said, he's getting up there in age and he's coming off two serious injuries to his core. It would be smart to increase the core training in the offseason and lay off the other activities. Romo has gotten progressively more and more flabbier since '07. Go back and look at clips of him from them and its a different person.

Translation: I'm not a doctor, athletic trainer, or otherwise privy to Tony Romo's medical status, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Good one chief. ;)

I didn't call you obsessive. I didn't call you anything. You're just wrong. We all are at times. On this topic you are.

One serious injury. The cyst removal was not that serious. The Cowboys were cautious and it clearly did not affect him. He didn't miss a single game due to that injury and he performed at a level few can. So you can lay off the doom and gloom of how serious it was. I don't mind caution about his overcoming the current serious injury, but even there his physique right now post surgery is not indicative of squat and this entire thread is nothing but silly at best.

Oh, and don't act like Super Bowl winning QBs have all been cut. Bart Starr, Len Dawson, Earl Morrall, Terry Bradshaw, Ken Stabler, Jim Plunkett, Jim McMahon, Phil Simms, Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer, Tom Brady, Brad Johnson, Pig Pen Ruthlessraper, and Eli Manning all have won Super Bowls without being all Greek god. Many of them more than one. Plunkett and Pig Pen destroy your thread theme without me saying a word. Plunkett especially because he was 33 and 36 when he and his fat butt took the Raiders to Championships
I'm not going to change your opinion or anyone else's on this site. CZ is by far the most pro-Romo website of any Cowboys site on the internet. Numero uno. That's great. All I'm saying is he does not look good in that pic. Hopefully he understands the importance of training more as he gets older and builds the muscles in his core and back to help recover and prevent future injuries to that area. The players you listed are irrelevant to me b/c we're talking about Romo in the here and now and what his value is to this franchise figuratively and literally ($). If we're going to make a run at this thing in his final years, I don't think it's too much to ask for my 100 million dollar investment to do everything he can to be in top shape for this final stretch run before retirement.

FYI Eli in '07 and Big Ben in '05 won super bowls while being in a tip top shape. Look at pics of them from then and you will see it.
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I understand he's working with Cutcliffe, that's good. That being said, he's getting up there in age and he's coming off two serious injuries to his core. It would be smart to increase the core training in the offseason and lay off the other activities. Romo has gotten progressively more and more flabbier since '07. Go back and look at clips of him from them and its a different person.

Good one chief. ;)

I'm not going to change your opinion or anyone else's on this site. CZ is by far the most pro-Romo website of any Cowboys site on the internet. Numero uno. That's great. All I'm saying is he does not look good in that pic. Hopefully he understands the importance of training more as he gets older and builds the muscles in his core and back to help recover and prevent future injuries to that area. The players you listed are irrelevant to me b/c we're talking about Romo in the here and now and what his value is to this franchise figuratively and literally ($). If we're going to make a run at this thing in his final years, I don't think it's too much to ask for my 100 million dollar investment to do everything he can to be in top shape for this final stretch run before retirement.

FYI Eli in '07 and Big Ben in '05 won super bowls while being in a tip top shape. Look at pics of them from then and you will see it.

Funny, since he's a known gym rat
The leap from a picture to questions about Romo's work ethic should be captioned with another picture of someone grasping at a huge pile of straws.
I'm not going to change your opinion or anyone else's on this site.
Not by being dead wrong. Hell no you won't.

All I'm saying is he does not look good in that pic.
And all anyone else is saying is that this topic comes up every year and then the guy goes out and plays his *** off and you all look stupid every year.

Hopefully he understands the importance of training more as he gets older and builds the muscles in his core and back to help recover and prevent future injuries to that area.
Yeah, every report that Tony is a gym rat, one of the first to arrive at VR and one of the last to leave must mean that he shows up to play video games and nap.

The players you listed are irrelevant to me b/c we're talking about Romo in the here and now and what his value is to this franchise figuratively and literally ($).
No, they are irrelavant to you because you have no idea what you are talking about.

If we're going to make a run at this thing in his final years, I don't think it's too much to ask for my 100 million dollar investment to do everything he can to be in top shape for this final stretch run before retirement.
You're a guy who in this thread basically bragged about the physical shape you are in. I got a thousand bucks says that "out of shape" guy would school your whiny *** in football, basketball, soccer, and golf. Probably a few more sports too.

FYI Eli in '07 and Big Ben in '05 won super bowls while being in a tip top shape. Look at pics of them from then and you will see it.
Oh, by all means post some of these pics if you have already seen. I know, I know, you aren't going to do that because you can't and you'll hide behind the commentary that you're not going to look stuff up for me. Then don't claim what we both know you can't prove.
Not by being dead wrong. Hell no you won't.

And all anyone else is saying is that this topic comes up every year and then the guy goes out and plays his *** off and you all look stupid every year.

Yeah, every report that Tony is a gym rat, one of the first to arrive at VR and one of the last to leave must mean that he shows up to play video games and nap.

No, they are irrelavant to you because you have no idea what you are talking about.

You're a guy who in this thread basically bragged about the physical shape you are in. I got a thousand bucks says that "out of shape" guy would school your whiny *** in football, basketball, soccer, and golf. Probably a few more sports too.

Oh, by all means post some of these pics if you have already seen. I know, I know, you aren't going to do that because you can't and you'll hide behind the commentary that you're not going to look stuff up for me. Then don't claim what we both know you can't prove.

I said the same thing about him being a gym rat, its been known for years........same thread will come up next year despite this fact and his play each year disproves being out of shape
one constant is people are always looking for reason to rip Romo. How he wears his cap, taking a little time in offense to play golf, dating Jessica Simpson and a number of other things that really is nothing more than some who love to take jabs at him. If Romo messes up then call him out like you would any other player but this constant nit picking at Romo just gets to be a bit ridicules. We get it some here just can't stand Romo

Notice the guy that wipes the glasses never far from Jerry.
Real Housewives of JerryWorld
Confession, I have no who the blonde is next to Garrett that is not his wife Brill.
one constant is people are always looking for reason to rip Romo. How he wears his cap, taking a little time in offense to play golf, dating Jessica Simpson and a number of other things that really is nothing more than some who love to take jabs at him. If Romo messes up then call him out like you would any other player but this constant nit picking at Romo just gets to be a bit ridicules. We get it some here just can't stand Romo
As a Romo fan, the only true gripe I had/have was the Cabo trip before the season ended. The team hadn't made any noise in the post season since the Aikman era and TR/Witten/Barby deciding to go on a "bro" trip before the conclusion of the seasn (esp the bye week bf your first home playoff game in a good minute). Didn't/doesn't sit well. The lack of "ra ra" attitude is fine in my book bc not everyone has that in him. The problem was there were no offensive leaders to balance this and lead the charge; making fans look back @ Romo for this lack of leadership on the team. I love his talent, but do feel he has over relied on Witten the last two seasons when the offense should've been primarily funnelled through Dez and Murray. If his back gets back to 100%, there is no doubt he can be succesful in the postseason. JG needs to get him there!
I said the same thing about him being a gym rat, its been known for years........same thread will come up next year despite this fact and his play each year disproves being out of shape

Roger Staubach had love handles you could grab on to. Nobody called him a coach potato.

Tony may not have the body of a Greek god but that does not mean he does not work hard in the gym.

Note: As a kid, I spent time at the old practice field so I got to know a lot of the old Cowboys. I still keep in touch with some of them.
As a Romo fan, the only true gripe I had/have was the Cabo trip before he season ended. The team hadn't made any noise in the post season since the Aikman era and TR/Witten/Barby deciding to go on a "bro" trip before the conclusion of the seasn (esp the bye week bf your first home playoff game in a good minute). Didn't/doesn't sit well. The lack of "ra ra" attitude is fine in my book bc not everyone has that in him. The problem was their were no offensive leaders to lead the charge; making fans look back @ Romo for this lack of leadership on the team.

I think from a preception view point your right but given that players were off he did not miss any time nor did Witten who was there as well it was no bigger deal to me than had he gone home to Wis to visit his family or stayed in Dallas sitting at home. Had Romo skipped practice to party in Cabo or in Dallas or anywheres else I would have been pissed but fact is that was 3 days the players had off and it frankly did not bother me in the least.
I think from a preception view point your right but given that players were off he did not miss any time nor did Witten who was there as well it was no bigger deal to me than had he gone home to Wis to visit his family or stayed in Dallas sitting at home. Had Romo skipped practice to party in Cabo or in Dallas or anywheres else I would have been pissed but fact is that was 3 days the players had off and it frankly did not bother me in the least.
I here ya Dooms, I guess in my opinion it shows a mindset ( and I know this is getting into the fan extreme, etc.) that they were "comfortable." In a way, acting as if they had done it before and many more were a comin kind've thing. We know that wasn't the case so it makes paranoid fans like me look at that period and wonder if they didn' let that 13-3 go their heads a little bit; causing them to lose that mean streak.
Roger Staubach had love handles you could grab on to. Nobody called him a coach potato.

Tony may not have the body of a Greek god but that does not mean he does not work hard in the gym.

Note: As a kid, I spent time at the old practice field so I got to know a lot of the old Cowboys. I still keep in touch with some of them.
That's cool Zimmy...lil envious over here.
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