Recent picture of Tony Romo

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One year, I felt he looked really lean, but you are right, most years he looks a little soft. Would love to see him dedicate himself in the off-season to getting in top shape, especially coming off a back "incident". It just isn't who he is.
Listen Romo fanboy, I'm a stakeholder at a high school athlete performance center in Houston. I've worked out regularly since I was 15. You're little rant is not impressing anyone over here brother. If he can reach, extend, bend for shots/rebounds in basketball then he can also do some weightlifting. Second, Ben and Skin are two of Romo's best friends in the DFW media. They even hang out outside of work. They confirmed through a sources close to Romo (possibly even him) that there was nothing physically wrong with Romo when he went through that tough stretch in the middle of the season. I know you Romo fanboys have been trying like hell to attach this imaginary injury to him but nobody is buying it. CONFIRMED via Romo's good friends Ben/Skin, nothing was wrong with him. Lastly, if you don't think weightlifting is incorporated into a quarterback's regimen for arm strength purposes, then you have no clue about high-performance strength training. There are always exceptions to the rule (even though Brady is much more developed than his Combine pic), but for the most part a quarterback can improve their arm strength by undertaking a regimen that works on building strength in the core, legs, and upper body. Romo's done it in the past, every top QB in the country is has done it.

Sonny Jurgenson and Billy Kilmer...Im sure there are others....had great careers into their mid-30s, looking like their diet consisted of hot dogs and beer.
I was adding just SB Winners. If I got to add all QBs this would be even sillier.
One year, I felt he looked really lean, but you are right, most years he looks a little soft. Would love to see him dedicate himself in the off-season to getting in top shape, especially coming off a back "incident". It just isn't who he is.

Honestly, most of the time he looks like I said before, like he rolled off his couch and suited up.

In fact, I swear when he is clean shaven before a game he has usually not played well.

This is just a theory, but I believe I am correct.
Most qbs aren't super fit, but I do think it has helped drew Brees.

One thing is for sure, he should be doing extensive core training in his rehab and from here on. I know this because if a ruptured L4 and herniated L5 I got from basketball. Once you have a kink back there, you have to build up the strength in the surrounding areas to protect the weak link.

That said if he is playing anything but horse, he should be seen as in full rehab mode. After the surgery its usually 6-8 weeks of no BLT (bend, lift, twist). He can definitely ride stationary bike, elliptical, etc. Maybe even jog at this point.

Not too worried about him, but if he is overweight, there is likely only positives to getting in great shape at this age
Billy & Sonny look in pretty good shape compared to Romo


Vinny took care of his body. As did Bledsoe. Both were in tip top shape throughout their careers.

The picture I posted in the OP is the picture of a man who does not touch weights. The fact that this is becoming a yearly thing is kinda sad. Not on my part, but on HIS part. If you can play basketball and golf and indoor soccer every other day, you can lift some weights or do some calthestics. Looking at his body composition in that picture, it's obvious to anyone who has spent anytime in the gym that Romo does not take the offseason very seriously.

No, it isn't. It is just you jumping to conclusions with no facts to support your stance. You have no idea what Romo does in the off season as far as weight training.
Cowboys zone:

"Look how fat he got he needs to work out"
"He's doing Physical activity that isn't football?! What is wrong with him? He shouldn't be moving!"
Look we get it, you joined the Crossfit squad at your local gym and now you're the guru on Sports Training, unfortunately while you were drinking your post-workout berry shake and smelling your own farts you forgot to realize you have no background in sports medicine, and it's obvious.

Your comment on arm strength being related to how "fit" you look should be a clue to everyone you're clueless on the topic. I played with a lot of guys that played D1 baseball that could bench up over 300 on bench and were gym rats, didn't mean they were going on the mound and tossing it 95 mph. Look at pitchers today and look at Tom Brady, Jay Cutler, guys who had cannons in their careers and they look like the old guys you see on the elliptical at the gym. There is little to no correlation of gym strength to arm strength so that comment is irrelevant. Maybe his arm strength wasn't as high because of something else? Shocking that the real reason may not fit your agenda I know.

Romo is about to be 34, he's not "adding muscle mass and losing BF". First, that's hard for anyone to do, even a 25 year old male. Secondly, anyone that pounds weights in the weight room knows when you're lifting heavy you can hurt yourself, tendons/ligaments etc. can be reoccuring issues, a linebacker/dlineman can play with a nagging shoulder/elbow issue, a QB probably can't. Just goes to show that no matter how deep lunges you do in your spandex Livestrong shorts, you still have a long ways to go in your fitness knowledge.

Don't worry, I know you'll probably respond with some kind of opinion that completely defies logic and science,but makes sense in your warped realm of reason, entangled in a web of narcissism, elevated self-worth, and ineptitude so I won't bother responding to it.

As far as the picture goes, looks to me like he's getting back in football shape playing some full-court ball. I'd much rather my QB be able to play a day of full-court ball before offseason starts instead of attempting to put up a new max in the weight room. Tony knows what he needs to do to get ready for the season, the haters are welcome to google image pictures of Kaepernick or their QB of choice to satisfy their craving for pectorals.

classic..zordon is..gym guy

Notice the guy that wipes the glasses never far from Jerry.
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