Mods, I am not trying to be difficult but I really believe this new forum concept does not work well for your user segments.
Not to get on a high horse, but my job is to help large companies design web sites specifically through helping them to understand the specific needs, biases and behaviors of the users that visit their web sites.
Based upon my understanding through reviewing this thread, it appears as though you have three specific types of users that visit the Zone:
1. NEW USERS -- Arriving via word of mouth or referral, they are interested in becoming Zoners. New users will go to the main forum - this is simply the way it works on Discussion Boards.
** Problem-Cowboys news and the best threads aren't there. Many won't use the Zone for long.
2. LIGHT USERS -- Once a day or every other day regular users -- probably less than an hour per day. These users come to see the latest news and facts, spending less than an hour on the site per day.
** The new forum concept works well for these users **
3. HEAVY USERS -- Users that visit the site multiple times per day and often spend hours on the site at a time. These users will and enjoy traversing though almost all the threads, exploring and deciding what to get involved in.
**The new forum structure is frustrating and inconvenient. These users want everything in one place ****
In Summary, you have done a good job of addressing user #2 at the expense of users #1 and #3.
The solution, if Vbulletin will support it, is to structure the forums around the user as follows:
Main Forum - All threads, including those in Daily News. Works well for user segment #1 (New User) and user segment # 3 (Heavy User).
Daily News Forum - contains the threads from Main Forum that are marked as 'Daily News' by the mods. Works well for user segment #2 (Light User). Technically, the Daily News Forum is just a view or filter of the 'News Worthy' threads in the Main Forum
Thanks for consideration. I really think this is the way to go.