Regarding the new forum changes *** MERGED ***

Juke99;1283517 said:
There are tons of examples where people left things as they were because they were successful and went down the tubes because they didn't change.

Remember the group "Boston" ??

They had a great sound. They sold a gazillion albums.

They kept to that sound for the next album. They sold a half a gazillion albums.

Uh, you get the idea.

They were gone after four albums.
Remember when Coke tried a new formula?
Bigdog24;1283484 said:
Just dont turn this site into the good OL boys Club.... The haves and have nots....You have a great site, good for all of us Cowboys FANs.....and that what make this site special...just dont screw up a good thing
What do you mean by good ol boys club? Just curious. I'm not sure how the new setup creates that.
Juke99;1283524 said:
Ok well, we differ on this. I hardly think you'd be thrilled if we only had one forum here for every topic imaginable.

It's all about levels of information. And quick access to that information.

Anyway. We've all tried our best to explain to you.

If we didn't care, none of us would have spent as much time as we have.
In all the time I've been here on CZ, I think I've click on the other zones maybe 3 or 4 times. I'm sure many people are just the same.

I've also tried my best to explain it to you.

I know you care. I'm not saying you don't.
theogt;1283506 said:
If it ain't broke don't fix it.

If the system was broke before, I don't understand how it became the most popular Cowboys site on the internet.

If that mentality existed in the worlds history the world would be very different than it is today.

Old Black and White TVs...hey it worked, if it ain't broke don't fix color tv, no hdtv and so on.

Antennas for TV...hey we get channels and the news, it if ain't broke don't fix cable or dish tv.

On the second part...

As a site grows there will be changes, that is just the nature in many cases.

Yahoo is not the same as it was when it became popular, IMDB is not the same as it was when it first became popular, is not the same as it was when it first became popular, Google is not the same as it was when it first became popular, Amazon is not the same as it was when it became popular and so on and so on.
theogt;1283329 said:
What about this? I propose having two zones.

Main Zone - This zone would includes all of the created threads, opinion and article alike. Everyone could go to this zone and see all of the relevant information posted.

Daily Zone - This zone would include all of the "quality threads" and would essentially be the "Daily Zone" is now.

Threads that are in the Daily Zone, however, would not be removed from the Main Zone. That way, people wouldn't have to switch back and forth to read all of the threads.

Mods, this is definitely the way to go. I don't know vBulletin that well, but can't you just mark certain threads as 'high quality' and make them show up in another Forum in addition to the current one?

I know you guys have thought this through but it is a big deal and pain for us regular users to have to go to two forums.
theogt;1283528 said:
Remember when Coke tried a new formula?

Which time...

When it was initially made as a medicine?

When it was originally called French Wine Cola?

When they quit putting cocaine into the forumla?

Or the last one that did not work?

I know you meant the last one, but you failed to take into account the other things prior to that which were changed.
theogt;1283528 said:
Remember when Coke tried a new formula?

Yeah, I remember what happened with Coke. They gained a TON of market share that they wouldn't have if the had not introduced the new formula and then switched back to the old. That is what happened. Many in the business world, myself included, felt it was orchestrated by Coke intentionally. They BLEW away Pepsi after the reintroduction of the old formula. So, bad example.

But to the question at hand...I guarantee you'll find more businesses that went OUT of business by not changing. Guaranteed.
Juke99;1283547 said:
Yeah, I remember what happened with Coke. They gained a TON of market share that they wouldn't have if the had not introduced the new formula and then switched back to the old. That is what happened. Many in the business world, myself included, felt it was orchestrated by Coke intentionally. They BLEW away Pepsi after the reintroduction of the old formula. So, bad example.

But to the question at hand...I guarantee you'll find more businesses that went OUT of business by not changing. Guaranteed.
Was readership declining on the site? Were you guys "going out of business?"
Juke99;1283517 said:
There are tons of examples where people left things as they were because they were successful and went down the tubes because they didn't change.

Remember the group "Boston" ??

They had a great sound. They sold a gazillion albums.

They kept to that sound for the next album. They sold a half a gazillion albums.

Uh, you get the idea.

They were gone after four albums.

you can talk bad about my wife or kids

you can kick my dog

but dont you DARE talk bad about Boston
BigDFan5;1283557 said:
you can talk bad about my wife or kids

you can kick my dog

but dont you DARE talk bad about Boston

Guy had a great tone on guitar and made almost all of his own guitar was a genius in that area.
Hostile;1283439 said:
Now let's address what are simply bad threads. Do you like wading through them to find the good stuff? I don't think anyone does. We're hoping (I'm talking fingers crossed, and going on hunger fasts) that by doing this people will actually care enough about getting their well thought out posts in that CDZ forum that they will think through their thoughts and really post great stuff. Is it asking too much? Maybe it is. I hope it isn't. Someone pointed out how some people feel the need to make new threads all the time. We had a poster about a few weeks ago who created 25 one line new threads with single line ideas in about 10 minutes. The entire 1st page was all of his one line irrelvant thoughts.

"Is Canty going to be a star?"

"Do you like the practice uniforms?"

"Is it going to rain next weekend in Atlanta?"

Just some examples of the content he posted. No thought put into the fact Atlanta is a domed stadium and rain did not matter. He just wanted attention.

See, this is what I was referring to earlier in the post. Your problem is low quality post crowding the main forum. Your intentions are good, it isn’t a bad idea. However, you must face it, your going to have a lot of upset individuals who think their threads should be moved to your new zone.

If you made it so an individual could only post around 6 new threads a day in the main area you’ll find you have more quality threads. But in all other area’s they could post til their hearts content. I am sure that most individuals would find it difficult to think of say six quality threads in a day. But it would eliminate the “TO wore green socks today” threads.

When you first started, the main thread was for Cowboys news and topics only. Today we have threads about portis bashing the skins threads. For me, this is the stuff I really don’t want to sift through. If I wanted news about other teams I could visit their teams sites.

I do have another idea though; don’t know if it’s possible. You could create a favorite posters zone. It would be private to each individual. Let’s say I mark Hos, Reality, BrainPaint as my favorite posters. When I log in, they would show up in my favorite posters zone.
theogt;1283550 said:
Was readership declining on the site? Were you guys "going out of business?"

If you don't change, in business or anywhere else, you're doomed.

That's simply a fact.

You made your point. You'd prefer a board with only one forum for every topic. That's the framework from within which your opinion emanates. I think you're in a very small minority.

We, the mod group, have taken a LOT of time trying to explain.

My nickel says the site will be just fine.
BigDFan5;1283557 said:
you can talk bad about my wife or kids

you can kick my dog

but dont you DARE talk bad about Boston

They were great.

For one album.

Viper;1283562 said:
See, this is what I was referring to earlier in the post. Your problem is low quality post crowding the main forum. Your intentions are good, it isn’t a bad idea. However, you must face it, your going to have a lot of upset individuals who think their threads should be moved to your new zone.

If you made it so an individual could only post around 6 new threads a day in the main area you’ll find you have more quality threads. But in all other area’s they could post til their hearts content. I am sure that most individuals would find it difficult to think of say six quality threads in a day. But it would eliminate the “TO wore green socks today” threads.

When you first started, the main thread was for Cowboys news and topics only. Today we have threads about portis bashing the skins threads. For me, this is the stuff I really don’t want to sift through. If I wanted news about other teams I could visit their teams sites.

I do have another idea though; don’t know if it’s possible. You could create a favorite posters zone. It would be private to each individual. Let’s say I mark Hos, Reality, BrainPaint as my favorite posters. When I log in, they would show up in my favorite posters zone.

I am not sure if both of your ideas will work in the Vbull software.

I know you can prevent users from creating new threads in designated sections but I am not sure about limiting the number of threads they can start per day.

I am also not sure about the favorite posters situation. I know there is a "buddy list" function with Vbull but I have never used it so I really don't know much about it.

Maybe someone else who has used it, the buddy list option, could provide details.
BrAinPaiNt;1283561 said:
Guy had a great tone on guitar and made almost all of his own guitar was a genius in that area.

Tom Scholz was great but reports had him down as a jerk and almost divaish
I'm not sure I like this new setup.....can we get a forum for political flaming? Or what about a smack talk forum?

BrAinPaiNt;1283577 said:
I am not sure if both of your ideas will work in the Vbull software.

I know you can prevent users from creating new threads in designated sections but I am not sure about limiting the number of threads they can start per day.

I am also not sure about the favorite posters situation. I know there is a "buddy list" function with Vbull but I have never used it so I really don't know much about it.

Maybe someone else who has used it, the buddy list option, could provide details.

yeah, didn't know if it was possible. I was just thinking outloud, notice I don't do that often...see my post count?
BrAinPaiNt;1283577 said:
I am not sure if both of your ideas will work in the Vbull software.

I know you can prevent users from creating new threads in designated sections but I am not sure about limiting the number of threads they can start per day.

I am also not sure about the favorite posters situation. I know there is a "buddy list" function with Vbull but I have never used it so I really don't know much about it.

Maybe someone else who has used it, the buddy list option, could provide details.
I use the buddy list. At most, it just puts a plus sign next to the member's name in the member list. And they show up in the User CP.

Viper;1283598 said:
yeah, didn't know if it was possible. I was just thinking outloud, notice I don't do that often...see my post count?
and this one happens to be 666. You should hurry and post another one quick. :eek: :p:

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