Reggie Bush or Adrian Peterson?

to all those saying that Bush is more versatile-- that very well may be true.. but do you really think that is gonna make much difference in the NFL? you really think he is gonna be used as a KR/PR or lining up as a WR? no.. and even if he did, that means that his role as an every down back would be reduced.. if anything, it just means that he is gonna be more of a Brian Westbrook or Marshall Faulk type.. dont get me wrong, I think he is gonna be a great player.. but I think that Adrian Peterson (for the guy that asked, AD is his nickname-- stands for All Day) is gonna be a special player, that once in a generation kinda back.. thats why I started this thread.. alot of people are saying that about Bush.. but I think that guy will be Peterson.. Im even gonna make a prediction right now and say the best back since Emmitt and Barry in the mid 90s..

excellent post!
I know I might have sounded a little harsh about Adrian Peterson, but a guy that big does not need to be getting hurt a lot, and if Bush was to play in the big twelve there would be not doubt in my mind that he would put up better numbers than Adrian Peterson, and plus look at the big twelve it was not that strong this year.
cboyd said:
I know I might have sounded a little harsh about Adrian Peterson, but a guy that big does not need to be getting hurt a lot, and if Bush was to play in the big twelve there would be not doubt in my mind that he would put up better numbers than Adrian Peterson, and plus look at the big twelve it was not that strong this year.
Do you know what conference Texas plays in? :confused:
to all those saying that Bush is more versatile-- that very well may be true.. but do you really think that is gonna make much difference in the NFL? you really think he is gonna be used as a KR/PR or lining up as a WR? no.. and even if he did, that means that his role as an every down back would be reduced.. if anything, it just means that he is gonna be more of a Brian Westbrook or Marshall Faulk type.. dont get me wrong, I think he is gonna be a great player.. but I think that Adrian Peterson (for the guy that asked, AD is his nickname-- stands for All Day) is gonna be a special player, that once in a generation kinda back.. thats why I started this thread.. alot of people are saying that about Bush.. but I think that guy will be Peterson.. Im even gonna make a prediction right now and say the best back since Emmitt and Barry in the mid 90s..

Yeah nice post, but you can't tell me that NFL teams aren't going to give Bush a higher grade because he can catch passes out of the backfield. Remember Edge was picked ahead of Ricky Williams. Versatility is a highly regarded attribute in the NFL. What's wrong with being a Marshall Faulk type? He was after all the MVP in 2000. True he's basically retired now, but he was a great back. Bush is in that same mold, but he'll be better.
few tidbits about AD

Bruce Feldman's blog on
Adrian Peterson, TB, Oklahoma: The 2006 Heisman favorite turns plenty of heads in the Sooners' weight room. Most impressive feat: Peterson can hold an 80-pound dumbbell in each hand and make a standing jump to the top of a 36-inch wooden box.

Ivan Maisel,
Thursday, Feb. 16
1. If you're worried about Oklahoma tailback Adrian Peterson's ankle, don't. When offseason conditioning began, Peterson ran a 4.41 in the 40. Strength coach Jerry Schmidt announced, "4.4" and told Peterson not to run again. When a couple of teammates also ran "4.4s", albeit 4.46 or so, Peterson's competitive instinct took over. He got back in line. This time: 4.35.
peplaw06 said:
Yeah nice post, but you can't tell me that NFL teams aren't going to give Bush a higher grade because he can catch passes out of the backfield. Remember Edge was picked ahead of Ricky Williams. Versatility is a highly regarded attribute in the NFL. What's wrong with being a Marshall Faulk type? He was after all the MVP in 2000. True he's basically retired now, but he was a great back. Bush is in that same mold, but he'll be better.

with all due respect peplaw.......i wouldn't compare bush to a first ballot hall of famer by the name of faulk.

i think reggie bush is an excellent talent...and your right, he will be used like marshall.

i just think adrian is the second coming of eric dickerson.....with a little shake and bake to go with that stride.
Peterson is very talented, but I think he is always going to have injury problems. He runs straight up and takes too many good hits. He may have a career similar to Eddie George because he will wear down quickly. I think Bush is going to have a similar career to Marshall Faulk because of his versatility. He needs to add some weight in his lower body though.
the longhorns made bush look average at best.

white looked much better.
wayne_motley said:
Ridiculous voting...Bush is so far superior to Peterson it isn't funny. Peterson is way overrated...Bush is the consensus #1 pick in this draft. Do you actually believe Peterson is ever going to be the top pick in the draft when he comes out? NO have to be a special RB with the entire package and home run potential to get it done on any single play from anywhere on the field, like Barry Sanders, to be the #1 pick in the draft as a RB.

I'll take a lot of grief because I'm in the slim minority here, but I won't mind you remembering this thread when Peterson comes out and is just another back in the NFL....Let's not forget there was a time when Maurice Clarett was considered by many to be the greatest young college back in the land.

Guys like Bush don't come along every year. Guys like Peterson do, imo.

Wow, I was beginning to think I was in the Twilight Zone or something with everyone talking about Peterson being so much better than Bush. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has actually seen Bush play.
lanecity1975 said:
with all due respect peplaw.......i wouldn't compare bush to a first ballot hall of famer by the name of faulk.

i think reggie bush is an excellent talent...and your right, he will be used like marshall.

i just think adrian is the second coming of eric dickerson.....with a little shake and bake to go with that stride.

Wait a second... People on this thread have said AP is gonna be better than Emmitt, as good as Emmitt and Barry were in the 90s. You're comparing AP to another first ballot hall of famer. Why shouldn't I compare Bush to Faulk?? Faulk has never been thought of as a top 5 RB all time, which those three guys arguably are.

And Reggie Bush a "poor man's Eric Metcalf...?" Puhleeese. You guys are reading waaay too much into the Rose Bowl. It's not like he had that bad of a game either. One stupid mistake, but early on in that game he was running wild against UT.
Wow, I was beginning to think I was in the Twilight Zone or something with everyone talking about Peterson being so much better than Bush. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has actually seen Bush play.

Ditto... that's the problem. The only time these guys have seen him play is the Rose Bowl. Do yourselves a favor and go watch the Fresno State game from this year. I know, I know... who's fresno? But doing that agianst any top team in the country is simply amazing. Plus, do you remember Bush's TD in the Rose Bowl. That's the sample of things he can do. You can't tell me AP could have done that.
I voted for Bush, BUT you gotta look at the 2 very different confrences these two guys play in. Don't forget to look at each of the O-lines they had either. Regardless, I think both will do great things in the NFL and battle each other out for best RB in the league one day.
I prefer Peterson.

I think he can take the hits better than Bush.

I like the way Peterson hits holes better than Bush.

While teams have always been spread out against USC, giving Bush huge lanes to run through, Peterson has been facing 8-9 man fronts. And yes, that was with Jason White back there.

I mean, I don't think you can really go wrong with either one. But I prefer Peterson more. I'll tell you something else, Adrian can catch the ball well too. He just hasn't done much of it at OU because of the QBs and schemes. He's more versatile than many think though.
Let's also not forget... I know you OU fans would rather forget... that these guys HAVE been on the same field before. In that game, Bush had 6 fewer yards on 19 fewer carries:

2005 Orange Bowl
Bush -- 6 carries, 79 yards... 31 yards receiving
Peterson -- 25 carries, 85 yards

You'd think that with the score, AP wouldn't have too many carries, but he still had 25. OU's defense was pretty highly regarded that season. Then when Reggie wasn't getting the ball, LenDale was carrying 15 times for 118 yards. Look at this quote from him...
"It's so hilarious to see how they defend Reggie sometimes," White said after the game. "When you see Reggie take off, and four guys running with him, it's not hard to figure out what to do."
Everyone in the country that played USC said the same thing, "we MUST stop Reggie Bush," just like they say "we must stop AP" when they play OU. But Reggie is rarely, if ever, stopped.
lanecity1975 said:
with all due respect peplaw.......i wouldn't compare bush to a first ballot hall of famer by the name of faulk.

i think reggie bush is an excellent talent...and your right, he will be used like marshall.

i just think adrian is the second coming of eric dickerson.....with a little shake and bake to go with that stride.

***? You complain about someone comparing Bush to Faulk, then you go and compare Peterson to Dickerson?

With The Rb We Have Now ...... I'd Take Bush Another Big Play Player

If We Need A Rb And Were On The Clock.......... Peterson
I have seen a lot of movies made before then, but I have seen pretty much every movie of significance made since 1970.. anyways, I made a Top 50.. and my top five were 1. Pacino 2. Hoffman 3. De Niro 4. Nicholson 5. Duvall[/quote]

Wrong...nicholsen,duvall,hoffman,pacino then de niro...Oscars dictate...

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