Remember the GROZ movement?


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I’m curious about Zimmer and McCarthy’s relationship. They were rivals. I bet there is nobody who knows Zimmer‘s defensive credentials better than McCarthy. He’s probably the best evaluator of Zimmer there is.


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GROZ was due to the fact that the defensive lineman would seemingly never get any pressure when it seemed to matter, either normally or on blitz packages. Was that due to his scheme or the players that JJ acquired? That’s a moot point, but I’m willing to bet the latter had a bit to do with it.
It was also because the Zimmer defense was one of the worst in both franchise and NFL history. It still holds the record for most 200 yard rushers given up in a single season.


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Personally IDC , until Jerry dies nothing is changing and probably won't with his moron son
Yeah the whole not using free agency thing is all on the kid. He treats signing bonuses as if it comes directly out of his kids mouths.

Unless it’s a draftee and a jersey seller, then they overpay. Pat themselves on the back. Agents know it and they get killed nearly every time.

Even if it completely implodes and Jerry is pushing 90 and isn’t heard from much, the proven Stephen philosophy won’t change.

I have no doubt at all that Cleveland, Miami, Houston and Washington all get to conference finals before we do, leaving a once model franchise alone on the drought hill.


Star Power
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It was also because the Zimmer defense was one of the worst in both franchise and NFL history. It still holds the record for most 200 yard rushers given up in a single season.
It would be nice if you gave evidence for that.

Regardless, I said it was a debatable point on whether that was due to his coaching or the personnel under Jerry when he was in full control of such operations. This could be cross-checked with the personnel of other teams he coached too.
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GROZ was due to the fact that the defensive lineman would seemingly never get any pressure when it seemed to matter, either normally or on blitz packages. Was that due to his scheme or the players that JJ acquired? That’s a moot point, but I’m willing to bet the latter had a bit to do with it.
There it is,,, but it will be a cold day in hell before anyone admits they were wrong about Zimm.
Coaches that come to Dallas are getting into bed with JJ and company, they don't control their own destiny.


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Don't want Zimmer?


Now who can we get, that's available and has won a SB as an NFL DC? Because Quinn has helped this team to 3 straight 12-win seasons, the new guy needs to do better, otherwise it doesn't matter who we get.

Anybody have some names?


The Labeled One
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Well....I have come to the conclusion about one thing. You had better fit the Jerry narrative if your going to coach under Jerry....

1. Play a 4-3 defense
2. CBs better play extremely soft in coverage.
3. Have a bend but don't break philosophy.
4. Don't take risks.
5. Form a defense using the players management provides.
6. No *****ing about not having enough bodies.
7. Use undersized players
8. Don't teach fundamentals
9. Don't stray from the game plan.
10. Don't make any halftime adjustments.


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Do those that have been around these boards remember the GROZ movement?
GROZ = Get Rid of Zimmer.
I had a bet with a fellow member who said he would leave these boards if Zimmer actually got another job in the NFL after he was fired by the Cowboys. He was certain. Said there was no way it would happen. Fairly comical looking at Zimmer's career after he left the Cowboys.
I thought that meant get rid of that turned out not to be the greatest move either should have brought him back on a cheap deal..


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Do those that have been around these boards remember the GROZ movement?
GROZ = Get Rid of Zimmer.
I had a bet with a fellow member who said he would leave these boards if Zimmer actually got another job in the NFL after he was fired by the Cowboys. He was certain. Said there was no way it would happen. Fairly comical looking at Zimmer's career after he left the Cowboys.

There's always a get rid of movement around here. Not all of them get a snappy name. It's probably easier to find a Cowboy or Cowboys coach who a group of fans didn't want to get rid of than to name all the ones fans wanted to get rid of. I mean, probably everyone other than the punter and kicker have been on the list this year.


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GROZ was due to the fact that the defensive lineman would seemingly never get any pressure when it seemed to matter, either normally or on blitz packages. Was that due to his scheme or the players that JJ acquired? That’s a moot point, but I’m willing to bet the latter had a bit to do with it.
Wasn’t Greg Ellis by far their best pass rusher? Zimmer made lemonade out of chicken poop while he was here. GROZ just sounds like a way for the casuals to out themselves.


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Let's face it, Zimmer was never the problem. No coach is ever the problem in D.


Stop chasing
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Terence Newman was about his only CB while here. Just think of what kind of talent or lack of he had.
You're not wrong, and the cushions started with the "Corner Draft" with Goodrich, Lattimore, and Edwards with Edwards being the only decent player.

But 3rd and 5 with a 15 yard cushion was hard to stomach either way. Bend don't break with bad personnel is just harder to take than a D that relies on blitzing and taking chances to make up for inadequate talent. Was like pulling teeth
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