Report: New start-up league could rival NFL

DallasEast;1514168 said:

NFL Sunday Ticket = pay per view

Are you questioning whether the NFL will take all of its games from broadcast television (ABC, CBS, etc.) and subscription cable (ESPN, etc.)?

I guess I should put it this way, it's something I fear. I fear that big regular season games and playoff games and SBs may go PPV someday. Like I said I hope I'm wrong, I'd welcome anyone to convince me otherwise, because it's something I worry about happening in the future.:(
I disagree with the idea that they're competing against the NFL. If they're playing in February-June, they're actually competing against the NBA/NHL/MLB. Still, history has shown that the prospects of the league surviving are a longshot at best , but Cuban is smart for staking a claim on the Las Vegas franchise. The city is absolutely starving for a professional franchise to get behind. The reaction by the city to the NBA All Star game was absolutely insane. With every major sport having at least a couple of cities that don't fully support their franchise, its insanity that no one has relocated to Vegas. I guess there is still that antiquated stigma that says you can't have a professional sports team affiliated with a city known for gambling ... as if 70% of gambling in this country isn't done online and in regional Indian Casinos right in people's backyards these days.
reportedly at one time Pete Roselle said it would be a very cold day in hell when there was a NFL franchise in Vegas.
SuperCows5Xs;1514189 said:
I guess I should put it this way, it's something I fear. I fear that big regular season games and playoff games and SBs may go PPV someday. Like I said I hope I'm wrong, I'd welcome anyone to convince me otherwise, because it's something I worry about happening in the future.:(
I know where you're coming from and I'm not so sure about the future also. The cable and satellite industries have exploded over the past 25 years, offering hundreds of channels to willing subscribers. It could be argued that the NFL is only trying to prevent their product from becoming lost in the television universe; and that the best method of keeping it viable is to have those who want it to pay for it.

My personal opinion is split concerning this issue. I hate that the availability of Cowboy games via network television has decreased over the years, but I love the option of paying for every game via the Sunday Ticket. the paying part can sometimes be frustrating, but my anxiety disappears when the game I want is on.

Whoever thought that the 21st century would be this nuts? :cool:
DallasEast;1514220 said:
I know where you're coming from and I'm not so sure about the future also. The cable and satellite industries have exploded over the past 25 years, offering hundreds of channels to willing subscribers. It could be argued that the NFL is only trying to prevent their product from becoming lost in the television universe; and that the best method of keeping it viable is to have those who want it to pay for it.

My personal opinion is split concerning this issue. I hate that the availability of Cowboy games via network television has decreased over the years, but I love the option of paying for every game via the Sunday Ticket. the paying part can sometimes be frustrating, but my anxiety disappears when the game I want is on.

Whoever thought that the 21st century would be this nuts? :cool:

My problem is paying for it, it's not that I'm poor, but I have other finacial committments that may prevent me from buying football on a PPV basis. Some folks are poor, I guess if this ever does happen, then they'll just be shut out of watching their teams, the NFL will inadvertantly say to them "you don't matter to us anymore".:(
burmafrd;1514074 said:
Got it WRONG again. I guess the obvious really escapes some people.

What was obvious was my sarcasm, which you clearly missed. I'll be sure to note it next time for those incapable of understanding nuance.
SuperCows5Xs;1514238 said:
My problem is paying for it, it's not that I'm poor, but I have other finacial committments that may prevent me from buying football on a PPV basis. Some folks are poor, I guess if this ever does happen, then they'll just be shut out of watching their teams, the NFL will inadvertantly say to them "you don't matter to us anymore".:(
I think it's safe to say that, with the creation of the NFL Sunday Ticket, that day has long since passed. I hate that too, but it is an unfortunate reality.
Its very difficult to tell sarcasm from stupidity. I usually go by the posters past record. Easy call here.
AdamJT13;1513160 said:
I've always thought someone should start up a professional league and recruit players right out of high school. What kid wouldn't want hundreds of thousands of dollars to play football and not have to go to class? Some might prefer college, but a lot of the best players would choose to turn pro. And that would open the door for a lot of talented football players who aren't cut out for college.

That is a very interesting idea. I think it could work.
InmanRoshi;1514200 said:
I disagree with the idea that they're competing against the NFL. If they're playing in February-June, they're actually competing against the NBA/NHL/MLB. Still, history has shown that the prospects of the league surviving are a longshot at best , but Cuban is smart for staking a claim on the Las Vegas franchise. The city is absolutely starving for a professional franchise to get behind. The reaction by the city to the NBA All Star game was absolutely insane. With every major sport having at least a couple of cities that don't fully support their franchise, its insanity that no one has relocated to Vegas. I guess there is still that antiquated stigma that says you can't have a professional sports team affiliated with a city known for gambling ... as if 70% of gambling in this country isn't done online and in regional Indian Casinos right in people's backyards these days.
I wouldnt mind the league myself it wa legitimate professional football played in the NFL off-season. Even play the games Sunday afternoon.
I don't get all this talk about how the football fan is having his games taken away from him. The average NFL fan has more games available to him than ever before, practically double.

In 1986 you got 3 Sunday Afternoon network games, 1 primetime network game (MNF)

In 2006 you got 3 Sunday Afternoon network games, 1 primetime network game (NBC Sunday Night), 1 basic cable game (ESPN MNF), 1 DirectTV game (NFLN Thursday). In December, that's upped a game with a Saturday Night game.

If you don't even have basic cable, nothing has changed. You're still getting your four games a week just on network coverage (5 games a week in December when they show Saturday games). Its only been supplemented with extra games on ESPN and NFLN, if you choose to pay for the service. Whereas you only had 1 prime time game a week in 1986 with MNF, next year you'll have upwards of 4 nights a week. So can someone please explain to me how you're having your football taken away from you?
InmanRoshi;1514314 said:
I don't get all this talk about how the football fan is having his games taken away from him. The average NFL fan has more games available to him than ever before, practically double.

In 1986 you got 3 Sunday Afternoon network games, 1 primetime network game (MNF)

In 2006 you got 3 Sunday Afternoon network games, 1 primetime network game (NBC Sunday Night), 1 basic cable game (ESPN MNF), 1 DirectTV game (NFLN Thursday).

If you don't even have basic cable, nothing has changed. You're still getting the same number of games as you were 20 years ago. Only now if you do pay for extra packages and have ESPN or NFLN, you're able to watch even more games. When they start showing a primetime games on Saturday you now get prime time football 4 nights of the week, whereas you used to only get it one night out of the week.

And next year, you get even more prime time games as ESPN is showing TWO MNF games.

So can someone please explain to me how you're having your football taken away from you?
Well, I'm going to continue paying for the NFL, so nothing's going to be taken away from me. :) Still, in '86, all of the network affiliates in my area broadcasted every Cowboys game each week without exception. In '06, unless the Cowboys were not directly competing with New Orleans in the same time slot or Dallas wasn't playing a MNF or NSN etc. game, I would've been screwed without the Sunday Ticket. Watching other teams is a luxury for me, but watching every Cowboy game is a necessity and today you do have to pay in order to insure that to happen.
burmafrd;1514286 said:
Its very difficult to tell sarcasm from stupidity. I usually go by the posters past record. Easy call here.

It isn't difficult for people with an ounce of intelligence. That's where you fall short. It's also easy to tell when posters (like you) who aren't interested in legitimate discussion. They make personal attacks because they disagree. I do give you some credit on your most recent post, you managed to string together a complete sentence without one COMPLETELY CAPPED WORD.
dallasfaniac;1513797 said:
ABC pulled the plug on the NFL in 2005 which is why MNF is on ESPN. They were tired of the fees and might be open to a more cost effective option like a startup football.

.... Plus, like I said ABC might be open to such a move if they thought the business model was sufficient.

ABC and ESPN are one and the same. No way they risk MNF in order to air a third rate league. You know the NFL would quickly strong-arm ABC into refusing any deal with the UFL.

Best this new league could hope would be UPN, WB, CW or whatever they're called. Maybe they get some deal with "Versus" like the NHL did.

Chances are pretty slim this thing goes ONLY concern is that they screw up the Cowboys draft by stealing top college guys away from the NFL draft.

If the League intends to "play its first preseason games in August of 2008," that means there may be some poaching going on next spring!
Erik_H;1514346 said:
Best this new league could hope would be UPN, WB, CW or whatever they're called.
FYI: it's only the CW. It consolidated both UPN and the WB.
Erik_H;1514362 said:
Thanks DE

What does "CW" stand for anyway?
You know, I've asked myself the same question. My guess is that it short for "CBS Warner".
Erik_H;1514346 said:
ABC and ESPN are one and the same. No way they risk MNF in order to air a third rate league. You know the NFL would quickly strong-arm ABC into refusing any deal with the UFL.

Yes, ABC and ESPN are both owned by Disney, which makes them the same. However, ABC severed ties with the NFL because they were losing millions, plus the NFL wanted them to take Sunday night games instead which conflicted with their popular shows. The NFL did not strongarm stations that showed the XFL so I'm not sure what they would do in this case. Besides, ESPN was around long before handling MNF, so I'm not sure what kind of strongarming they could do towards a sister station.

Edit: Also, isn't this the digital age? Couldn't they just stream their games on the internet and handle the advertising revenue themselves?
I diddnt see this posted, its from Cubans blog.

is it crazy to try to compete with the NFL ?

I don't think so. Here is why:

1. There is obviously demand for top level professional football. That is exactly what the UFL hopes to be someday, an equal of the NFL, if not more.

2. The NFL wants and needs competition. They have grown so big and powerful that every move they make is scrutinized by local or federal officials. A competitor allows them to point to us and explain that their moves are for competitive reasons rather than the move of a monopoly.

3. They just extended their CBA. Their CBA structure is not designed for a competitive environment. Competition for top players, even if the UFL gets just a few, increases prices at the top end for all teams. Every star will get paid more, but still have to fit under the cap. That forces teams to use more low cost players, at the expense of signing the middle of the roster. That gives us access to quite a few very, very good NFL players. The downside is that it will significantly impact small market NFL teams and its unclear how the NFL would respond to that and what the impact would be on the UFL.

4. There are a lot of markets that are bigger than some current NFL markets that do not have teams that would love to have a pro football team.

5. There are a lot of smart people involved in the UFL

6. Its a great TV product.

These are just my personal reasons for having an interest in being involved with the UFL. They still have a ton of work to do before a game can be played. Like all good ideas with a great opportunity available to it, the hard part is in the execution.

Hopefully they can get it done.
I mean, I'm not objecting to this new league. But it will fail if it plans to play games during the same time as the NFL.

It will be low level talent, and it will be much of the same.

And just wondering, wouldn't this be about the same thing as Europa except played in the US. The Europa teams are made up of players who will probably just be NFL camp fodders or not even get a chance at the NFL.

Thats why Arena has been around for 21 years. Its not the same game, and its high scoring and fun to watch. The small field helps hide player skill deficiences in that league. But anyway, I love Arena football but nothing compared to my love for the NFL.

Anyway, thats just my 2 cents.

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