Twitter: Report: Roethlisberger and Von Miller could be released


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sorry you tried to make point that they should be paid for their sacrifice of physical tools and CTE later , my point trumped all narratives about that and ill stand by it.. they want to take for granted what our servicemen and LEO do for very little money and compere it to a very overpaid athlete because maybe one day they will have trouble walking or get depressed?? come on fail all the way around..

we were talking about the demands of players holding out wanting more being selfish egotistical toddlers and someone has the nerve to say they earn it? nope made my point , at some point owners need to be more stubborn and say no..

i think its beginning because the elite qb is now whining and wanting out after they took 199 mil bonus money in guarantees and so far Rogers, Wilson and Watson have not been traded and so far nothing even close, owners are saying play or sit and lose millions..stare down has begun and with all the vets retiring and young blood coming nd winning more quickly the qb market is about to take sharp turn downward because owners see maybe get that qb for 5 years try to win it all and then reboot rather then give 200mil to spoiled unappreciative player who really only top 3-4 ever really come through with the big wins vs pay scale..

No way players like wentz and cousins should make twice that of an Aaron Donald and owners are starting to see that. Maybe take some time as change and risk are tough but reality's is vets can play for 25mil and win sb or retire , the gray area is starting to shrink, hopefully owners make tougher stand..

Dak is a prefect example, deals 2 years ago were far exceeded his talent level and career production to this point he refuses to sign.. hes not twice as good as elite defenders, OL, and other skill positions. they should not be paid like it..


My point flew right over your head. NFL players and owners make the money they make because the sponsors and fans give it to them willingly. Government employees (military) are paid with tax dollars enforced by the government. This has nothing to do with, "their sacrifice of physical tools and CTE." It's an economic point.

How the league/owners choose to spend their money is irrelevant. Call the players selfish all you want, but comparing a billion dollar industry to government employees is absurd.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Not true G, in fact not even close ..........most of these players are a lot smarter than we give them credit. They just happen to be blessed with a physical gift.

What percentage of NFL players have a degree?

As of the beginning of the 2017 season (sorry, that's the most recent data I could find) a full 46% of NFL players received at least a Bachelor's degree from their college or University where they played ball. This is by far the highest percentage of college graduates among the Big Four American Sports leagues.

What percentage of NFL players have college degrees? - Quora › What-percentage-of-NFL-players-have...

Search for: What percentage of NFL players have a degree?

Some posters, love to spout insane points, to bolster their bias. Many, even go back to school during play, or after they leave the game. Some fans believe they have ownership over the players, due to their allegiance.


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They're one play away from possibly never walking again, and make their team owners billions. Don't compare it to our day to day jobs. If I made my bosses billions I'm sure I'd be a multi millionaire too.
They chose to play this game and they know the what could's the owners that lose the most in that situation,their the ones that take the true risks...sign a player,the first game,he gets hurt and out for the year,the player still gets paid,the owners lose their investment for a yr..You draft the best qb and pay him before he ever plays a down,turns out to be ryan leaf...owner loses,I will always take the owners side when it comes to the money part of the game,the players are making to damn much.


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Pleeeeeease! There are millions of people doing a lot more dangerous jobs for a lot less money. Spare me the pitty party.
Yeah but the guy working on the oil rig or fishing boat, AGAIN, isn't making his bosses billions of dollars in revenue.

I could be spinning in circles in my office chair for a living, if it helps make my company billions of dollars, I expect compensation. I'm not going to say 'I don't deserve it' because the workers at the local restaurant have it tougher.


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our police and military's are a bullet/bomb or other life threatening situations away from never breathing, walking, using their arms, going blind, deaf, etc etc firemen risk their lives for how much$$$

again, how much is it they make?

lets stop the exaggeration of what they athletes vs real people, thats a disrespectful statement..we get what the owners make but fortune 500 and above company's who are all billionaire corporations pay a ton of employees minimum careful where you step..are they not making their owners billions?

Ok, but give me an example. If I'm a worker at an Amazon warehouse, and Amazon is making 10s of billions, is it because of me? Or am I basically replaceable with any other person with two legs off the street?

I'm sure there are some mid level engineers and lawyers or whatever that aren't getting paid as much as they should compared to how much impact they're making at say a Tesla, a big law firm, or whatever. But you take a prime Roethlisburger off the Steelers, and that team loses money. I can't replace what he does, most people can't replace what he does. Thats why he gets paid the money. If the teams couldn't afford player salaries, they would be folding the league, not making record profit after record profit.


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Yeah but the guy working on the oil rig or fishing boat, AGAIN, isn't making his bosses billions of dollars in revenue.

I could be spinning in circles in my office chair for a living, if it helps make my company billions of dollars, I expect compensation. I'm not going to say 'I don't deserve it' because the workers at the local restaurant have it tougher.
It’s their decision to play and if they don’t feel like they’re not being compensated enough then they don’t have to do it. They can cry all they want and go find another job if they’re so upset.

And I’ll have to disagree, most guys on oil rigs are making their company several million dollars, along with the CEO they work for.


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Probably not because the players are selfish and the ones who are independent thinkers don't have enough power. Sucks for them. Nobody is prepared to sit out a season to fight for what they want or need.

So they have power, but choose not to use it, or choose wrongly


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hes 31. How much longer you think he has? Could he be the reverse ware for us? Broncos to cowboys???

Yes, could carefully play him out like Broncos did with DWare - obvious 3rd downs he's blitzing off the edge or stunts twists to the QB, and be aware of his total snaps to best preserve him


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Yes, could carefully play him out like Broncos did with DWare - obvious 3rd downs he's blitzing off the edge or stunts twists to the QB, and be aware of his total snaps to best preserve him
Agreed. It could work big time. But will we sign him? Probably not LOL