Twitter: Report: Roethlisberger and Von Miller could be released


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If the cap comes in at 180, only a handful of teams will have money to sign players. Vets whose contracts allow them to be cut will be cut. The market will be flush with players and many will end up taking one year deals worth close to league minimum.
"But the cap only goes up" is the mantra of the masses ...


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As we saw when they barely beat us at our MASH unit worst the Steelers 11-0 was extremely soft.
Ben R wasn't good last year and thus the Steelers are basically begging him to retire.
He probably will get to play if he wants and some team could make a run with him while they develop a rookie.
ill take soft 11-0 and 12-4 record over 6-10 oh wait helathy dak got us to 8-8 what 7-11 in his last starts..hmm the judgment of 11-0 start is laughable , lets keep it real ,..lmao like i said Pmannig was supposed to be done he left and won another SB even not being 100% himself..Brady up there supposed to hit cliff anytime leaves wins sb..

what i saw was team an OC and HC forcing Ben to hold the ball for long developing downfield throws like he was 28 again, they had no run game and some of their best OL were being bull rushed or got to ben because of the long routes etc yes hes about done but washed up..get real..

i watched Mahomes run for his life, TB refusing to allow them to run and for some reason the OC/HC decided to stay wise open cute and not get OL help and take what the defense gives you, they happens..

so trying to add some perspective up in here , if Pmannig can have one more push, so can ben but he would have to take Half what hes owed to stay or get signed elsewhere..other vets have already se that market around 25-28mil..its on him he done or does he SHOW the fans he can do it and willing to take the discount to do so..

Ben with an offseason to rest that arm, maybe get the elbow better to last full season, i say he could have one last run in just never know..


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
These NFL owners, are not billionaires because of the NFL. That is side money (still an investment). NFL players, have earned every cent that they are given; just like anyone else that has a career. I never understood whiners complaining about what these players make; comparing it to their miserable existence. You cannot compare the "Property Brothers" to Joe and Tammy flipping houses, in your local community.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Okay, now the Cowboys will consist of Wright, Sherman, Thomas, Rothlisberger, Miller, Watt, Wentz, Watson, Wilson, Short, and ??? They might be able to bring back some of those dominant players from the past. I wonder what Jim Brown is doing?


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If the cap comes in at 180, only a handful of teams will have money to sign players. Vets whose contracts allow them to be cut will be cut. The market will be flush with players and many will end up taking one year deals worth close to league minimum.

But, but, the market rate! the market rate! What happened to "Pay the man"?? :muttley:


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They're one play away from possibly never walking again, and make their team owners billions. Don't compare it to our day to day jobs. If I made my bosses billions I'm sure I'd be a multi millionaire too.

Here's what you left out. The players CHOOSE to play football because they know this is the best way they can make that kind of money. Nobody puts a gun to players heads and make them sign contracts and play football. 99% of them do not graduate from college and if it wasn't for football they would be lucky to get jobs that paid them 30K a year.


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They get market value for playing that game and provide a passionate outlet for all of us including you. Plus, I’m pretty sure you would take the money and fight for every extra nickel you could get.

There’s a percentage of knuckleheads in every business but let’s not broad brush everybody. It’s a cliched take. For the most part they are pretty good guys who busted it to get where they are.
Got me all wrong. If money meant that much to me I would continue to promote in my line of work. I’m happy with my current position and have no plans to to advance/make more money. Money isn’t everything to some of us.


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I Thoguht we would've heard something by now. There's going to be a lot of piss poor players in the NFL playing for the vet. minimum and a lot of good players out of work or playing for pennies.

"Pennies"? Wow, wait till Dak hears about that! :muttley:
Time to ditch Todd France.


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Here's what you left out. The players CHOOSE to play football because they know this is the best way they can make that kind of money. Nobody puts a gun to players heads and make them sign contracts and play football. 99% of them do not graduate from college and if it wasn't for football they would be lucky to get jobs that paid them 30K a year.

Not true G, in fact not even close ..........most of these players are a lot smarter than we give them credit. They just happen to be blessed with a physical gift.

What percentage of NFL players have a degree?

As of the beginning of the 2017 season (sorry, that's the most recent data I could find) a full 46% of NFL players received at least a Bachelor's degree from their college or University where they played ball. This is by far the highest percentage of college graduates among the Big Four American Sports leagues.

What percentage of NFL players have college degrees? - Quora › What-percentage-of-NFL-players-have...

Search for: What percentage of NFL players have a degree?


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Not true G, in fact not even close ..........most of these players are a lot smarter than we give them credit. They just happen to be blessed with a physical gift.

What percentage of NFL players have a degree?

As of the beginning of the 2017 season (sorry, that's the most recent data I could find) a full 46% of NFL players received at least a Bachelor's degree from their college or University where they played ball. This is by far the highest percentage of college graduates among the Big Four American Sports leagues.

What percentage of NFL players have college degrees? - Quora › What-percentage-of-NFL-players-have...

Search for: What percentage of NFL players have a degree?

Yes and of that 46% what percentage finished after they were in the NFL? Remember most players in the NFL for the past decade or so have come in after their Junior year and those 46% of the players aren't getting their degrees in 3 years. Oh and the reason they go back to where they played ball at is it's a big PR bang for the college so they don't charge tuition and the player still get preferential treatment on grades. If there was no NFL there would be no football scholarships so how many of those players would be going to college and get the preferential treatment in grading that they got while going to college on a scholarship. Here's the best example of NFL player intelligence level. Bo Jackson came into the NFL with a reading level of a 3rd grader. Yes that is an extreme, but the NFL players are not the brightest people around. Some are smart and have gone back to school and gotten degrees, a couple even became attorneys, but that is a very tiny number of the total number of players who played in the NFL. Here's another thing. Players that only last like 2 -3 years in the NFL why is it that we hear that so many of those get into trouble with the law or then turn to jobs like truck driver or construction?


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Yes and of that 46% what percentage finished after they were in the NFL? Remember most players in the NFL for the past decade or so have come in after their Junior year and those 46% of the players aren't getting their degrees in 3 years. Oh and the reason they go back to where they played ball at is it's a big PR bang for the college so they don't charge tuition and the player still get preferential treatment on grades. If there was no NFL there would be no football scholarships so how many of those players would be going to college and get the preferential treatment in grading that they got while going to college on a scholarship. Here's the best example of NFL player intelligence level. Bo Jackson came into the NFL with a reading level of a 3rd grader. Yes that is an extreme, but the NFL players are not the brightest people around. Some are smart and have gone back to school and gotten degrees, a couple even became attorneys, but that is a very tiny number of the total number of players who played in the NFL. Here's another thing. Players that only last like 2 -3 years in the NFL why is it that we hear that so many of those get into trouble with the law or then turn to jobs like truck driver or construction?


Maybe coz it's all that reported G. Remember we don't hear about the ones NOT getting into trouble. What's wrong with working in construction or driving trucks. Here the thing, I'm sure you see or understand, we all get knocked off our feet, it's life. More respect for one to bounce back, take care of his family regardless of what it takes ( driving trucks, warehouse or whatever ), it's called character G. I've said this many times, some of the smartest people I know never finished high school.


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Fascinating.... maybe there is a way to not make it "crap"
Probably not because the players are selfish and the ones who are independent thinkers don't have enough power. Sucks for them. Nobody is prepared to sit out a season to fight for what they want or need.


Regular Joe....
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I'm surprised that we aren't hearing more about the NFLPA working to get some type of cap relief measures in place. Vets are going to get killed if the cap ends up at 180-185.

180 is cap relief. 170 was cap relief and it was adjust 10 mil upwards. The NFL lost much more then that last year, I'm thinking. It might be as simple as that, who knows?


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Maybe coz it's all that reported G. Remember we don't hear about the ones NOT getting into trouble. What's wrong with working in construction or driving trucks. Here the thing, I'm sure you see or understand, we all get knocked off our feet, it's life. More respect for one to bounce back, take care of his family regardless of what it takes ( driving trucks, warehouse or whatever ), it's called character G. I've said this many times, some of the smartest people I know never finished high school.

You've turned what I originally said into something completely different. I too have a friend that did not even graduate from high school but is one of the wisest people I know, but that's not the point I originally made. I originally said (I'm going change it slightly) 99% of the players that when they go into the NFL don't have a degree. They choose to play football because it's the best or only way they will make millions of dollars. The players should stop acting like they have a right to be in the NFL, they don't, it's a privileged. If they don't like it go out and try to find something else that will pay them 20mil - 30 mil a year. Now on the other side I understand that the owners trying to get the best keep driving the cost for players up so they are going to make more.

I don't have a problem with any legal job. I just used those because they don't pay tens of millions of dollars a year like players make that don't have degrees.