Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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Some of these teams can stay in the tunnels the whole season for all I care. I have had about enough. Baseball lost me for the strike in the 90s,Basketball lost me for all the embracing the Thug lifestyle and the "MEFirst" sandlot basketball crap,and now I'm about ready to forget Pro Football that I have loved all my life. I'm sure the NFL will have the teams running onto the field with the American Flag,but I'm not sold on any of their BS propaganda. Yeah I'm also a Conspiracy Nut and I remember the The Replacement players and the NFL strike made a lot of people bitter and all of sudden America's Team win several of the next Super Bowls and people forgot the strike,so if history plays out again ,Cowboys are going to get several Trophies in the near future.
I really get tired of people thinking they're constitutional scholars when they have no idea what they're talking about. The Bill of Rights, and in this instance more specifically the 1st Amendment, grants citizens rights the government cannot infringe upon. The government. If the players protesting were getting prosecuted or even arrested, you have a violation of constitutional rights. No one has the right to say or do whatever they want whenever they want. You cannot protest in my business unless I allow you to do so. You cannot call your boss an ignorant POS and keep your job. You can try, but I'm sure I know how that will end up.

I'm a huge gun rights advocate, but if a business owner or homeowner says I can't bring a weapon into their property, I can't do so. The players can protest however they want to as long as their employer allows it. If their employers tell them not to do it on the job and they do it anyway, they most certainly can be dismissed.

If the league and individual teams allow it, they can do it. However, they also face the consequences of losing fans and money. That's the bottom line.

Do you feel better?
Some of these teams can stay in the tunnels the whole season for all I care. I have had about enough. Baseball lost me for the strike in the 90s,Basketball lost me for all the embracing the Thug lifestyle and the "MEFirst" sandlot basketball crap,and now I'm about ready to forget Pro Football that I have loved all my life. I'm sure the NFL will have the teams running onto the field with the American Flag,but I'm not sold on any of their BS propaganda. Yeah I'm also a Conspiracy Nut and I remember the The Replacement players and the NFL strike made a lot of people bitter and all of sudden America's Team win several of the next Super Bowls and people forgot the strike,so if history plays out again ,Cowboys are going to get several Trophies in the near future.

Lots of folks were still upset about how the Cowboys handled it and I can't understand why. Listen nobody is twisting your arm to watch the NFL, you quit baseball do the same with the NFL and you won't have worry about it anymore. I'm not trying to sound snarky just pointing out an easy solution for you.

Good luck, and I hope that you do stay and watch the game, and I hope more teams follow what the Cowboys did. I also hope that the original point of the silent protest doesn't get lost in all of this. As this somehow has turned into a war on the flag and Anthem when that wasn't the original intent.

Don't forget a lot of these men are good guys who do a lot for the communities and donate a lot of money and time. The programs they've setup and do a lot of good. When it comes to other sports I never hear about what they're doing for the community, but with football you hear about it a lot. So don't give up just because you disagree. I may not like the kneeling for the anthem, but I'm open minded as to why they're doing it.

and on a lighter note easy on the Sandlot reference YaYa and Squints are real life friends of mine ;)
I really get tired of people thinking they're constitutional scholars when they have no idea what they're talking about.
The Bill of Rights, and in this instance more specifically the 1st Amendment, grants citizens rights the government cannot infringe upon. The government. If the players protesting were getting prosecuted or even arrested, you have a violation of constitutional rights. No one has the right to say or do whatever they want whenever they want. You cannot protest in my business unless I allow you to do so. You cannot call your boss an ignorant POS and keep your job. You can try, but I'm sure I know how that will end up.

I'm a huge gun rights advocate, but if a business owner or homeowner says I can't bring a weapon into their property, I can't do so. The players can protest however they want to as long as their employer allows it. If their employers tell them not to do it on the job and they do it anyway, they most certainly can be dismissed.

If the league and individual teams allow it, they can do it. However, they also face the consequences of losing fans and money. That's the bottom line.

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