Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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LOL "numb nuts". Whatever that actually entails, I'd rather be that than a COWARD.

The team held a demonstration. You flatly said you'd turn in your season tickets if they did. Now you're taking it back.

I'd be mad too if I was completely full or **** and got called out for it.
You know what, you are nothing but an instigator. In real life that kind of behavior gets you beat up. Sound familiar? I bet not because in real life a bet you don't behave that way. You're an internet badass in your own mind with plenty of attitude to annoy anyone that crosses you path. Hitting home? You're presence here is not intent on solving anything, enlighten in anyway or advance any agenda. You operate in the realm of chaos and anarchy to promote nothing, solely in the interest of entertaining your own delinquent indulgences. You are the coward that throws insults from the shadows. @Section444 does not deserve your ridicule so bring it to me if you must. I am the one calling you out for the punk you are.
All of these sheople kneeling just to kneel has actually made me respect Kaepernick somewhat because he was at least original.

Now you got players and teams choreographing their kneel routine like they are in a freakin boy band.

I'm just waiting for Chris Berman to show Jerry Jones kneeling in slow motion while saying HE COULD...GO...ALL..THE...WAY!
What's offensive about locking arms? Were they kneeling? Were they being disrespectful? If you're calling locking arms "protesting" or praying before the anthem "protesting", you're dumber than you look.
the kneel before was a direct protest to Dictator Orange's ignorant tweets, and the locking arms is also a form of protest to stand with the other players in the league also was done as a direct result of Trump's ignorant words. If you cant see they're partaking in some sort of protest youre blind
You know what, you are nothing but an instigator. In real life that kind of behavior gets you beat up. Sound familiar? I bet not because in real life a bet you don't behave that way. You're an internet badass in your own mind with plenty of attitude to annoy anyone that crosses you path. Hitting home? You're presence here is not intent on solving anything, enlighten in anyway or advance any agenda. You operate in the realm of chaos and anarchy to promote nothing, solely in the interest of entertaining your own delinquent indulgences. You are the coward that throws insults from the shadows. @Section444 does not deserve your ridicule so bring it to me if you must. I am the one calling you out for the punk you are.
Thanks for your thoughts! I bet you're far too stupid to see that you just epitomized everything that you just accused me of, you 5-letter-word for cat that begins with "P."

It is, however, adorable that you stepped in for the protest-hating, tough-talking COWARD because you believe he's not man enough to speak for himself.
the kneel before was a direct protest to Dictator Orange's ignorant tweets, and the locking arms is also a form of protest to stand with the other players in the league also was done as a direct result of Trump's ignorant words. If you cant see they're partaking in some sort of protest youre blind
He wanted a round-about way to back off from his tough talk regarding his disgraceful stance against a peaceful protest.

Doesn't get much more cowardly than that.
Thanks for your thoughts! I bet you're far too stupid to see that you just epitomized everything that you just accused me of, you 5-letter-word for cat that begins with "P."

It is, however, adorable that you stepped in for the protest-hating, tough-talking COWARD because you believe he's not man enough to speak for himself.
Did you just say something? I'm sorry, I was busy making a difference in this world while you where casting stones. I'll get back to little ole you when I have time. You remind me of ESPN... :espn:
Did you just say something? I'm sorry, I was busy making a difference in this world while you where casting stones. I'll get back to little ole you when I have time. You remind me of ESPN... :espn:
LOL! The very fact that you felt the need to tell a stranger on a message board that you were "making a difference in this world" speaks volumes to your pathetic insecurities, you tiny, tiny man. I'm sure your life's AWESOME!
LOL! The very fact that you felt the need to tell a stranger on a message board that you were "making a difference in this world" speaks volumes to your pathetic insecurities, you tiny, tiny man. I'm sure your life's AWESOME!
Hello again, maggot. I see you are still feeding. Pardon me while I go put out more fires.
the kneel before was a direct protest to Dictator Orange's ignorant tweets, and the locking arms is also a form of protest to stand with the other players in the league also was done as a direct result of Trump's ignorant words. If you cant see they're partaking in some sort of protest youre blind
You obviously know nothing about Christian ways. Going to the knee in prayer or as we call it, genuflect, is to be humbly obedient or respectful to God in prayer. It is in no way a protest, its quite the opposite. The locking of arms was a form of respectful protest with emphasis on respectful. There was no disrespect to the flag or fans so, what @Section444 says makes sense. You can hi-jack what the Cowboys did to mean anything you want it to and obviously that's what you are doing.
You obviously know nothing about Christian ways. Going to the knee in prayer or as we call it, genuflect, is to be humbly obedient or respectful to God in prayer. It is in no way a protest, its quite the opposite. The locking of arms was a form of respectful protest with emphasis on respectful. There was no disrespect to the flag or fans so, what @Section444 says makes sense. You can hi-jack what the Cowboys did to mean anything you want it to and obviously that's what you are doing.
just like youre twisting it as a prayer line or what the **** ever
LOL! The very fact that you felt the need to tell a stranger on a message board that you were "making a difference in this world" speaks volumes to your pathetic insecurities, you tiny, tiny man. I'm sure your life's AWESOME!
Gift for you.... :laugh::lmao::lmao2:

You obviously know nothing about Christian ways. Going to the knee in prayer or as we call it, genuflect, is to be humbly obedient or respectful to God in prayer. It is in no way a protest, its quite the opposite. The locking of arms was a form of respectful protest with emphasis on respectful. There was no disrespect to the flag or fans so, what @Section444 says makes sense. You can hi-jack what the Cowboys did to mean anything you want it to and obviously that's what you are doing.

Tell us more about how Christian you are (LOL!) and that you're "making a difference in this world."

You TOTALLY don't come across as an insecure LOSER who needs to reaffirm his worth in life to strangers on an internet message board.
LOL "maggot". Who's the internet bully now, you ****ing loser?
Admitting your thin skin? You should do something about that. I suggest you following the advice of Reality... stay out of the Drama Zone. :thumbup:

Tell us more about how Christian you are (LOL!) and that you're "making a difference in this world."

You TOTALLY don't come across as an insecure LOSER who needs to reaffirm his worth in life to strangers on an internet message board.
I'm just educating you heathens, not that I expect any of it to sink into your thick skulls.
Villenueva I believe was pressured to apologize. He has nothing to apologize for. His teammates and the Steelers organization should apologize to him. Watching Mike Tomlin and Roethlisberger trying to save face is a laugh. They are self absorbed idiots who think they are better than even Veterans. They can KISS MY RED WHITE AND BLUE A**.... I say when they come out of the tunnels that the fans should douse them in soda and bring pillows with goose feathers and open them up on them. Yes Tar n Feather them. That goes for all these teams that hid in the tunnels like a bunch of punks with yellow streaks down their backs!!!

Don't know if you have seen it but Rooney sent out letter to Steelers fans. He doesn't realize that the flag , star spangled banner, are all about patriotism and not about Protesting some other grievance.....

Also I wonder where race comes in the most important line of the Banner so why choose that to protest.... No one can contradict that they aren't literally free, and I'm assuming they would count themselves as " brave" playing a brutal sport.

" O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave "

Steelers owner Art Rooney II sent out a letter to fans on Monday explaining the disrespectful actions.. but not apologizing.

To Steelers Nation:

I want to reach out to you, the members of Steelers Nation, based on what I believe is a misperception about our players’ intentions in not taking the field for the National Anthem in Chicago. The intentions of Steelers players were to stay out of the business of making political statements by not taking the field. Unfortunately, that was interpreted as a boycott of the anthem – which was never our players’ intention.

Our players come from many different backgrounds and are united by what it means to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers. They are active in their communities and participate regularly in events designed to give back to those communities. And they appreciate the support they get from Steelers fans around the country and here at home.
I also know that our players have tremendous respect for the members of our military services, including their teammate Alejandro Villanueva. There was never any desire on the part of our players to show disrespect for our service members.

Yesterday, I received an email from a Steelers fan who said tell the players to just play football. That is exactly what they wanted to do. They wanted their sole focus to be on playing the game, while also coming together as a unified team.

The main thing we can do is learn from this and strive to come together remaining unified as a football team. I believe we are capable of accomplishing this with the support of our fans.
Steelers Nation is made up of the best fans in the National Football League. We appreciate your continued support of our players, coaches and staff.


Art Rooney, II
Right now I just want this team to focus on the games. None of these players were drafted on their political views they were drafted or brought in to do one thing, to play ball.. Based on the struggles this team has shown thus far the attention to detail needs to be on the game. Looking around the league and how the season has started I think the same could be said for a lot of teams.
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