Revelation of the day? Bass could be your starting center

He took snaps at center in practice per Nick Eatman last year.

How many, how well? Who knows. Could be all offseason "hype" or maybe there's something there.
But, it does seem like the coaching staff did get him some time at center last year.

the Cowboys haven't come out and said their lineup intentions for players such as Bass, but there seems to be some talk regarding his ability to play center. He only played guard last season in the games but he did take some practice reps at center.

There's also an article on a banned site that talked about Bass getting some practice snaps at center during T.C.
McCarthy also mentioned it last TC about getting Bass involved at center.
Yeah, I was aware of that much, but appreciate the effort to bring it up. I was just looking for some evidence in his past that would be more compelling.

Of course, when you think about it, Beebe's essentially in that same place, experience wise. They're both guards looking to win a starting job through the one plausible option given to them.
Hey, buddy, it's your life. Far be it for me to expect you to make any extraordinary efforts like punching a period. Your right. Absolutely. Be you.

(I didn't read any more than that. Naturally.)
you can't punch your period when you use talk to text I hate to break it to you I use it because it's convenient and quick and like I said hit and run I got other work to do....


Here you happy go back and put them in yourself but I just thought I'd appease you by giving you all the missing stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :popcorn: :espn: :espn: :thumbup: :oldcouple:
Beebe could legitimately have been drafted to be the replacement for Zack Martin, who is likely to retire after this season. Also, the Cowboys have been asking T.J. Bass to cross train at the Center position since last summer. It looks to be a real competition at Center, and also as the primary backup for Smith and Martin at Guard. I honestly believe if Guyton isn't ready to start, they will start Edoga at LT rather than move Smith back to LT.

This could also explain the logic of signing RB Zeke Elliott. He is well known for his pass protection skills as a RB, and with so many questions on the Cowboys Oline, perhaps the Cowboys see Zeke as a personal protector for Dak, as much as him being a RB. What kept Malik Davis on the practice squad a year ago was his deficiency as a pass protector. That is also what likely kept Deuce Vaughn inactive for so many games. With the questions on the Oline, and the injury history of Rico Dowdle, the Cowboys have to plan to provide assistance in blocking until the new young members of the Oline start performing well.
Any plan that has Edoga at LT is bad news
Blue, here's the deal. You get to write how ever you want to. And readers like me get to choose if we want to read.

Going forward, I think you probably have enough sense to know how I choose... at least, for walls of text... so you might take that into account when you quote me in the future, since it might help you save some effort. Just offering that as a courtesy to you.
Blue, here's the deal. You get to write how ever you want to. And readers like me get to choose if we want to read.

Going forward, I think you probably have enough sense to know how I choose... at least, for walls of text... so you might take that into account when you quote me in the future, since it might help you save some effort. Just offering that as a courtesy to you.
I read a few of his novels; and they are incredibly boring. So now I do not bother to read anything of his.
They could end up that way, but the cynical foreclosure as-if there will be no legitimate competition is baffling.

You see, I'm just fool enough to believe coaches on 1 year contracts do what's in their own self interest.
No doubt there will be competition. But unlike you, I see how that will go. Coaches can be fired at any time, they aren't guaranteed any year. So if you think doing what's in their own self-interest trumps doing what's best for the team then it explains why you aren't on the coaching staff.
I've been known to write a few myself, so I don't choke on that part so much... we all get to write as much as we think is necessary, and others get to read as much as they think necessary. That's the unspoken contract. And in my best David Helman voice... "It's fine." :D
its early June guys. This is coach speak. Bass will likely be a swing guard and an emergency tackle. Hoffman DOES have a chance to start at center. I been saying all along this staff loves him. Its been verified. We have a quality deep oline now. Something we sorely lacked before the draft. I think Richards has a chance to push Edoga off the roster as well. Which means he can offer some young, quality tackle depth.
Hey, buddy, it's your life. Far be it for me to expect you to make any extraordinary efforts like punching a period. Your right. Absolutely. Be you.

(I didn't read any more than that. Naturally.)
If you want to be on the grammar patrol, learn the difference between "your" and "you're". I'm just saying. :rolleyes:
Give me the best 5 starting.
thats right. I don't care how they got here, where we found them, just start the best group. I wouldn't be shocked at all if Beebe has a future at RG when Martin retires in a year or 2. Thats if Hoffman is good at center. The starting five in 2025 could look like this: Guyton,Smith,Hoffman,Bebee,Steele/Bass/Richards at RT. Steele has to be better this year. In 2024... I think Bebee will be the starter at Center unless Hoffman goes nuts at camp.
People say get the best five starting; but sometimes a unit works better otherwise. More than any other unit arguably in sports an offensive line must work as a unit to be truly effective.

Now what coaches are saying now frankly do not matter. Nothing really does until the pads come on when you are talking linemen.

So not only did Solari make clear that Beebe isn't going to be handed the starting job, we now learn what some suspected... TJ Bass is also a competitor for the starting job.

And zooming out, it would seem to affirm something else that some suspected (not all)... that the coaching staff truly are in win-now mode, regardless of what anyone thinks of the front office.

Infers that Guyton truly will have to earn the LT job.
It appeared they were heading that way last season and with us letting Biadasz walk without bringing in anyone, but it wasn't a sure thing with Beebe being drafted. I'm all for the competition.

Not as sure about Guyton having to earn the LT job, but I assume Tyler is an option there if he falters and Richards might be as well. Would like to see Waletzko bounce back after having trouble transitioning to RT last year. However, if earning it means that either Guyton wins the job or we start Edoga, I wouldn't like that at all.
thats right. I don't care how they got here, where we found them, just start the best group. I wouldn't be shocked at all if Beebe has a future at RG when Martin retires in a year or 2. Thats if Hoffman is good at center. The starting five in 2025 could look like this: Guyton,Smith,Hoffman,Bebee,Steele/Bass/Richards at RT. Steele has to be better this year. In 2024... I think Bebee will be the starter at Center unless Hoffman goes nuts at camp.
Steele has to play better or we need to move on from him and hope one of those 3 listed can replace him
its early June guys. This is coach speak.
Hard sell. I believe you can read between the lines like that maybe if Solari's comment was more casual... just throwing Bass a bone.

But the facts are the facts.

It's a new position for Beebe. They can be optimistic, but they have to see it on the field in preseason... they've not worked with the kid until just now.

It's a new position for Bass, who has gained their confidence over the last year, though being a UDFA.

And it's Hoffman's... who also has gained at least some confidence over the last year though being a UDFA... natural position.

There's not a lot of reason for being all that cynical about Solari's comments. It was one of those moments when he really didn't have to say as much as he said if bone-throwing was the purpose. So, nah, all things considered, it's totally believable.
Give me the best 5 starting.
What if that doesn't include someone making big money? Short answer, that isn't going to happen. Takes a football organization to make that kind of decision. We have an "entertainment" organization.
its early June guys. This is coach speak. Bass will likely be a swing guard and an emergency tackle. Hoffman DOES have a chance to start at center. I been saying all along this staff loves him. Its been verified. We have a quality deep oline now. Something we sorely lacked before the draft. I think Richards has a chance to push Edoga off the roster as well. Which means he can offer some young, quality tackle depth.
More than likely Ball & even Waletzko would be knocked off the roster before Edoga.
Yeah when we're in 3rd grade we didn't have smartphones text to talk or forums or the Internet

so why don't you go catch up with the times I am not changing the way I post matter of fact I'm using 2 phones and I have my PC open doing this while I'm trying to work I just got back in from the field I'm an HVAC contractor and I am not gonna fix these for the sake of you reading them if you don't know how to read sentences without proper structure then you've never had an IQ test and I feel really bad for you you know those things that go around where you're supposed to find the words within a jumble of other words and pick out where all the words are or be able to read the whole entire paragraph upside down it's funny how human beings can actually do that without thinking but apparently you need periods and commas just to make yourself be able to comprehend something someone's trying to say? There I gave you one and that's it that's all you're getting I'm not changing the way I post I have too much to do sometimes this means very little to me in the grand schemes but I'm gonna get what I need to say out and then I'll get back to what I need to do without correcting things and if I had time to come back the place times out in 5 minutes I can't fix it too bad so sad moving on..
Obviously you don’t care, but many of your posts are difficult to read and understand.

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