why? the guy is a shell of him self. no where near the player he was before a torn hamstring and then a torn ACL.
I'm done over paying for has been players.
He is only ME-ME-ME because of the culture that has been developed.
Blame Deion Sanders. A once in a lifetime player that for some insane reason NFL GMs spend their own lifetimes trying to replicate.
Lovie Smith is not a fool. He knows he can get two or three good zone CBs for what Revis costs. It is so simple, but yet so many just do not get it.
paid for a lot of 'em have ya?
What point are you trying to make here, exactly?
If I am not mistaken, Deion restructured a couple times while with the Cowboys to free up money. Wanting to win over anything isn't the same as "me me me".
yeah I did. just because its Jerry money he get that money from fans and I'm a fan that has paid for several things that go to his pocket.
Then I'm glad you're over it and Jones will change.
Way to go.
have you made a point today or are you just on this board to just be annoying and pointless. if so your doing a good job.
I'm done with you!!!
I do not recall what Sanders did, but I am pretty certain it was not to help the team win more.
He was about as selfish as any player that has ever donned a Cowboy uniform.
i thought being done with something you cant change was pointless but have fun
Please make this happen.
I know the appropriate response would be to quiver in the corner and urinate on one's self, but I would laugh my head off in that is what the Commanders did.
I wonder how much Ryan's scheme shielded his weaknesses like his brother did for Nnamdi in Oakland?
But yeah, if we go for Revis... I'm going to go into hibernation
He was man-on-man on the best WR in an island. His play allowed Ryan to scheme, shifting the coverage over the opposite side.
Commanders may be interested, their supposedly interested in talib