Like many on this board believed . . . If you paid him it would justify His status as "Elite" . . . The Enigma that is Dak has a very Psychotic belief System in its Followers . . . Blind and Delusional doesn't begin to describe it
That was one of the biggest things They would rub our noses in . . . we are all worried about the Mess and Anchor that it would be for years to come and They were all Gitty and doing End Zone Dances . . .
Dak getting paid Proved They were Right all along . . . And Now as The Truth is being exposed They still wanna Lay the blame some where else. . . Offensive Coordinator
I am so tired of this game they play . . . Its Dak's fault . . . Dak is the Problem . . . You can get the same or better production out of a Carear back up that bounced around the league and started the year on the PS.
Just look at the Comments in this thread . . . They are sizophrantic . . . All over the place on the opinion of Moore. . . . It's mind boggling
They have to do this in order to not admit what is staring them in the Face
This Comment says it All
Meanwhile this is the response to one struggling with The Reality of Dak
Stop what? . . . Its an Obvious Fact. . . . This Delusional Dak Fan is at War with the messenger . . . Because He can"t Face . . . Accept . . . or Handle The Truth
When are we gonna unite as a Unified Nation . . . as Cowboy Nation. . .
The team is really up against the Wall this year because of 2 people . . . Jerry and Dak
Lets Move on Now