Richie Incognito suspended indefinitely...


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so naturally you believe RI who has no proof of this versus Martin who does. And RI has such a stellar record as well. Not surprising. The RI home boys will grasp any straw.

Man, ya'll will cling to anything to not be wrong. LOL its funny. But to be fair, have you actually seen the text or just taking the lawyers word for it? Because if you are just taking the lawyers word for it, then....

Glazer said he saw the text that Incognito referenced.

So now there is someone who also saw Martin's texts......

Keep on spinning


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I wonder if he saw the pictures of Incognito molesting that golf course worker with his golf clubs on there..

So now that has a lot to do with the original story.
Martin's story doesnt seem so right anymore, so we focus on other ones? lol


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so naturally you believe RI who has no proof of this versus Martin who does. And RI has such a stellar record as well. Not surprising. The RI home boys will grasp any straw.

I'm not saying this makes it 100% fact but it's my understanding that Jay Glazer was shown the texts and has copies of them. He said something similair to this on his twitter yesterday after the interview was aired.


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And either way, no matter what was going on, or how this all shakes out it's pretty obvious that RI is a pretty pathetic person. That goes back to his college days too.


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So now that has a lot to do with the original story.
Martin's story doesnt seem so right anymore, so we focus on other ones? lol

Martin's story seems legit to me..

..and yes, i don't ignore a person's history. Not going to act like a guy with Pro Bowl level talent has just been moving from team to team for no apparent reason.

He's a scumbg.. like i said earlier in the thread, the world would be a much better place without people like him.


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Martin's story seems legit to me..

..and yes, i don't ignore a person's history. Not going to act like a guy with Pro Bowl level talent has just been moving from team to team for no apparent reason.

He's a scumbg.. like i said earlier in the thread, the world would be a much better place without people like him.

Yeah, you know him personally right? Or just what you see on TV and what a few have to say?

There are a few defending him in the NFL, so I guess they are Scum also?

Same could be said about Martin, dude seems like he is just running and playing tattletale, when he could be just as equally wrong.


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Yeah, you know him personally right? Or just what you see on TV and what a few have to say?

There are a few defending him in the NFL, so I guess they are Scum also?

Same could be said about Martin, dude seems like he is just running and playing tattletale, when he could be just as equally wrong.

wow love how you completely ignore the scumbags record over the last 15 years or so


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Yeah, you know him personally right? Or just what you see on TV and what a few have to say?


I know he molested a female golf course attendant with one of his clubs, and then started gyrating on her with his private parts against her will.

Do i need to know anymore? Do you?


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You said it as if there was no way it was not a fact. So you tell me

It is a fact.

Was it your perception that anything you don't see with your own two eyes can't actually happen?

There was a police report filed.. go read it. Its pretty disgusting.


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It is a fact.

Was it your perception that anything you don't see with your own two eyes can't actually happen?

There was a police report filed.. go read it. Its pretty disgusting.

No, there are wrongful reports that happen all the time. Especially when dealing with a person who has money. Sometimes the truth can stretch.


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No, there are wrongful reports that happen all the time. Especially when dealing with a person who has money. Sometimes the truth can stretch.

Im not telling you what to believe, Frozen.

I'm pretty sure at a team event, with other players and team officials there.. its tough to make something like that up.

The confidentiality agreement makes me pretty much 100 percent sure it wasn't any kind of "wrongful report".

Plus, you know what his background is like, too.

I never saw OJ kill his wife.. but then again i'm pretty sure that still happened.


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You do realize that just because there is confidentiality doesn't mean there is a wrongful action. There was obviously an encounter, we have only one side of the story. You would like after so many things have gone south in recent years that people would actually wait till the other shoe drops, but no, they say....there was a police report and a confidentiality agreement signed, it has to be legit. I am sure many thought the Duke accuser was legit too until the other shoe dropped. In today's world, whomever rushes to the media first is often perceived as being right. Truth be damned.


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You do realize that just because there is confidentiality doesn't mean there is a wrongful action. There was obviously an encounter, we have only one side of the story. You would like after so many things have gone south in recent years that people would actually wait till the other shoe drops, but no, they say....there was a police report and a confidentiality agreement signed, it has to be legit. I am sure many thought the Duke accuser was legit too until the other shoe dropped. In today's world, whomever rushes to the media first is often perceived as being right. Truth be damned.

The lady didn't rush to the media. She asked for an apology and when one was not given, she went to the police and filed a report. Nat Moore, a Dolphin legend and member of thier organization who was there as well, apoligized to the lady for Incognito, but she was upset still that he didn't offer an apology so she went ahead with the police report.

Then all of a sudden there was a confidentiality agreement, and it was swept under the rug.

If you don't think there was a payout there, you're pretty naive, i'd say.