Rick Reilly: The Victim of A Cowardly Act

ABQCOWBOY;1521178 said:
I think you make a good point here. I don't know who the last "Upstanding" Stip Club owner was but I do know that he would probably be amoung the very first. Having said that, unless this bouncer was the owner, I can't see where he can be held responsible for that course of action. In the end, the guy is still in a wheel chair and I think you'd have to conclude that had PacMan and his band of cronies had not initiated this whole sequents of events, the bouncer is probably still walking around today.

JMO of course

I hear ya and do think that's somewhat fair. IF we have all the facts.
I am gonna guess that Pacman has made it rain on strippers before and no one got hurt.

Pacman is an idiot. No argument there. Talking to strip club employees and telling their story as if it is the gospel without speaking to anyone on the other side is not reporting, it is just bashing.

BUT, picking up cash a guy just tossed at a girl and walking off with it? Not at all cool. I'd say the poor guy has every right to be just as ticked, if not moreso, at the manager who set him up to get shot. Walking off with someone's cash is generally regarded as an act of aggression and disrespect of the highest order. They did that to a guy with a full on posse with him? Pretty ballsy if you ask me. And that type of act probably puts all employees in that fine establishment at risk on more than one occasion.
Big Dakota;1521179 said:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Baltimore Ravens quarterback Steve McNair faces a July 10 court date on a driving under the influence charge.

The quarterback was not in court Wednesday when the new date was set in an agreement between prosecutors and lawyers.
"He wanted this resolved," said McNair's lawyer, Roger May.
Ryan said there is an offer to prosecutors to settle the case without going to court. He would not discuss the offer and said the district attorney wanted more time to consider it.
McNair, a former Tennessee Titan, was charged May 10 after his brother-in-law, Jamie Cartwright, was pulled over in Nashville driving McNair's pickup truck with McNair inside. Cartwright appeared briefly in court Wednesday.
Under Tennessee law, the owner of the vehicle can also be charged with DUI if he knowingly permits its operation by a driver under the influence.
McNair was also arrested on DUI charges in Nashville in May 2003, when he was also charged with illegal gun possession. After a year of legal wrangling, a judge dismissed those charges, ruling police didn't have sufficient reason to pull over McNair
OK, a passenger in a car that's not his. :)
Don't bother with jterrell. Nothing anyone says or does will convince him Pacman is a thug untill he is convicted in a court. Probably thinks OJ was innocent too.

Question for you, jterrell-- What exactly would be your definition of a RELL if Pacman Jones does not meet that standard? I will save you some time because your reply will be "Well, what is yours?" Here it is. A blatant and repeated lack of respect and/or regard for the laws we all must live by. The sad part of this is Jones is just the tip of the iceburg, and you seem to be justifying his actions. (Wait a minute- jterRELL- the name explains alot)
jterrell;1521190 said:
I hear ya and do think that's somewhat fair. IF we have all the facts.
I am gonna guess that Pacman has made it rain on strippers before and no one got hurt.

Pacman is an idiot. No argument there. Talking to strip club employees and telling their story as if it is the gospel without speaking to anyone on the other side is not reporting, it is just bashing.

BUT, picking up cash a guy just tossed at a girl and walking off with it? Not at all cool. I'd say the poor guy has every right to be just as ticked, if not moreso, at the manager who set him up to get shot. Walking off with someone's cash is generally regarded as an act of aggression and disrespect of the highest order. They did that to a guy with a full on posse with him? Pretty ballsy if you ask me. And that type of act probably puts all employees in that fine establishment at risk on more than one occasion.

Well, going to have to admit to a bit here and ask the court for foregiveness in advance but, in my younger years, I did frequent a few of these clubs. In fact, all over the world, pretty much (Navy). It's not out of the ordinary for bouncers or the like to pick up money from the stage while the girls are dancing. I've seen this before, especially when it accumulates. I'd also guess that the house probably gets a cut of whatever the dancer makes. I don't know this to be a fact but I'd guess that's probably how it works.

To me, the ones who really come out on the short end are the guy who's shot and his family. I'd guess that if they can't get a criminal conviction on PacMan for this, it will eventually go to a Cival court. When that happens, I think the chances of getting financial compensation awarded are much better. In fact, if your PacMan, you probably try to settle and make sure this never goes to court. Money can't give you back what you lost but I'd bet this guy ends up with enough to take care of his family.

As for the stripper who was unfortunate enough to make the mistake of actually trying to pick up money thrown at her, only to receive head trauma for her troubles, well........... I guess she'll no better next time.
dallasfan;1520782 said:
Why don't we wait for all the facts come out first. I don't disagree with Pacman getting a 1 year suspension, but what if the shooter wasn't even with him? Do we still say this guy is paralyze cause of Pacman?

you still can't escape the fact that Pac-Man's actions started the melee, which led to the shooting and paralyzation of this man
dcboy;1521114 said:
If any of us are with someone who does something stupid, we do not share in the liability or punishment just because we were with them. If we were players, the league may punish us, but other than that we are good.

Ahhh, I was waiting for this post. This is exactly what is wrong with society today. So you are "good" eh if you are with a guy that shot an paralyzed another man? Go ahead and put on that suit of teflon so that **** doesn't stick to you. Your post implies that you KNOW the idiot with you did something stupid, but you bear no responsibility.

Liability and punishment aside, you DO have a moral obligation to turn in the idiot with you. In this particular case, Pacman and morality mix like oil and vinegar.

Me personally, if I was the commish, I would make sure that this fool doesn't play in the NFL ever again. I would even make sure that he doesn't get an arena league gig.
i felt sorry for him before reading this. notice how none of this came out when he was appealing hahah. wow i hope he takes a look at his life and his idiot friends with his year he has.

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