Ring Side Seats - 2018 Offense Edition


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Better than diseased blankets left to certain tribes... Not even tasty!

it's a true blessing that I 'get over myself' after sleeping one off,,, you've heard of that 'instant A-hole,just add alcohol'?,,, I'm certain I can become an 'instant idiot' after being submerged long enough inside the bottle,,,, therefore ,after stating that less than newsworthy Proclamation,,,my apologies are extended to one& all for any past,present or future offensive umbrage I might have or will as yet unforeseen be imparted upon oneself,,, o_O

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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Wayward and previousdly chastened elder, say what you will about me, an earnest naif messenger of East London in the time of scurvy. I, though all here will disagree, am not perfect. So, insult me.

But I will be damned if I let you --- damned! --- If I let you, artist boy, insult the Marines!!!!

Insult them for Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, San Diego, and the shores of Tripoli

My favorite movie star died in the mud for you!!!!l

Cast away from me, bitter root! Hopinstot and minced vinegar you are.

But, still, you darken my Internet presence with your oeuvre of invective.
So, be off, oxen cart rider!!
Tell it to the Marines!!!!!
And, if you are feeling lucky,TELL IT TO MARTHA RAY!!!!!!

you are a freakin' trip.




I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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No worries. I was not in the least offended by your take.

Though I do wonder if perhaps your impression of this particular piece might be a simple misunderstanding. I could be wrong, but what you may have interrupted as arrogance or condescension was actually a result of the literary devices I use in this particular concept to establish clear lines between my optimistic, pessimistic and realistic sides. The "Myself" section in particular, is pretty mean spirited by design and while a pretty clear indication of the thoughts that parade through my head from time to time, is not a fair representation of what I really believe.
Lmao Reading that oneo_O


* seriously hilarious:starspin:


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IMO Connor Williams play and Tyron Smiths health are the two big keys to a successful season.
If the OL plays really well, like 2016 well, Zeke will run and run, Austin will break off a few big plays, and Dak will have plenty of time to make the easy reads and find whomever gets open all the while controlling the clock and keeping the defense fresh. But IMO everything hinges on that OL dominating.
I didn't study Schultz leading up to the draft but LawNation (I believe) has a good video detailing some of his skill & tenacity as a blocker. With Connor & he joining a group that will now let Lael continue his development at RT, I think it could be a special unit. IF Tyron can be healthy & effective.
I too think Austin could end up getting some significant chunk plays each game. I wasn't expecting us to make that trade but the more i have thought about it, the more I like it. A draftee to fill the role is great but adding a guy with experience but still young puts us ahead of the curve regarding what can be added to the game plan. If we don't put him & Zeke in the backfield together at times, it will be criminally stupid.


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I didn't study Schultz leading up to the draft but LawNation (I believe) has a good video detailing some of his skill & tenacity as a blocker. With Connor & he joining a group that will now let Lael continue his development at RT, I think it could be a special unit. IF Tyron can be healthy & effective.
I too think Austin could end up getting some significant chunk plays each game. I wasn't expecting us to make that trade but the more i have thought about it, the more I like it. A draftee to fill the role is great but adding a guy with experience but still young puts us ahead of the curve regarding what can be added to the game plan. If we don't put him & Zeke in the backfield together at times, it will be criminally stupid.

I could see Linehan using Austin in a way similar to how he used Reggie Bush with the Lions. Click the link below for more details:



Well-Known Member
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I didn't study Schultz leading up to the draft but LawNation (I believe) has a good video detailing some of his skill & tenacity as a blocker. With Connor & he joining a group that will now let Lael continue his development at RT, I think it could be a special unit. IF Tyron can be healthy & effective.
I too think Austin could end up getting some significant chunk plays each game. I wasn't expecting us to make that trade but the more i have thought about it, the more I like it. A draftee to fill the role is great but adding a guy with experience but still young puts us ahead of the curve regarding what can be added to the game plan. If we don't put him & Zeke in the backfield together at times, it will be criminally stupid.
