RIP Kobe Bryant ** respectful posts only! **

Kinda hard to cancel at the last second. Lots of people pay for tickets, travel, hotels etc..You alos set a precedent, what happens when the next player dies. Does it show disrespect to cancel for Love but not for the next one. Just saying.......I don't know....
The NBA is kind of on a tight ship schedule wise and making those games up would be a pain. Also, while I certainly understand the sentiment I’m not sure if it’s not just best to try to get through the games and make it through the day. Obviously Kobe’s youth and closeness to the game and players still is unique and makes it different than say, Bill Russell. But I’m also not sure what canceling a Wizards/Hawks game full of players who didn’t play with or know Kobe will do.
Luke 6:37 37"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

You have no right to judge this man in that manner.

FYI, his daughter was on the helicopter and perished too.

Amen about not judging. And he was a Christian from what I've read. Either way, that's between him and God.
This still hasn’t sank in

i was Kobes biggest hater but I admired his mamba mentality

I remember one quote he said “I dont believe in If my best wasnt good enough then atleast i gave it my best”

i used that when i played football....the fact he wanted to rip your heart out made me appreciate him all the more

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