Rob to the Saints

Says something that the 2nd team eligible to grab Rob did. I think starting early was a blessing for Rob and even though it may be hard to see it right now, so will having played for BP. Good luck Rob.
Kittymama said:
And I will say that, if the DMN blog is correct, I think it's kind of disappointing that Rob didn't get the news directly from Parcells. (Mosely said Rob was told by Jeff Ireland.) I know that some coaches tell the players themselves; I thought/hoped Parcells did.
BP doesn't have that kind of class. He talks a lot about Tom Landry, but that is all it is: Talk.

I hope Rob has a fantastic, HOF even, career. I also hope he flattens Demarcus Ware when we play, since BP thinks that is Robs' "problem": speed rushers. Have we even gotten a real sack in the preseason?

God Bless you and your son, Pittdawg. He'll probably flourish under Payton...
pittdawg said:
rob will be flying to new orleans tonight to join his new team the saints. rob was told by his agent that payten couldn't believe his good fortune when the cowboys released rob and took him after the texans passed. i know alot of dallas fans didn't like rob, but i think the saints do and will give rob every opportunity to succeed. unlike the opinions of some, i think rob played very well in preseason and has a tremendous upside.

i truely hope that the o-line gets the job done for you and dallas has a very successful season. i can't help but feel that rob's career will continue to flourish with the saints and all will end well.

see you in dec, no way i'm missing that game.

That is excellent news PittDawg! Please let Rob know that he still has some fans here who will be rooting for him wherever he plays.
Very good news. Good luck to Rob and Pittdawg. And Payton.
Sorry to say this, but anyone that "hated" Rob is an idiot. The kid was a late 6th rounder. It's not like anyone expected him to start, nevermind excell. There are 1st and 2nd round tackles that never make it, yet Rob started as a 6th round rookie. Is that fair to him? Im pretty pissed that they let him go over Fabini, but what can you do? At this point in their careers, i think theyre pretty equal, but Fabini's 32 years old and might have 2 years left, while Petiti could have a good 8 years to develop. He may never be a Willie Anderson, but at least there's some youth there to work with. I didnt like having Rob in there as a starter last year, but it had nothing to do with not liking the guy. I just think it's unfair to throw a 6th-7th round rookie into the fire like that and expect him to be a stud. The ultimate scenario for him would have been to sit on the bench for 2 years, then work him in there his 3rd year. I dunno, i just dont like the move. Just my opinion, but Pittdawg, i dont think anyone really hated Rob. Even the most critical of fans were probably angrier at the team's decision to start him when he wasnt ready than they were at Rob. He seems like a great kid and i really do hope he does well in New Orleans.
Great to hear that Rob got to a team pretty quickly, bonus being he will be playing for someone who already knows him.

I wasn't happy with the way he was released, since I would think at least BP would talk to the guy, for playing his heart out last year, even when he was hurt big time.
CalCBFan said:
BP doesn't have that kind of class. He talks a lot about Tom Landry, but that is all it is: Talk.

I hope Rob has a fantastic, HOF even, career. I also hope he flattens Demarcus Ware when we play, since BP thinks that is Robs' "problem": speed rushers. Have we even gotten a real sack in the preseason?

God Bless you and your son, Pittdawg. He'll probably flourish under Payton...
Wow. The butt-kissing has reached an all-time high.
What ever happened to Parcells saying "I'll die before I let your fail."
pittdawg said:
rob will be flying to new orleans tonight to join his new team the saints. rob was told by his agent that payten couldn't believe his good fortune when the cowboys released rob and took him after the texans passed. i know alot of dallas fans didn't like rob, but i think the saints do and will give rob every opportunity to succeed. unlike the opinions of some, i think rob played very well in preseason and has a tremendous upside.

i truely hope that the o-line gets the job done for you and dallas has a very successful season. i can't help but feel that rob's career will continue to flourish with the saints and all will end well.

see you in dec, no way i'm missing that game.

Good luck to Rob and many of us appreciated you and Rob particularly on this forum. Best wishes to you both and we hope Rob has a fruitful career to be sure!!! :)
Natedawg44 said:
What ever happened to Parcells saying "I'll die before I let your fail."

I thought he told Andre Gurode, "I'm not going to let you fail."
jaman4 said:
Sorry to say this, but anyone that "hated" Rob is an idiot. The kid was a late 6th rounder. It's not like anyone expected him to start, nevermind excell. There are 1st and 2nd round tackles that never make it, yet Rob started as a 6th round rookie. Is that fair to him? Im pretty pissed that they let him go over Fabini, but what can you do? At this point in their careers, i think theyre pretty equal, but Fabini's 32 years old and might have 2 years left, while Petiti could have a good 8 years to develop. He may never be a Willie Anderson, but at least there's some youth there to work with. I didnt like having Rob in there as a starter last year, but it had nothing to do with not liking the guy. I just think it's unfair to throw a 6th-7th round rookie into the fire like that and expect him to be a stud. The ultimate scenario for him would have been to sit on the bench for 2 years, then work him in there his 3rd year. I dunno, i just dont like the move. Just my opinion, but Pittdawg, i dont think anyone really hated Rob. Even the most critical of fans were probably angrier at the team's decision to start him when he wasnt ready than they were at Rob. He seems like a great kid and i really do hope he does well in New Orleans.

Pretty much my sentiments.

It's too bad we didn't have more offensive tackle depth to let him develop properly, insteading of throwing him to the wolves. But it will benefit him in the long run.
Natedawg44 said:
What ever happened to Parcells saying "I'll die before I let your fail."

I believe he said the same thing to Torrin Tucker at one time too, or so it was reported. I just recall reading that somewhere. I think, there is another guy who he said that to, thats currently on roster? I wonder if it will be 3 for 3.
Pleased to hear that Rob got picked up so quickly and by the Saints, where he'll see 1-2 familiar faces. Count me as one of those Cowboy fans who was very sorry to see him go. Let me know that Cowboy fans appreciate all his efforts in his rookie season to help the team and the extraordinary work in did in the offseason to improve himself in every way possible. Hope he has a long and prosperous NFL career and don't hurt us to bad when Saints play the Cowboys.

Good luck to you as well; it's easy to see where he got his work ethic, maturity & class. Join with one of the above posters who was sorry to hear that Parcells himself didn't inform Rob but I guess that's the way it is done on many NFL teams. Good luck to both of you.
Kittymama said:
And I will say that, if the DMN blog is correct, I think it's kind of disappointing that Rob didn't get the news directly from Parcells. (Mosely said Rob was told by Jeff Ireland.) I know that some coaches tell the players themselves; I thought/hoped Parcells did.

i've been told from a reliable source that parcells was the only coach or member of the organization that pushed for rob's release. that said, it's over now and rob is of to the saints.

i hope the o-line does well and the cowboys get to the playoffs.
stealth said:
can he get reggie's autograph?
That's an asinine statement.
I would hope you don't call yourself a man because that's the kind of comment a five year old would make.

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