Roger Goodell Extended


Lucky Devil
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This isn't a shock. JJ barked a little, but never bit anyone. He found out he is not as powerful as he thought he was.

He should have known that from the uncapped year debacle!


Well-Known Member
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Its laughable that some of you are blamming Jerry for this. He used as much influence as he could and clearly came up short, but he fought the good fight, its not on him.

As far as the next lockout its absolutely coming and we were heading that direction either way. However, with Goodell it will be worse and he will let it drag out much longer than a replacement likely would. Sadly it would not suprise me if we missed an entire season.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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This is going to get interesting for the NFL owners. I think they are shortsighted in thinking that their issues will just blow over.

I don't think they realize that part of the issue the fans have with the league is Goodell himself.
I could be wrong, but I think it's more the Cowboys fans (and, to a lesser extent, Pats fans) that have an issue with Goodell. The vast majority of NFL fans couldn't care less who is commish, I think. Until there is a nation-wide wave of fan discontent, neither the owners nor the commish give a rat's *** about what fans think. The green keeps coming in, so they're happy. I will say that there is a very large contingent of Cowboys fans throughout the country, so there could be a somewhat noticeable financial backlash, but I doubt even that.


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Wasn't Jerry insisting on an incentive based contract?


I am done.

I will watch the Cowboys only for the end of this season and I am done with the NFL.

I cannot and will not stand by while this buffoon continues to politick his way to ruining this game. There are more enjoyable things to do on the weekends every fall than to watch the NFL. And I will not contribute to the popularity and wealth of the league while he is the commissioner.

As usual, the owners cannot help themselves. And I'm not going to support them when they refuse to see how bad Goodell is for the game. If you're that dumb and that willing to just allow shysters like Mara, Blank and Kraft to take over the league, you really get what you deserve.


It’s comical to me for people to think Kraft and Goodell don’t go together hand and foot even with Deflategate..

Instead of slamming Bellichek, Goodell gave them a slap on the wrist giving the appearance they were actually doing something...

Gronk almost put a guy in the hospital after a dead play and he gets one game..


Regular Joe....
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So....... I get the concept here. The only thing I don't understand is, are you saying Goodell is the tiger (kitty?) or are you saying the guy on the Johnny Walker Blue Label pic is actually the puppet?


Well-Known Member
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So....... I get the concept here. The only thing I don't understand is, are you saying Goodell is the tiger (kitty?) or are you saying the guy on the Johnny Walker Blue Label pic is actually the puppet?

I’m saying jeri is the paper tiger, he roared with threats toward Goodell yet he was unable to stop his extension nor the Zeke suspension


Well-Known Member
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I could be wrong, but I think it's more the Cowboys fans (and, to a lesser extent, Pats fans) that have an issue with Goodell. The vast majority of NFL fans couldn't care less who is commish, I think. Until there is a nation-wide wave of fan discontent, neither the owners nor the commish give a rat's *** about what fans think. The green keeps coming in, so they're happy. I will say that there is a very large contingent of Cowboys fans throughout the country, so there could be a somewhat noticeable financial backlash, but I doubt even that.

You’re not wrong. I don’t think fans of other teams would be necessarily be singing the praises of Goodell, but most don’t really care all that much that he has remained the commissioner.

PA Cowboy Fan

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You’re not wrong. I don’t think fans of other teams would be necessarily be singing the praises of Goodell, but most don’t really care all that much that he has remained the commissioner.
The hate will grow as Goodell turns his attention to other teams. He can't help himself. He's a little rodent.


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He should have known that from the uncapped year debacle!
I spoke to Todd Williams about that. He said it was straight up Mara (like we didn't know but it was good hearing that from a FO guy), and he said had he known that was going to happen, he would've told Jerry to unload ALL OF THE CAP MONEY and just take the hit. Lol.


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Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall

What I want to see is cowboy fans around Dallas grab up every ticket for day one of the draft that can be found then not go. I want to see Roger standing on stage in Texas Stadium with nobody watching


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Since we're not allowed to bump old threads I'd like to see this one pinned to page one. Lots of angry threats/promises that I doubt will be fulfilled. :rolleyes:

Goodell's extension shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone. It was only a question of details.


Well-Known Member
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The refs tonight are bending every which way to convey the league's thanks to Arthur Blank and the Falcons.

This league is dripping puss of corruption.


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A different face may have helped.

NFLPA hates Goodell.

Which is a damn useful bargaining chip for the owners. They hit a stalemate and the owners can run the old, "good cop, bad cop", routine. Owners get all the credit for being flexible and continue laughing as everyone blames their chosen figurehead.


Well-Known Member
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The nfl beat the cowboys every which way this season. And I told you all it was going to happen on every single case. The Zeke suspension, the refs, Jerry backing off, the exstention. You all were posting Jerry memes where he was The Godfather and quoting me telling me Jerry is the nfl and I’m wrong. I hate the nfl more than you all but I saw it and you didn’t. I ain’t even about being right. It’s about how out of touch some of you were for months and didn’t see the big picture.
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The owners love Gooddell. He takes flak for all of their crappy decisions.

I don't know why this is difficult to understand. The guy doesn't make any decisions - his sole purpose is to give someone to be mad at other than the owners.
What's difficult to understand is why pay this clown .When you could pay a new guy 1/2 the salary who didn't drag the league through the mud. Kill two birds with one stone, public relations and huge money savings.