Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


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This is a truth so many fans either forget or never realized. As much as I loved Romo- his story, his talent, his grit....he was done physically. He would not have lasted a single game because he literally could no longer take normal NFL contact. Dak took some shots this year that Romo would not have gotten up from. “Father Time is undefeated”.

Nobody will argue that. Doesn't change the fact he should have gotten better treatment, cast wise, while he was still prime


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I've been saying for years. Our team should scrap the Garrett playbook and start running those rub easy to execute rub routes. For someone who's played football for his entire life (Garrett) I can't understand why he can't change a play to compensate for a different type of player?

Romo was a rare breed. He was the reason why our offense was so successful. He would make the proper changes depending on the defense. Garrett is like the "siri" of coaches. All you get is the same ole' answers every time. Borrrrrring.

We need a change.

Exactly what I'm saying.

But some of these cats love Garrett so much in this thread, they can't see past that, and think this is a thread dedicated to Romo


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Than what? The average 3rd string QB. Take off your Rose colored glasses. Romo had his day. He was a top 10 QB for most of his career, never had a complete team around him, but Romo made his share of mistakes to cost us games. He never put on a Superman cape and carried us to a playoff victory on his own. That being said, Jerry the enabler and Garrett the clapping cyborg are the main reason this team struggled during Romo’s era and now during Dak’s.

No player in history ever has carried a team on his own. No player in history ever will.

Right about JJ/Garrett, but a part of that, now, was their terrible decision with Romo/Dak.


Taco Engineer
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Of course you'd be the type to love everything and everyone who wears a current star.

Hate to break it to you, but Dak is no where Romo's level, and never will be.
If you compare their stats, wins and loses in their 1st two seasons they are closer than many want to admit.

The problem is some fans are expecting Dak to be as good as Romo was when he was at his best. It's only been 2 seasons.


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Dak is better than most fans think.

Dez and Witten have declined drastically since Romo's last season where he played most of the games (2014).

Obviously Dak is not at Romo's peak level but in year two Romo was still on the bench learning.

The Cowboys now have terrible WRs AND don't help the QB with run routes and other quality play designs like the Patriots use.

The Cowboys must improve the receivers AND/OR the play designs, preferrably both. Brady, Aikman, Joe Montana would all struggle in this scheme with these receivers.

I agree, players could use an upgrade, as well as scheme


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Nobody will argue that. Doesn't change the fact he should have gotten better treatment, cast wise, while he was still prime
So what should they have done? Not disagreeing per se, just st curious what you mean.


Junior College Transfer
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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere
Yeah, I could go another 11 years with Romo.


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Not if the obvious is recognized, and every attempt is made to place/develop a young Dak Prescott in the ideal scenario to achieve success.
If not we could witness a possible franchise QB being ruined.
That would be two franchise QBs ruined by Jerry and red headed Jerry


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I used to think that way and then re-evaluated. Take 2011 for example. We went 8-8 that year and threw winnable games away like:

Week 1 @ Jets - We were poised to take a 2 possession lead in the 4th quarter. Jets offense couldn’t move ball. We turn it over near the goal line, allow a blocked punt, and throw a late game interception. Horrible meltdown to lose a game that was in the bag.

Week 4 vs. Lions - Had a huge lead, throw pick 6s and allow blocked punt. Ridiculous loss.

Week 6 @ NE - I flew to Boston for this game. Had ball and lead late in 4th. Get a first down and most likely win. We run 3 straight times on a day we struggled running. I think we should have beaten the Pats here.

Week 13 @ Arizona - Bailey misses GW field goal. Some people blame Garrett for “icing the kicker” but I don’t subscribe to the line of thinking.

Week 14 vs. NY Giants - had a double digit lead in 4th. The division title was set to be ours and NYs season was about to be over. Defense couldn’t hold and Romo and Miles Austin couldn’t connect on a wide open, long walk in touchdown play after the defender fell down. Austin said he lost the ball on the lights.

That’s 5 games the Cowboys blew. The NE game may be a stretch but the other 4 were choked away. That team was better than most people remember and should have easily been in the playoffs.
Stop your bringing back nightmares. Use to it now. We have at least, a couple inexcusable losses every year, but the Clapper, Claps on.


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I don't think Dak will ever see the field the way Romo did or have the accuracy Romo did. I truly hope I'm wrong, but thus far the tape doesn't lie. Romo had a quick release and was accurate. I think you are born with those traits for the most part. Not saying Dak isn't good or can't get even better, but Romo was special in that regard. Would have been nice if he was built like Dak, Romo would still be playing if that was the case. It certainly was time for him to saddle up and move on. He was flat out done from being beat into a pulp.