Romo Must Man Up...


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ladiewolve;2331195 said:
I don't need to watch youth football to get excited. Maybe you do though , so you can remember what having heart is about. I really don't give a rats behind how much Jerry "paid" for this team. Money can't win a football game.
I can handle the heat just fine , sounds to me like you are the one having trouble with it. I don't care how high the expectations are for the Cowboys!
I'm sure plenty of fans will do their bashing. I'm not gonna bash a team or its players who I have loved for years.
I hope to see them mesh better as the season goes on and I will root for them 100 percent of the way. Maybe you and all the other angry fans need to be the ones to get over it!

:hammer: :clap2:


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Da Hammer;2331255 said:
i dont need Romo to man up and take responsibility for the loss because the loss wasnt on him! ive said that plenty of times. however i do have a problem with people who dont realize he does deserve a little blame and all they do is look at the stats and say of he did this and that. look again o-line was horrible theres nobody denying that but theres lots of times not just today but in the season when Romo committs turnovers where they are no ones fault but himself for either holding the ball too long or forcing bad throws. and he is near the top of the league at this. again love the man and i believe he is the a great QB for this team but he still has a way to improve thats all im saying!

Best post in this thread, bar none.

I had flashbacks to Danny White today. Great QB, but mistake prone.

Gemini Dolly

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If Romo were playing like this last year, no way he gets a contract.

He holds on to the ball way too long and when he tries to scramble its almost like an automatic fumble.

When he does have time to throw, its off target. His stats are overrated. They do not tell you the whole picture. He is not playing good football this year. We are fortunate to be 4-2. The schedule does not get any easier in the 2nd half of the season.


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ladiewolve;2331195 said:
I don't need to watch youth football to get excited. Maybe you do though , so you can remember what having heart is about. I really don't give a rats behind how much Jerry "paid" for this team. Money can't win a football game.
I can handle the heat just fine , sounds to me like you are the one having trouble with it. I don't care how high the expectations are for the Cowboys!
I'm sure plenty of fans will do their bashing. I'm not gonna bash a team or its players who I have loved for years.
I hope to see them mesh better as the season goes on and I will root for them 100 percent of the way. Maybe you and all the other angry fans need to be the ones to get over it!

It sounds like you don't care about anything but having a good ol time. Heck you don't need football to get all hooped and hollerd up. Just throw back a few beers and hope the team can give you another exciting loss. As for loving the players....HAHAHA In case you haven't heard, this is a business young lady. LOVE should be saved for the COWBOYS not the players. Trust me I'm over it.

These players will get their's in due time. The owner will make sure of it. I do however like your Sarah Palin wannabe posts. They are definitely worth reading.


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Did you even WATCH the game...

Did you WATCH him go down the field for a touchdown with 2 minutes left?
Did you WATCH him AGAIN go down the field for the game tying fieldgoal?
Did you WATCH him AGAIN and AGAIN bail out our O-Lineman and their holding calls? 2nd and 20, 3rd and 20, 3rd and 15.

Maybe we should all pitch in and buy you a damn DVR because you obviously need one.


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DABOYZ;2331343 said:
It sounds like you don't care about anything but having a good ol time. Heck you don't need football to get all hooped and hollerd up. Just throw back a few beers and hope the team can give you another exciting loss. As for loving the players....HAHAHA In case you haven't heard, this is a business young lady. LOVE should be saved for the COWBOYS not the players. Trust me I'm over it.

These players will get their's in due time. The owner will make sure of it. I do however like your Sarah Palin wannabe posts. They are definitely worth reading.
Really ? a business you say young man? Does that make you the owner? Or are you a fan? Is that you Jerry? Most fans love their teams...I dont know what rock you crawled out from. Who mixes Politics and football? Sounds like you are the one who threw back a few beers:rolleyes:


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adamc91115;2331390 said:
Did you even WATCH the game...

Did you WATCH him go down the field for a touchdown with 2 minutes left?
Did you WATCH him AGAIN go down the field for the game tying fieldgoal?
Did you WATCH him AGAIN and AGAIN bail out our O-Lineman and their holding calls? 2nd and 20, 3rd and 20, 3rd and 15.

Maybe we should all pitch in and buy you a damn DVR because you obviously need one.


Did Romo drive down the field on the last drive? no! Did MBIII bailed us out? Yes.

Did Romo go down the field for the Game winning field goal? no! Did we get lucky and get an offsides call play on what should have been a timeout and dead ball at the 40? Yes. (Bad Officiating, hurt player)

Did Romo bail out his lineman again and again? No!! 3 fumbles should give you the facts.

As for the DVR send me a private message and I will give you my address. Then again I think you may need it more than I do.


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ladiewolve;2331442 said:
Really ? a business you say young man? Does that make you the owner? Or are you a fan? Is that you Jerry? Most fans love their teams...I dont know what rock you crawled out from. Who mixes Politics and football? Sounds like you are the one who threw back a few beers:rolleyes:

As I said love the Team Not the players, Sarah. Hoop, Hoop aww shucks....

Nice to see you agreeing with me now.


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DABOYZ;2331343 said:
It sounds like you don't care about anything but having a good ol time. Heck you don't need football to get all hooped and hollerd up. Just throw back a few beers and hope the team can give you another exciting loss. As for loving the players....HAHAHA In case you haven't heard, this is a business young lady. LOVE should be saved for the COWBOYS not the players. Trust me I'm over it.

These players will get their's in due time. The owner will make sure of it. I do however like your Sarah Palin wannabe posts.
They are definitely worth reading.

How do here post make her come off as a Sarah Palin wannabe ?


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DABOYZ;2331480 said:

Did Romo drive down the field on the last drive? no! Did MBIII bailed us out? Yes.

Did Romo go down the field for the Game winning field goal? no! Did we get lucky and get an offsides call play on what should have been a timeout and dead ball at the 40? Yes. (Bad Officiating, hurt player)

Did Romo bail out his lineman again and again? No!! 3 fumbles should give you the facts.

As for the DVR send me a private message and I will give you my address. Then again I think you may need it more than I do.

Ok, I guess the ball just levitated to Barber on that TD and I guess the ball just levitated to Witten for 30 yards. What do we even need a QB for anyway?

And yeah he obviously bailed his lineman out, even thought they didn't do much for him.

And lets leave politics to the politics zone.


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DABOYZ;2331502 said:
As I said love the Team Not the players, Sarah. Hoop, Hoop aww shucks....

Nice to see you agreeing with me now.
Really John, How can you have a team with out players?:lmao2: The players make the team. Gee wiz Johnny , even a hoopin' an hollerin' ole southern gal like me knows that much. Shucks ,John I'm losing my confidence in you.


This is a house of learned doctors
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ladiewolve;2331579 said:
Really John, How can you have a team with out players?:lmao2: The players make the team. Gee wiz Johnny , even a hoopin' an hollerin' ole southern gal like me knows that much. Shucks ,John I'm losing my confidence in you.

Can we all agree that cake is delicious?


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Was Romo the biggest reason for the loss - no. For that, I'd pin it on Garrett's ever shrinking playbook.

But Romo is becoming a problem. Alot of the heroics that he and the team go through would not be necessary if he took better control of the ball, and made better decisions with the ball.

Yes, the OL is not protecting as well as it should. But TR needs to make better decisions, to get rid of the ball or get out of the pocket. Last year, until the playoff game, he was good at it. But now, he's trying to stay in the pocket, and it's costing him and the team.

I'd feel better if we had a coaching staff that would yell and get into the *** of a few players. But we don't.

We had three possessions that started on Arizona's side of the 50, and got zero points. That's on both TR and Garrett.

What ever changes TR went through in the offseason isn't working. He's the leader of the team - it is his responsibility to not place the team in holes that it has to repeatedly dig out of.


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Garrett needs to recognize when our Oline is out matched, and use max-protection, roll the pocket, screens etc...


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You know nothing about football. Your post is either a joke or you are very lonely and need attention.


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One of the things Romo isn't doing as well as he used to is moving around in and out of the pocket to avoid the rush. It seems like he now refuses to do some of the things that made him good. Maybe he's been "coached" out of that. If so, very bad move on the coaching staff's part. That's one of his strength.