Romo pointing out Dak flaws

He gets blamed because he made a boneheaded play which gave the opponent 7 points. He should get blamed. Let’s not baby Dak like Romo needs to be babied.
If you want to blame someone, blame the o-line that cause that field position. The play right before the fumble was a big play gain that got called back because of a hold. Ohhh...that was Dak's fault too, right? GTFOH!
Romo at 26 would've had 5 picks today.
the great bill parcels told phil simms once before a game, if you don't throw two interceptions today, you are not trying.....sometimes you have to take some chances, rather than be safe and lose the game. it necessiates it
Take away one miracle outing against the Jags ( 40 points ) and we are averaging 14 points a game in our other 6 games, if others can't see the issues this offence has then it useless trying to debate with them
A JAGS team, that's in the middle of a swoon and replaced their Starting QB with Kessler yesterday
how much time does he need? that's the problem.....

This is spot on. Almost any QB can make play when he "has time". Just like you said the issue is how much does he need. Dak has had one of the longest time to throw numbers in the NFL consistently since he has started playing.

Dak needs to do his part and get rid of the ball at least at the NFL at least at the NFL average. So far this season Dak's time is 3.04 seconds, the NFL average is 2.6. While the line is not playing well that almost 1/2 second to throw it is not doing the line any favors.
The way romo pointed out the Blitzer and knew where he was coming from tells me Dak is not the answer. 3 years later and still unable to read defenses. What film is this guy watching? Thats what seperates the good qbs from the bad ones.
that's the problem with Das that Das lovers don't seen. they were run blitzing yesterday and their two stout DTs were controlling the running game. just like other teams, the goal was to limit Zeke and they did and put the ball in Dak's hand. If Das can do a better job of reading defenses before the snap, reading the hot route and making quick accurate throws, then defenses will back off...the OL would look better, the receivers would look better and he would be better and thus there is the difference...... but hey Das lovers point fingers at everyone and everything except to him, they sound like Garrett supporters (of which I was one for a while and no longer)
No. This is the difference between a 4th round pick being forced to play as a rookie and a 14 year veteran quarterback who sat his *** on the bench for several years before taking a meaningful snap.
Once again that's not the appropriate comparison. Dak didn't take the job from a young Romo. He "took" it from the 14 year vet because the coaches feared benching Dak would hurt him mentally. So that's is who he should be compared to.

And in that comparison he does not fare well.
Tony has a birds eye view, of course he can see the whole field??? Dak had the Skins in his face all game long, any QB would miss seeing open receivers with that type of pressure. You’ll never see every open receiver on every play. Christ, you guys act like Romo has a 100% completion percentage...
wrong.... all QBs on the field get the same field view advantage and good ones can wee the whole defensive line up and make the right calls...below average ones, can't see squat and pull the ball down and run...
The dude had near 300 yards passing how anyone can blame Dak is baffling.
Well, by my math, they lost by 3 and he fumbled in the end zone after having like 4 seconds to throw the ball. I can blame it on him.

He's not the only guilty party, but he was bad. His statline grossly misrepresents how he played.
Once again that's not the appropriate comparison. Dak didn't take the job from a young Romo. He "took" it from the 14 year vet because the coaches feared benching Dak would hurt him mentally. So that's is who he should be compared to.

And in that comparison he does not fare well.
well, went, geoff, turbiskey, and few others seem to have adjusted well and gotten better..... so lets compare his play to players that are in the league for 3-4 years....he still sucks..
Romo should shut the hell up. How quickly he forgets his even worse game-costing flaws. He sucked and choked very badly during many situations for many years. These highlights is only a small limited sample of how much Romo had serious game-costing flaws in his game.

why is everyone making this about Romo? this is about how bad Dak is...if Romo was a good comparison, he would be playing and not sitting in the booth.....

ROmo is as bad or worse, doesn't make Dak into a good QB, the best would make him better than Romo, which you just said, sucks.
If you want to blame someone, blame the o-line that cause that field position. The play right before the fumble was a big play gain that got called back because of a hold. Ohhh...that was Dak's fault too, right? GTFOH!
No, that wasn't Dak's fault. That was the offensive line's fault. I don't do excuses. Each player owns their own mistakes, to include Dak, Romo, Zeke, Murray, Bailey, Dez, Tyron, Garrett, etc. Excusing mistakes from pet players is a disease among fans, IMO. Much better conversation could be had if people would just admit their player made a mistake and contributed to a loss instead of trying to shift blame to someone else.
I thought Zeke made this offense. where was he at? I thought we had this monster o line. Where were they at? Let's blame one of the only guys that actually showed up on offense today
keep pointing fingers at Dak, who makes all of them look bad....teams focus on stopping Zeke, he is our top weapon and they are daring Dak to beat them..... and he can't....that's s fact
Can Dak be better absolutely. But newsflash, in Romo's 3rd year he couldn't find his arse with both hands.
not sure what this is suppose to point out, I guess by your inference Staubach was a bum because he sat 2 1/2 years on the bench, but won a super bowl in year 3, yes riding the bench a few years makes you a bum, come on get real. What anyone before did has no bearing on what Dak does, his play speaks for it's self.
Romo has over a decade of experience, Dak is inn his 3rd year, he's not going to see the field the same way a 10 year vet will, that comes with experience.
went, geoff, turbiskey all young QBs and they seem to see the field fine....
Romo has over a decade of experience, Dak is inn his 3rd year, he's not going to see the field the same way a 10 year vet will, that comes with experience.
Well, Romo did say he figured it out in 2013 so it only took him 10 years to do so. Too bad he couldn't stay healthy after he figured it out.

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