Video: Romo wanted Dak to check out of play in Bears game


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I don't understand fans like you. Okay you support Dak and want him to stay in, but then you go and attack Romo for no reason at all. Even Gabe admitted that he took his Romo bashing too far. You guys choose plays that Romo makes bad decisions, yet I can show you numerous ones where he makes fabulous plays. We're all Cowboys fans and we all want to win. It shouldn't matter who's at quarterback and we should support whoever is at the helm for us. Yet some can't put their egos aside and have to bash either Dak or Tony for no reason.
He's one of the nastiest most vile and immature posters around. Surprised you haven't noticed.
Animosity is right there with him. Nothing of value to add to the forum. Just trolling and nastiness. Always extremely selective memory regarding Romo.
Partof the crew wanting guys like Manziel to replace him.

Used to be ufc. I blocked him, so not sure he's around...unless one of theses morons is actually him.


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How many offensive offsides?
The Romo lovers don't want to acknowledge the 2014 Romo and 2016 might be two completely different people. His last game was a three interception disaster with a 27.2 rating. Peyton Manning threw for over 4000 yds and 39 td's in 2014, he was injured a year ago returned and played like hot garbage and now he is gone from the league.

The key word is "might". You don't know he won"t be the same Romo anymore than I think he will. The last game he played, he was not healthy and shouldn't have been playing anyway. Using that game as a erasable barometer is faulty logic.

Oh, and by the way, in 2014 Dallas committed 17 false start penalties (nobody calls them offensive offsides) in 16 games. So far this year, Dalass has committed 8 in 8 games. Extrapolate that over a full season and you get 16. Like I said, it"s a whopping difference of one penalty per season. Myth...


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The key word is "might". You don't know he won"t be the same Romo anymore than I think he will. The last game he played, he was not healthy and shouldn't have been playing anyway. Using that game as a erasable barometer is faulty logic.

Oh, and by the way, in 2014 Dallas committed 17 false start penalties (nobody calls them offensive offsides) in 16 games. So far this year, Dalass has committed 8 in 8 games. Extrapolate that over a full season and you get 16. Like I said, it"s a whopping difference of one penalty per season. Myth...
interesting on the false starts, I would have thought this year would be less.

About romo, nobody knows, but they all assume, from awful to great.
I get tired of people saying romo is the better qb right now, because we dont know how he would be in real games.
In practice it is easy to look good, even weedon looked good, pretty passes too.

So Really we have seen 8 weeks of dak and know what he can do, but tony we havent seen him really since the first 2 games of 2015.
And the carolina game is what can happen just by not playing for awhile.

also the 2 qb's are really different. I dont think either one is better than the other, but dak has all the recent actual game play and is doing great.