Romo will be in the ROH

Did you have a seizure or something at the end of that first sentence? Romo did make the playoffs before....

Seek help.
"Ok tough guy" - Huh?

You don't even get that you don't get it. Lol...
Lets Grade Romo adherence to the Parcells 11 QB Commandments:

Before the game, former Cowboys coach Bill Parcells shared with ESPN the list of commandments he gave to quarterback Tony Romo, a list Romo still keeps in his locker.

Below is that list, paraphrased. Thanks to TonyRomoFan for the updated, more detailed list.

Quarterback commandments:

1. Ignore other opinions Press or TV, agents or advisors, family or wives, friends or relatives, fans or hangers on - ignore them on matters of football, they don t know what s happening here. - C- he did drink the Jerry Jones Kool-Aid.

2. Clowns can t run a huddle don t forget to have fun but don t be the class clown. Clowns and leaders don t mix. Clowns can t run a huddle. - A - he was never a clown in the huddle. He had fun and was fun to watch.

3. Fat QBs can t avoid the rush A quarterback throws with his legs more than his arm. Squat and run. - A - he was chubby looking with the football rib pads. But, he was not fat.

4. Know your job cold this is not a game without errors. Keep yours to a minimum. Study. - B - he knew his job, but Garrett never adjusted during games so I will not fault Romo. Errors to a minimum is another issue.

5. Know your own players Who s fast? Who can catch? Who needs encouragement? Be precise. Know your opponent. A - He got the best from TO, Dez, Witten, Glenn, Austin, Crayton, Hurd, etc.

6. Be the same guy every day in condition. Preparing to lead. Studying your plan. A coach can t prepare you for every eventuality. Prepare yourself and remember, impulse decisions usually equal mistakes. - C this could be some with impulse decisions equals mistakes that did plague Romo.

7. Throwing the ball away is a good play sacks, interceptions and fumbles are bad plays. Protect against those. - D - Romo threw 5 ints in 2 separate games, fumbled a playoff games field goal snap (Parcells said it is one of the elementary plays in football), made numerous fumbles and interceptions in playoff birth deciding games (see the 8-8 years), and the shoot out with Manning sums up his career.

8. Learn to manage the game personnel, play call, motions, ball handling, proper reads, accurate throws, play fakes. Clock. Clock. Clock. Don t you ever lose track of the clock. - C - This is more Garrett's fault but great QBs can make average coaches great and great coaches Hall of Famers (see Staubach and Landry, Aikman and Johnson). Romo could not manage Garrett and also had his share of "***" moments in games (see dump pass to RB that was intercepted with seconds to halftime vs. Washington). Since Romo could call audibles, he has to have the blame.

9. Get your team in the end zone passing stats and TD passes are not how you re going to be judged. Your job is to get your team in the end zone and that is how you will be judged. C - Romo era got in the redzone and passed an awful lot even with very good and great regular season RBs. Again Garrett shares the blame. But Romo had free reign to audible so he shares the C and he has the stats and TD passes.

10. Don t panic when all around you is in chaos, you must be the hand that steers the ship. If you have a panic button so will everyone else. Our ship can t have a panic button. D - too many win and get in opportunities was wasted by Romo with panic reactions leading to turnovers.

11. Don t be a celebrity QB we don t need any of those. We need battlefield commanders that are willing to fight it out, every day, every week and every season and lead their team to win after win after win
- F - Jessica Simpson, Carrie Underwood, etc. When you don't understand the optics of going to Cabo before a playoff game on your week off, you are a celebrity QB. He married a Dallas TV celebrity and former beauty pageant contestant. But what you expect a UDFA from Wisconsin to do when fame came to him. I can't blame him. But those dimples still got him a F.

Average Grade is a C (2.27 on a 4 point scale).

Tell Jerry to break out the anointing oil he is on the same level as Don Meredith, Roger Staubach, and Troy Aikman...In Jerry's World.
I kind of love how deranged this topic has become honestly. Some of these posts are practically psychiatric diagnoses in and of themselves.

He married a Dallas TV celebrity and former beauty pageant contestant.

Hating on Romo for who he married is truly some next level insanity. Bravo.

If only he had a low-key marriage to somebody no one has heard of, like Tom Brady did.
I kind of love how deranged this topic has become honestly. Some of these posts are practically psychiatric diagnoses in and of themselves.

Hating on Romo for who he married is truly some next level insanity. Bravo.

If only he had a low-key marriage to somebody no one has heard of, like Tom Brady did.
Imagine being so dumb that you cry for years that Romo is simply an individual stat padder who doesn’t win games for the team (like a starting pitcher), then you complain when he’s honored explicitly as an individual, literally “his name” being put in the rafters purposely removed from the team context. This is the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
To be honest I think the big problem with the Ring of Honor, other than Jimmy Johnson not being on it, is that it's too small in general. 3/4 of the Ring of Honor are just the guys on the team who made the Hall of Fame. But there are a ton more guys who were super significant to the team's history that aren't remotely going to be Hall of Famers. To me, those guys are really what a team's hall of fame type thing is for in the first place. Otherwise you're just mostly duplicating the Hall of Fame list, at which point why bother?
Lets Grade Romo adherence to the Parcells 11 QB Commandments:

11. Don t be a celebrity QB we don t need any of those. We need battlefield commanders that are willing to fight it out, every day, every week and every season and lead their team to win after win after win
- F - Jessica Simpson, Carrie Underwood, etc. When you don't understand the optics of going to Cabo before a playoff game on your week off, you are a celebrity QB. He married a Dallas TV celebrity and former beauty pageant contestant. But what you expect a UDFA from Wisconsin to do when fame came to him. I can't blame him. But those dimples still got him a F.

Tell Jerry to break out the anointing oil he is on the same level as Don Meredith, Roger Staubach, and Troy Aikman...In Jerry's World.
I disagree with this.

Yes , VERY early in his starting career he accepted Simpson's pursuit and ended up dating her. Few young single men would've turned her down...and its not like she's some huge party animal anyway. And quit mentioning Cabo...that's just silly and was in his first full year of starting...long ago and irrelevant anyway. I guess blame Witten too.
Underwood was even earlier than that and very brief. She too was pretty down to earth.

And give me break about his wife. She was not a celebrity and was never known as a some kind of partier. So what if she won some stupid beauty contest long ago. Damn near every QB married one of those.

Much of his career he was a family man with young kids.
You rarely even saw him accept commercial offers until very late in his career....

And please....Romo was certainly willing to "fight it out" in very game and on every play regardless of how great the odds or injuries.
To be honest I think the big problem with the Ring of Honor, other than Jimmy Johnson not being on it, is that it's too small in general. 3/4 of the Ring of Honor are just the guys on the team who made the Hall of Fame. But there are a ton more guys who were super significant to the team's history that aren't remotely going to be Hall of Famers. To me, those guys are really what a team's hall of fame type thing is for in the first place. Otherwise you're just mostly duplicating the Hall of Fame list, at which point why bother?

The Ring of Honor isn't for the non HOFers, its for the best and most significant contributors in Cowboy history, regardless of whether they end up in the HOF or not. In general the best of the best are the ones that go to the HOF, and they obviously should be recognized by the team as well. As for the one's not in the HOF, rembmeber that the ROH is supposed to be exclusive - not for merely good players, but elite ones that made contributions to the team above and beyond what far and away most do. It's not meant to include everyone that made a solid or even notable contribution to the team. Just the elite of that group. If they were to make it significantly more inclusive it would dilute the honor. That's not to say there isn't a reasonable argument for a few players that are not in, but there certainly aren't a lot that clearly should be in that aren't.
Romo??? For what, oh he could pass really well and had padded stats. That along with all those championships he brought us, well for sure he deserves it...sarc
Romo??? For what, oh he could pass really well and had padded stats. That along with all those championships he brought us, well for sure he deserves it...sarc

This has already been addressed. Read the thread so you won't have to be embarrassed like the others who ran off.
If danny white isn't up there neither should romo.

You can push for both of these guys. Even if Romo gets in first, you can push for White to go in.

They are both deserving to be honored, and yes, it's disrespectful that White in the ROH yet.
You can push for both of these guys. Even if Romo gets in first, you can push for White to go in.

They are both deserving to be honored, and yes, it's disrespectful that White in the ROH yet.
If Jimmy and white ain't up there Romo and Witt should wait in line
Before White?
This site will get lit up if this thread is any omen of what will occur when Romo's name is revealed during the Ring Of Honor ceremony. It will be freaking glorious.

I love CowboysZone.