RUMOR: Dallas wants to draft a Qb


The Great Communicator
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txlonghorn14 said:
can anyone explain the actual possiblity of dallas getting v. young in the draft? i know he'd actually have to fall to 18th, or dallas would have to trade up. couldn't we trade up for N.O.'s second pick, since they're not gonna be taking a QB?
Actually if he fell as far as 15 or 16 we would have the real possibility to move up and get him. It would take all of our top draft picks and some next year to move up to NO's #2 spot and I don't see that happening. I'm not for trading up at all for VY, I am very leery of him as a pro QB though I loved him in college.


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jcblanco22 said:
Whoa, not so fast there. I want to know if he's still with his girl before he gets banned. :p:

In all seriousness, wasn't Mike's source the one that confirmed Vanderjagt's signing the day before it actually was announced? I don't think his source has proven to be baseless in his statements so far.
Yes, he had Vanderjagt's signing a day or two before. Mike has posted here for quite some time and doesn't have a record of making stuff up.

With that being said take this with a grain of salt because its a month before the draft and a lot can change between now and April 29th.


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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jcblanco22 said:
In all seriousness, wasn't Mike's source the one that confirmed Vanderjagt's signing the day before it actually was announced? I don't think his source has proven to be baseless in his statements so far.

Agreed. He was the first one to break the Vandy news, if I remember correctly "Sign Mannings Buddy". So cut him some slack.

Anyway, I don't see VY dropping past Detroit at 10 I think. If you want to move up, its going to have to be before detroit. I do think VY will drop that far though, but I think it would be shocking to see us move up. Thats just not something the cowboys do much of.


Consider Yourself Sucked
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Eddie said:
Why is it a dumb move? When should we draft a QB? When Bledsoe retires? We wanna go through the QC/Hutch nonsense again?

If there's a time to draft a QB, NOW is the time ... while Bledsoe can still give us a year. QB's need time to adjust and learn. A first rounder would have the luxury of learning.

Hey, maybe we can snag Losman for cheap. ha ha
QB in the later rounds wouldn't be a total waste but we need impact players with our day one picks this year.

Ths SB window is open now.


Lucky Devil
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VY...sigh. I don't care how 'athletic' he is. His test scores point to a lower than desired IQ. QB's have to be smart. Jacobs, Whitehurst or Croyle all look solid. VY is too much of a gamble. Sure, he might revolutionize the position...or he could just as easily flop like a fish.


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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Not to disrespect your source. But if the team is basing a decision about how to spend its #1 pick on how someone plays in Europe then I think they are misguided.

Europe can tell you if a guy CAN'T play in the league but it doesn't help you understand if he CAN play. Lots of guys tore it up in NFLE and never did squat in the NFL. Very few guys did squat in NFLE and were able to play in the NFL at all.


Star Power
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Duane said:
Yes, he had Vanderjagt's signing a day or two before. Mike has posted here for quite some time and doesn't have a record of making stuff up.

I don't mean to question his credibility, but anyone can have a source who works at any level of the organization who sees Vaderjagt come in to headquarters (or wherever), and then make the guess than Vanderjagt will be signed. There's a 50-50 chance of being right. So, its not like this prediction came out of nowhere.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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hendog said:
If we don't land one of the big 3 I'd just as soon take Drew Olsen in the 5th.

Drew Bledsoe
Drew Olsen
Drew Henson
:bang2: :laugh2:

Lol...That sure would make it easier for announcer...Drew drops back in the pocket...Doesn't matter which


Salty *******
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Yeah. Listen to SultanOfSix. That guy knows what he is talking about. (See the picture in his sig for proof)


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jcblanco22 said:
In all seriousness, wasn't Mike's source the one that confirmed Vanderjagt's signing the day before it actually was announced? I don't think his source has proven to be baseless in his statements so far.

Yeah, that was some great inside info.

Even KFFL and ESPN and a half dozen other news sources were reporting Vanderjagt was in Dallas and we'd likely sign him.

Now this source says we're looking to draft a QB. Gee, I've been reading for weeks that we're interested in Whitehurst. And there's been speculation that Vince might drop and we could take him.

FYI, my inside source is telling me we are seriously considering an OL early in this draft, as well as a LB. :cool:


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A blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. Everybody knew Vandy was in town a day or two before he signed. Anybody could have said "based on our past record of signing guys who actually come in for a visit, I have a better than average chance of saying this guy signs and it actually happening." Big Deal.


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CrazyCowboy said:
Vince Young could fall to #18? Wow....

VY will be gone by 7 at the latest and probably top 3.

VY is Kyle Boller with actual college production and a falir for the dramatic. No matter what scouts say coaches and GMs saw the Rose Bowl. Guys dont drop after those kinds of games.

Folks wanna mention the Cal QB, Rodgers, who fell to GB but that guy played poorly in his final game against Texas Tech and was never a legit top 10 target at all; he was just used by SF to try and get Alex Smith to lower his asking price and sign before the draft.


rock music matters
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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Harrington still remains an option but the guy im talking to is telling me Dallas is seriously looking at vince young now and might choose to move up in the draft to take him IF he hovers around 18th.

I think this is great news, I think with bledsoe probably only having two more solid years , this year is a perfect season to draft a qb . this way bledsoe can groom him alittle bit.

anyway im going to be out in oxnard i think this summer we should definatly meet up . are you still with your girl?? give me a shout

um...yo mr fullofit... we're going to move up IF he hovers around 18?

do the math and tell me what's "wrong" with that statement. well, make a top 10 list of what's wrong with that statement.


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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Harrington still remains an option but the guy im talking to is telling me Dallas is seriously looking at vince young now and might choose to move up in the draft to take him IF he hovers around 18th.

I think this is great news, I think with bledsoe probably only having two more solid years , this year is a perfect season to draft a qb . this way bledsoe can groom him alittle bit.

anyway im going to be out in oxnard i think this summer we should definatly meet up . are you still with your girl?? give me a shout

Come on board to the Trade Up to draft Vince Young bandwagon. (juke: could you give me a signature please :pray2:)


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cobra said:
Why do we let liars like this post?


This guy is full of garbage with his fake e-mail.

Isn't it so surprising that this "insider" info just happens to be exactly what this guy has always wanted to all along.

We should delete these kind of BS rumor "sourced" lies.
He has a source at Valley Ranch, do you?

Stop knocking him and take it with a grain of salt if you don't believe him.

He was right on Vanderjact.

He has some capital now.

Bob Sacamano

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ravidubey said:
Whitehurst, not Young. Young will be taken either at pick 3 (if NY trades up for Leinert at 2) or pick 7. If anyone falls, it's Cutler, but not past Arizona at 10.

I agree, if we decide to take any QB, it will be Whitehurst in the 3rd, if possible, 5th


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If Young, for some reason, falls near the 14th or 15th spot, I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if we try to trade up and pick him.

However, I think it would be a mistake since we'd likely have to give up some very precious draft picks. And I still think we have something in Henson.


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Guys, my source confirmed this rumor. He said that Dallas is split on Henson. Some feel if he lights it up in NFLE we will keep him, others are not so sure. We'll see which side wins out. Also, if he does poorly in NFLE and a QB who is supposed to go in the top 5 drops to us at 18 we may look at drafting him. Some at the Dallas headquarters might draft this top 5 QB even if Henson does light it up. There is also one guy who I overheard saying that if any other top 5 pick were to happen to slide we may or may not draft him. Also, let's say a top 5 pick drops to say around 16. In this scenario, we will try to move up, but if we don't it's only because the asking price was too much, in which case we have the option to stay put or move down. That decision really comes down to Jerry and Bill who don't seem to be on the same page.

Create fake source: $0
Create rumor based upon recent articles: $0
Cover all bases with possible excuses: $0

Create an illusion of granduer with total anonymity while at the same time establishing bragging rights later: Priceless