RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

CanadianCowboysFan;1591380 said:
Ask yourself though, in reality when you are pulled over, you don't know why. It could be you ran a stale orange and it turned red without realizing, maybe you cut someone off changing lanes while putting the pedal to the metal, maybe your licence plate fell off.

Telling the cop you don't know why he stopped you is not a lie, you are not a mind reader.
Your initial question was about speeding, as if you knew that you were speeding and yet, you were advocating to say "I don't know" when asked why you were being pulled over.

If you don't know why you got pulled over, fine say you don't know because that is the truth but if you know why you got pulled over, say it instead of lying about it, like you would do.

A lawyer advocating lie is a very disgusting and unethical person and you aren't helping your profession's perception at all. If you are a lawyer that is.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591412 said:
This is one thing but what do you say when the cop asks "how fast do you think you were going?"

Y'know, I've been driving for 38 years now, and never have had a cop ask me that question... never had one ask me "do you know why I pulled you over??", either...
CanadianCowboysFan;1591415 said:
Sometimes I wonder if I post on a football board with fellow fans or the 12 disciples. Damn, you people are too good for Jesus of Nazareth. You should be saving him not the other way around.

I guess I am just the heathen northerner, sigh

Get thee behind me, Satan...
5Stars;1591374 said:
You know what, LaTunaIsGone...that little bunny in your sig would look GREAT in some rabbit stew! Yummy!!


It's a guinnea pig. :eek:
I love these threads. everyone has their own moral code or idea of what laws are legitamite and what laws are stupid, what is a crime and what is not.

I would say that someone who unprovoked attacks and assaults another or even hurls insults is deserving of punishments. yes, i think calling out fellow posters on this message board and insulting them is more of a crime than doing drugs because the intent is to harm someone or oppress them or put them down. where as drug users are trying to do something to ease some loss in their personal life or just find a spiritual experience for themself.

But lying, well you dont have to tell everyone your business. and finding a big wad of money in a building or on the streets, thats going in my pocket, i cant help it that someone has sooo much cash they dont need to be careful. and a married woman wants to sleep with me, well its all good, i beleive in free love, how can one man own a woman anyway, were all free spirits, just hung up on the principles of a puritan society (which is why i could only be in an open marriage - but im honest about that). catching a buzz, its a spiritual experience. speeding, ive got a lead foot, it hurts to keep the car at 55 cause im straining the muscle in my leg to hold my foot that far off the pedal.

im one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and i do much to contribute to the hapiness of others and do what i can to alleviate the sufferings of people i come in contact with.

Im like a modern day jesus, except i like to catch a buzz and have sex, guess i should have grown up with the hippie generation.
Faerluna;1591558 said:
It's a guinnea pig. :eek:

Ok! A guinnea it and throw it on the grill...put it on a hoogie bun and it's still tasty...

;) I got to feed my family you know!!! :cool:
Hoov;1591622 said:
Im like a modern day jesus, except i like to catch a buzz and have sex, guess i should have grown up with the hippie generation.

Go away, pansy...go get your dress on and find a real woman!

silverbear;1591533 said:
Now, we get to the truth...

And now, we know that you're not to be taken seriously...

Whatever dude. it was completely legal in Virginia until 1986. Meaning people were not punished for it. You act as if this anti dogfighting things isnt a recent trend historically.

Fact is that its been inundated in southern culture for almost 400 years. You try to assert your values onto those people like so many Americans seem to love to do to other cultures in general.

I dont think it should be punished anymore than a trophy hunter should be when in the end they are just killing and hurting animals for kicks.
silverbear;1591533 said:
Now, we get to the truth...

And now, we know that you're not to be taken seriously...

its not as if that hasnt been my stance from the beginning. i guess you forgot the first time i stated it you threw a hissy fir and claimed you were going to put me on ignore.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591694 said:
Whatever dude. it was completely legal in Virginia until 1986. Meaning people were not punished for it. You act as if this anti dogfighting things isnt a recent trend historically.

Which means the Old Dominion was quite stupid until 1986, nothing more...

Fact is that its been inundated in southern culture for almost 400 years.

Exaggerate much?? "Southern culture" hasn't even been around for 400 years... and as a guy who has spent much of his life in the south, it has ALWAYS been a thing that only the lower elements of society indulged in, IOW it has NOT been a socially accepted practice... not by anybody with a lick of decency in them...

And a far more important fact is NOW, it's ILLEGAL...

You try to assert your values onto those people like so many Americans seem to love to do to other cultures in general.

Anybody who thinks that it's OK to abuse animals for fun and profit doesn't have any values...

I dont think it should be punished anymore than a trophy hunter should be when in the end they are just killing and hurting animals for kicks.

Most of the deer hunters down here are hunting for meat, to supplement the family food budget each winter... in addition, they perform a service, actually, in that the deer population in this area can and does get out of control, leading to hardships for farmers, and for the deer themselves... and any REAL hunter has nothing but contempt for those who are incapable of killing their prey cleanly, without causing the animal needless suffering...

FWIW, I'm not a hunter, never have been... don't like killing anything, to be straight about it...

And what you think on the subject really doesn't matter, does it?? Whether or not you agree with the law, it applies to you, too...

I feel sorry for your dog, if you have that little respect for the life of an animal...
silverbear;1591714 said:
Which means the Old Dominion was quite stupid until 1986, nothing more...

Exaggerate much?? "Southern culture" hasn't even been around for 400 years... and as a guy who has spent much of his life in the south, it has ALWAYS been a thing that only the lower elements of society indulged in, IOW it has NOT been a socially accepted practice... not by anybody with a lick of decency in them...

And a far more important fact is NOW, it's ILLEGAL...

Anybody who thinks that it's OK to abuse animals for fun and profit doesn't have any values...

Most of the deer hunters down here are hunting for meat, to supplement the family food budget each winter... in addition, they perform a service, actually, in that the deer population in this area can and does get out of control, leading to hardships for farmers, and for the deer themselves... and any REAL hunter has nothing but contempt for those who are incapable of killing their prey cleanly, without causing the animal needless suffering...

FWIW, I'm not a hunter, never have been... don't like killing anything, to be straight about it...

And what you think on the subject really doesn't matter, does it?? Whether or not you agree with the law, it applies to you, too...

I feel sorry for your dog, if you have that little respect for the life of an animal...

Virginia was first colonized in the 16th century and your blanket evaluation of stupid really posits nothing. i love how you classify people that participate in acts you dont as the lower portion of society. the arrogance of the average american is astounding.

And you still dont understand my position at all. im not for dogfighting. im against trying to assert my cultural values on someone else.

im not going to get into this line by line debate again as it bores me and really avoids what the salient issues are.

One question though: do you think trophy hunting should be illegal?
CanadianCowboysFan;1591415 said:
Sometimes I wonder if I post on a football board with fellow fans or the 12 disciples. Damn, you people are too good for Jesus of Nazareth. You should be saving him not the other way around.

I guess I am just the heathen northerner, sigh

I only wish I was half the man of Jesus but that is me.
I just want to raise someone from the dead.

"Originally Posted by Hoov
Im like a modern day jesus, except i like to catch a buzz and have sex, guess i should have grown up with the hippie generation."

I saw the DaVinci code and that said Jesus Ben Joseph had sex with Mary Magdalene, so maybe you are the modern day Jesus? :cool:
FuzzyLumpkins;1591721 said:
And you still dont understand my position at all. im not for dogfighting. im against trying to assert my cultural values on someone else.

None of us are asserting our cultural values on anybody... dog fighting is ILLEGAL, so it's the GOVERNMENT asserting its cultural values... all I'm doing is expressing my OPINION on the subject...

One question though: do you think trophy hunting should be illegal?

Probably... killing an animal just so you can put its head on your wall seems quite barbaric to me... of course, that question is quite irrelevant to anything being discussed here, and is in fact an attempt at deflection from the REAL issues...

Of course, when you ask that question, you most assuredly ARE trying to assert your cultural values on us, no matter how often you try to protest that you're not...
5Stars;1591331 said:
Everyone is agreeing with you! Why can't you see that?


silverbear;1591762 said:
None of us are asserting our cultural values on anybody... dog fighting is ILLEGAL, so it's the GOVERNMENT asserting its cultural values... all I'm doing is expressing my OPINION on the subject...

I must disagree, my friend. Laws are a society's assertation of its mores and values..the government, in a representative democracy at least, reflects the will of the majority of the people. Laws are written and stand because we believe in the cultural values they express.

Of course, not everyone agrees with every law..but in general, we get what we want, and in most if not all states, we apparently do not want dog fighting.

Sorry to nit pick, but like the bizarre cliche "you can't legislate morality" (and what are laws if not the legislation of morality as defined by any culture?) the notion that it is the government arbitarily imposing cultural values on us is pretty cart-before-horseish. I agree that the cultural values laws most often, if not always reflect are that of the "mainsteam", and in this dog-fighting case are most certainly based on middle class mores, but that is the perogative of majority rule.
5Stars;1591683 said:
Go away, pansy...go get your dress on and find a real woman!

you keep flirting with me and i may just have to look you up :)
LaTunaNostra;1592535 said:
I must disagree, my friend. Laws are a society's assertation of its mores and values..the government, in a representative democracy at least, reflects the will of the majority of the people. Laws are written and stand because we believe in the cultural values they express.

Of course, not everyone agrees with every law..but in general, we get what we want, and in most if not all states, we apparently do not want dog fighting.

Sorry to nit pick, but like the bizarre cliche "you can't legislate morality" (and what are laws if not the legislation of morality as defined by any culture?) the notion that it is the government arbitarily imposing cultural values on us is pretty cart-before-horseish. I agree that the cultural values laws most often, if not always reflect are that of the "mainsteam", and in this dog-fighting case are most certainly based on middle class mores, but that is the perogative of majority rule.

Your nitpicking is quite welcome, in this instance... I guess I meant that the government is expressing the cultural values of the society it represents...
Most of the time current law reflects the will of the majority of people. There are of course exceptions but that is usually the case. It seems VERY clear that the VAST majority of people in this country right now hate the very idea of dog fighting. And have no problem throwing in jail anyone involved. So anyone bleating about the law really has no case at all.

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