RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

LaTunaNostra;1592535 said:
I must disagree, my friend. Laws are a society's assertation of its mores and values..the government, in a representative democracy at least, reflects the will of the majority of the people. Laws are written and stand because we believe in the cultural values they express.

Of course, not everyone agrees with every law..but in general, we get what we want, and in most if not all states, we apparently do not want dog fighting.

Sorry to nit pick, but like the bizarre cliche "you can't legislate morality" (and what are laws if not the legislation of morality as defined by any culture?) the notion that it is the government arbitarily imposing cultural values on us is pretty cart-before-horseish. I agree that the cultural values laws most often, if not always reflect are that of the "mainsteam", and in this dog-fighting case are most certainly based on middle class mores, but that is the perogative of majority rule.
Good post... Fuzzy won't like it though.
peplaw06;1593240 said:
Good post... Fuzzy won't like it though.

no, he'll hate it. it's a lot of what i told him last time around and around on this. he didn't like it, so it wasn't true, or something like that.

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