RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".
Actually the last auto accident I was in, the first words out of my mouth to the police officer were: "you should be aware that I don't have my license on me". As it turns out, the woman that hit me ran an unprotected turn and totalled my car. After talking to both sides, she wound up at fault. All he said about the license was "thanks for being honest".

Just because you tend to the line of least resistance, don't assume that the rest of the species always behaves that way.:rolleyes:
CanadianCowboysFan;1591399 said:
I don't advocate anything. However to say crime doesn't pay is bs because if it didn't, no one would be a criminal.

I don't have the character to commit crime, it isn't in me, but I can understand why someone would. As Dr. No said, the criminal mind is always smarter, it has to be.

Yeah, that makes sense! That is why all these "smart criminals" by the thousand and thousand are locked up while all of us stupid bastids pay for their years in prison.

Got it, thanks for the lesson!

zeromaster;1591404 said:
Just because you tend to the line of least resistance, don't assume that the rest of the species always behaves that way.:rolleyes:

I've found 'fessing up is the best strategy as well.

I haven't gotten stopped often in my life because I try to keep my speeding to just a few miles over, but a few years back I was stopped by a police officer and when he asked me "do you know what you did, ma'am?", I answered "sure, I was over the city limit of 25 mph, went thru a red light, passed a car on the right while doing it, and I am not wearing a seat belt".

He didn't write me a ticket.
5Stars;1591406 said:
Yeah, that makes sense! That is why all these "smart criminals" by the thousand and thousand are locked up while all of us stupid bastids pay for their years in prison.

Got it, thanks for the lesson!


Hey you are the one paying for them while they get satellite tv, food, clothing etc.
zeromaster;1591404 said:
Actually the last auto accident I was in, the first words out of my mouth to the police officer were: "you should be aware that I don't have my license on me". As it turns out, the woman that hit me ran an unprotected turn and totalled my car. After talking to both sides, she wound up at fault. All he said about the license was "thanks for being honest".

Just because you tend to the line of least resistance, don't assume that the rest of the species always behaves that way.:rolleyes:

This is one thing but what do you say when the cop asks "how fast do you think you were going?"
Sometimes I wonder if I post on a football board with fellow fans or the 12 disciples. Damn, you people are too good for Jesus of Nazareth. You should be saving him not the other way around.

I guess I am just the heathen northerner, sigh
CanadianCowboysFan;1591411 said:
Hey you are the one paying for them while they get satellite tv, food, clothing etc.

And I'm also the one that gets to come and go as I please...

I can go to Hooters tonight for some glands, I mean chicken wings. Can a man in prison do that?

CanadianCowboysFan;1591415 said:
Sometimes I wonder if I post on a football board with fellow fans or the 12 disciples. Damn, you people are too good for Jesus of Nazareth. You should be saving him not the other way around.

I guess I am just the heathen northerner, sigh


No, we're just better at strategy.
Heck, just breaking the speed limit makes you a criminal, since you've committed a crime, you just didn't get caught.

Carry on...
CanadianCowboysFan;1591423 said:
Actually, it's just a motor vehicle offence, not a crime.


Yeah, just a motor vehicle offence that YOU will make Canada pay a few thousand to prove you wrong so you can save a few bucks?

You don't represent your country very well...
Either way you broke the law. Which is a crime. Which makes you a criminal.

It all works with physics.
superpunk;1591428 said:
Either way you broke the law. Which is a crime. Which makes you a criminal.

It all works with physics.

Wrong, as usual...

It's what makes the world go around.

(stupid cowboy fans)

CanadianCowboysFan;1591254 said:
Good for you. Do you walk on water as well?

You are the perfect example of the internet indignant holier than thou type.

How revealing, that you consider simple honesty to be somehow saintly...

I guess you don't understand there is nothing wrong with forcing the prosecution to prove its case. To me that is the whole basis of our system. There is nothing wrong with pleading not guilty because all you are saying is that you want the state/province whatever to prove you did it. I am not saying you go up and lie on the witness stand, that is wrong but pleading not guilty is not lieing.

It's all part of the game.

And here I thought it was about truth and justice... you did something wrong, now you want to get away with it, so you "play the game"...

Here's a novel thought-- how 'bout you NOT BREAK THE LAW, so that you don't have to go to court in the first place?? And if you do, instead of contributing to the incredible backlog of cases in courts these days, how 'bout you 'fess up, you know, do the right thing??

Like I said, it's funny, you find "rats" dishonorable, yet think it's somehow honorable to clog up a court's docket when you know you're guilty...

Bluntly, your value system is out of whack, son...
CanadianCowboysFan;1591264 said:
Well I would assume Silverbear and others do because they never lie, they weren't raised that way.

Naw, I'm single, I can look all I want...

Nice to know that I've gotten you so mind-screwed in such a short time, though... will you be looking for Bears in your closet before you go to bed tonight?? :D
FuzzyLumpkins;1591312 said:
i souldnt put it past some people that are frenzy mode to scoff at the idea of Vick getting that for 'what hes done.'

It really seems no punishment is sufficient for some folks.

Hey, I loathe Vick as much as anybody, but a year or two in jail, followed by a year or two suspension from the NFL, seems to be a pretty stiff and adequate punishment for his crimes, given that he's gonna lose a whole pisspot full of money in the process...

He'll suffer, and he'll hurt, and that's good enough for me...
Hostile;1591339 said:
That's what I'm trying to tell him and he won't listen. He's so far gone on this Vick/animal cruelty nonsense that he can't see what is right in front of him.

He also can't understand that just because Little "got away with murder", that doesn't make it wrong that Vick is about to be punished for HIS crimes...

There is simply no cause and effect there... yes, Little should have been put away for a long time, especially after he was convicted of DUI AFTER he killed that poor woman... but no, that does not mean it's wrong for Michael Vick to be looking at jail time for HIS crimes...
CanadianCowboysFan;1591387 said:
It would be very unfair to give Vick less time than Charlie because to paraphrase Charlie, "he didn't kill nobody, he thinks it and it happens".
Charlie didn't kill anyone in the Tate - LaBianca murders for which he was sentenced to Death converted to Life. However, he did kill Shorty Shea and there were rumors of others as well.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591352 said:
i dont think he should be punished at all.

Now, we get to the truth...

And now, we know that you're not to be taken seriously...
Vick if 1 year or less jail time is getting off scott free. What he did and was part of was heinous.

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